Gone to AWA…

As the final post of a marathon of blogging, I just wanted to inform everyone that I’m going to be at Anime Weekend Atlanta tomorrow and Saturday (well, it’s already tomorrow). I had a blast there last year and am very much looking forward to going again this year. Getting to see the cosplay contest alone makes admission worth it.
What does this mean for blogging? Tomorrow’s Zettai Shounen will probably be really late (not that too many of you care). You can still expect a Gundam SEED Destiny post on Saturday morning, though it might be a tad rushed. DCSS will not be done until very late Saturday night (if not Sunday), and odds are someone else will have to provide the raw this week (I can’t believe I’ve managed to do it for the past 12 weeks).


Short Summary:
Sia’s father learns that Sia and Rin’s relationship is progressing very well. He decides that they are getting married, and starts to go around town making preparations, dragging Primula with him.

Suzuka – 12

Quickie Summary:
Honoka, who knows that Yamato likes Suzuka, can’t help but wonder what their relationship is. She finds it hard to spend time with him because different people keep coming between them.

Live Action Series News

  • Manga Jouhou is reporting that “Boku wa Imouto ni Koi o Suru will be adapted into a live action drama. Right now they are auditioning for misc. characters.”
    I watched the OVA a while back (even blogged it), and I’ve read some of the manga, but I had no idea the series was that popular. When this drama comes out, I’ll definitely be watching it out of morbid curiosity on how they handle the siscon issues in a live action setting.
  • They are also linking an article that says that there will be a Densha Otoko drama side story, featuring “Guitar Otoko.” It will air on October 6th under the tentative title “Densha Otoko・Another Story“. That’s two weeks after the final episode this week. It’ll feature Matsunaga Yusaku (he’s one of Tsuyoshi’s otaku friends), played by Gekidan Hitori, as the protagonist. You can count on me watching this too…