Umineko no Naku Koro ni – 19

「VI-I end game」

The playing field has been wiped clean, the pieces reset. After Beatrice’s conniving attempt to win last time, it’s clear she shouldn’t be taken lightly. The stakes have been increased now that the vicious 12 year cycle is known, but Battler has Ange’s help for this fourth game. Beatrice also arrogantly grants him the use of the “blue truth”, which may just come back to bite her in the ass.

11eyes – 05

「友と明日のために barátoknak, holnapra」 (Tomo to Asu no Tame ni)
“For Friends and the Future”

After watching Kakeru run away for four episodes, I was starting to wonder when the poor guy will ever awaken his ability. He may have been hotheaded at first, but his frustration is justified at this point. Luckily that all changes now; Kakeru awakens, along with his Eye of Aeon.

Kimi ni Todoke – 05

「決意」 (Ketsui)

I just hate it when people are meandering over miscommunication and the angst that goes along with it, but I can really feel for the characters here. Yes, everything can be resolved if one person is able to break past their insecurities, but when no one can, you just want to get in there and do it yourself.

Sakakibara Yui – Nyanderful! PV (Nyan Koi! OP)


I’ve been on the lookout for this PV for the past two weeks — basically ever since the single was released (09-10-21). After seeing Sakakibara Yui with nekomimi on the CD cover, I just knew it was going to be some crazy cute & sexy overload and I was not wrong in believing so! Yui is no stranger to cosplaying, plus she’s ridiculously cute to boot, so her PVs are usually ones to look forward to. I know the same can’t be said about a lot of Japanese PVs, but Yui’s all about choreographed dancing and even baring her midriff at times. She’s definitely got the physique for it. While she doesn’t show any midriff here at the neko-maid diner, we are treated to an amazingly cute cat-like dance. Like seriously, OH, MY, GOD, cuteness explosion. She even winks and does pouty faces here and there to tease us. To spice things up, there’s a short dance intermission partway through, which is absolutely scandalous with the way she flicks her skirt… and tail! Ranka Lee Nyan Nyan CM, eat your heart out!

As for the song itself, I’m going to take a random stab and say it was written specifically for the anime. The title alone would make anyone think as such. In addition, the statue of Neko Jizou-sama appears in the PV, with its head falling off and everything. If you’re not familiar with Yui’s music, it has a unique, almost childish sound to them because of her singing voice. Surprisingly though, her natural speaking voice sounds absolutely nothing like it. It’s actually a lot lower than you’d imagine, in a kind of sexy sultry way. Pretty dangerous combination when she can do both cute and sexy impeccably if you ask me, but I’ve seen both and can confirm her “deadliness”. That said, I’ve been listening to the full version of this song for the past couple of weeks and just find it so god damn catchy. It totally reeks of cuteness, but when you picture Yui behind the voice, it somehow puts things into a different perspective. (i.e. Hot) Did I manage to get anyone to fall for her? Sakakibara Yui is Nyanderful-TASTIC!

P.S. For those who don’t know, she happens to be a seiyuu too. Probably one of the cutest ones out there.

Show Nyan Koi! OP 「にゃんだふる!」 by Sakakibara Yui ▼

ELISA – Dear My Friend -Mada Minu Mirai he- PV (To Aru Kagaku no Railgun ED1)


Also available ahead of its scheduled release (09-11-04) is ELISA‘s ending theme for Railgun. Compared to her previous single earlier this year, “Wonder Wind” (Hayate no Gotoku!! 2nd Season OP1), “Dear My Friend -Towards an Unseen Future-” didn’t take nearly as long to grow on me. Here, her voice sounds slightly lower during the verses, which I find is better in a way. While I’ve liked ELISA’s angelic-like voice since I first heard it in the ef series, it was never a really powerful sounding voice to me. It just never had the “fullness” of say, Mizuki Nana’s voice. Given ELISA’s softer voice, that may simply not be her style, but her singing during the verses (0:16-0:52, 1:36-2:13) already gave me the impression of a more powerful voice. I find it’s a lot less transparent and unassuming then, so I’d personally like to hear more songs like this one. It’s minor, but I somehow picked up on that during my endless repeats of this song. It could just be me though and the fact that I prefer the sound of the somewhat slower verses. (I’m no musician so yeah… -_-;) As for the PV itself, we have ELISA cycling by the beach in a summer dress. Not like we need anything more than that, but the bright sunny setting also suits the upbeat lyrics.

Show To Aru Kagaku no Railgun ED1 「Dear My Friend -まだ見ぬ未来へ-」 by ELISA ▼