
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199
17:00 MBS (4/7)
18:00 TX (4/8)
Sparrow`s Hotel
20:25 AT-X (4/9)
Gakkatsu! 2nd Season
19:55 NHK (4/3)
Hataraku Maou-sama!
22:00 MX (4/4)
19:00 NOTTV (3/1)
Danchi Tomoo
09:30 NHK (4/6)
Suisei no Gargantia
22:00 MX (4/7)
Hayate no Gotoku! Cuties
25:35 TX (4/8)
24:30 MX (4/9)
Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge
24:30 MX (4/3)
Ginga Kikoutai Majestic Prince
22:30 MX (4/4)
Aku no Hana
22:00 ANIMAX (4/5)
Pretty Rhythm: Rainbow Live
10:00 TX (4/6)
22:27 MX (4/7)
Arata Kangatari
26:05 TX (4/8)
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W
25:05 TX (4/9)
RDG: Red Data Girl
25:00 MX (4/3)
Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatteiru.
25:28 TBS (4/4)
Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride
22:30 AT-X (4/5)
Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko.
22:30 MX (4/13)
25:35 TX (4/7)
DD Hokuto no Ken
25:40 TX (4/2)
Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 2000%
26:05 Aichi (4/3)
Kakumeiki Valvrave
25:35 MBS (4/11)
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S
23:30 AT-X (4/12)
Zettai Bouei Leviathan
23:30 TX (4/6)
26:48 ABC (4/3)
Photo Kano
25:55 TBS (4/4)
Date A Live
25:30 MX (4/5)
Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai.
24:00 MX (4/6)
26:05 MBS (4/4)
Chihayafuru 2
25:53 NTV (1/11)
Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. Z
25:00 MBS (4/6)
Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san
25:15 MX (4/6)
Shingeki no Kyojin
25:15 MBS (4/6)
Legend: 2 2 0 2 2 Not covering
0 3 1 3 2 Kairi


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Weekly Shounen Jump
Weekly Shounen Magazine
Weekly Shounen Jump
One Piece
Weekly Shounen Jump
Legend: 1 1 2 Not covering

With the new season swiftly approaching, it’s time to let you all in on a little secret – our blogging plans! Here’s Random Curiosity’s Spring 2013 Blogging Schedule.

As always, this is a tentative overview of our plans for the new season. We’ll also be doing introductory posts on many of the shows we’re not covering, so if something catches our eyes, things will be shifted around to accommodate. The schedule will be updated to reflect any changes.

As you’ve probably noticed, there are a few changes this time around, the most obvious being that there are now two calendars. While we’ve always focused on anime here at RandomC, a few of our writers have been tirelessly slaving away to cover some of the best long-running manga series in Japan, and I think they deserve a little more recognition! From now on we’re going to include a manga calendar along with our usual anime one. Note that the schedule is done by release date in Japan, not when you can expect a post…it usually takes a while to get our hands on the latest issue, so expect the post a day or two later.

But wait, what’s this – who is this “NEW WRITER” fellow? That’s right – this season we’re bringing on a brand new writer for you all to terrorize enjoy! I’m not going to spoil too much since this this guy and/or gal’s introductory post will appear within the next few days, but I will say that I’m excited to have them join and help us cover some anime that may not have received it otherwise. They’re going to start off with at least two shows, as well as the long-awaited return of the ridiculously popular One Piece manga! Look forward to it, people.

Another thing you may have noticed is the big fat zero next to my name. Oh noes, does this mean Stilts is leaving!? No, not quite yet, though I will be dialing things back for a bit. The simple fact is that blogging at RandomC takes a lot of time, and I’ve been spending so much time here that I haven’t been dealing with other things in my life. So for the time being I’m going on hiatus from episodic posts. The good news is that I will not be disappearing completely – I’ll still be hosting our periodic podcasts, as well as bringing you some new editorials via my Stilts Out Loud column. As for when I’ll return to episodics…well, I won’t say, because I don’t like making promises I may not be able to keep. With that in mind, I’ll promise you one thing – I’m not disappearing quite yet. I love writing for you guys way too much to do that.

Other than that, it’s business as usual around here. We’re currently set to cover 15 shows and 5 manga series, though I wouldn’t be surprised if that first number grows a bit before all is said and done. We’ll keep cranking out posts, so I hope you will all keep coming back to read them. It’s time for another fun season of anime (and manga!) with Random Curiosity! Let’s all have a good one.

4/7: with Moomba & Stereoman’s departure, Uchuu Kyoudai, Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai (manga), and FAIRY TAIL (manga) have been dropped. Their other shows have been shifted to other writers – Zephyr will be dropping Date A Live to pick up Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S, while KARNEVAL will be picked up by Kairi
4/7: After a great first episode, Cherrie will be picking up Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge.
4/7: A new writer has appeared! More coming soon…
4/7: What a busy day! Seishun has decided to become the newcomer all-star and pick up Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride.
4/8: My, my. The surprises just keep coming — Takaii decided to pick up Nyaruko-San.
5/2: Seishun has officially picked up the FAIRY TAIL manga.


  1. I’m not going to spoil too much since this this guy and/or gal’s introductory post will appear within the next few days,

    I’m fairly certain it doesn’t work with ‘and’ in the ‘and/or’ – what kind of imagination do you have Stilts 😛

    Btw, BakaMochi isn’t covering anything either?

  2. Well, “NEW WRITER” is covering 2 of the 3 new mecha series, one of which is the one show I’ve been looking forward to the most this season, and I’d definitely wouldn’t want them to go uncovered.

  3. Didn’t Uchuu Kyoudai move to the prime time on saturday since it was unexpectedly doing well? I thought I heard something like that a little while ago.

      1. There is quite a lot of talk on these seasonal knife fights, haha. It should be a good season for blogging sci-fi/mecha, so I hope you have fun. Aw thanks, I’m seriously embarrassed. I’m not nearly good enough yet to be complimented by a RandomC writer; it’s like a dream to be able to write here someday. That being the case, I’m really happy to see someone new get a chance to do so. Ganbatte, Seishun-san! Tanoshimi ni shiteru ne! I’m looking forward to your work!

      2. Haha, that would indeed be the secret to getting any job. xD However, I don’t have the confidence to do so now. Perhaps after I’ve developed my skills some more, I’ll see if I can join you up there. In the meantime, I’ll be following your work. I love mecha, so you can bet I’ll be around. ;3

  4. Gonna miss Stilts episodic posts, but the editorials are great nonetheless and there haven’t been any for awhile now. Nice to have a new writer though. Early welcome to him/her from me I guess…:)

    1. C’mon guys, how can the newbie match up to that kind pf hype? You’re setting em up for disappointment!

      And Zani, you shouldn’t say things like that. I might write that post just to show you it can be done >:3

  5. RAGE!
    WHY IS XXX NOT COVERED?!?!!!!1111

    Chill lads, learn to read the fine print. Anyways I’m glad to see that MOST major shows (at least in my book) are being covered. Personally, I r sad that Aku no Hana gets left out (nice boat), and possibly Photo Kano and the ONLY ecchi offering of the season. Oh and Leviathan as well.

    Some picks analysis from me since I’m starting to see a trend in the picks (in no particular order:

    Ghost – Suisei+DAL+Kyojin = Sci-fi Fantasy (VVR, ZnT)
    New fellow – Valvrave+Ginga = Mecha (I know who you are, I will find you, and I will kill you)
    Zaniba – OreImo+Henneko = Romcom (Oreshura, Tonari)
    Taki – Oregairu = Romcom (Haganai)
    Cherrie – RDG = Sort of romance+something else (AW,R;N,KC)
    GE – Arata+Chihaya = “Hipster”
    Stereo, Moomba, Asobi – Railgun+Karneval+Devil= Mixture of Sci-fi and Fantasy

    In short, there’s a distinct “group” that does Rom+Com and the other that does Sci-Fi+Fantasy.

    Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I leave it up to you people to decide.

      1. Bait successful! But just sayin mostly..I have been noting what you people pick for quite awhile now. (Guehehehe >_>)

        That being said, a switch-a-roo once in awhile would be interesting 🙂

        PS: Have fun with Aku no Hana Cherrie, from what Zani said it should be disturbing.

  6. Alas, no Haiyore Nyaruko-san coverage again.

    And Stilts, now I know what you meant by not having a problem deciding your shows this season. How cryptic of you. T_T

    I actually picked the writers for some of the shows right surprisingly. I figured Zephyr would be on Shingeki and Gargantia, Moomba on Railgun, Zanibas on Henneko and Takaii on Oregairu (Come on, he just got done with Haganai). Stilts’ Hiatus and the new writer threw off alot of my picks though.

  7. I can not wait for Wednesday. New seasons for the shows i want to watch. I enjoy having days off where I do not have to watch a series without falling too behind. give me a day to catchup on other series i might have missed last season lol

    1. This is pretty much how I feel about most titles, though only because I’m a terrible decision maker and couldn’t for the life of me narrow the list down to less than ten, even during this rather lackluster Winter. I’m looking forward to finally getting around to 2199, but I’m not sure if it’s smart to place it on my schedule… This is why I need a half hour to decide what I want for lunch every day.

  8. I’m sad to see many shows from Fall/Winter go, but now I’m all excited for the Spring season! My list of potential shows this season is rather large and I’m glad most of my picks are being covered! As always, thank you so much for taking time out of your lives to cover these shows for us! And Stilts, don’t go too far! I’ll eagerly await more SOLs in the meantime! No one can blame you for taking time out for real life though so good luck with everything 🙂

    Can’t wait to see who this mysterious new writer is! Welcome to randomc and thanks in advance for your coverage!

  9. Shame a few of the shows I plan to watch are not planned for coverage, but RL has to factor in somewhere.

    @Stitls – sorry to see you go on sabbatical and hope that one season’s enough for you to catch up on what you need to do. If nothing else, you can always post a comments along with the rest of us as time permits.

    RE: podcasts, I for one would like to see a “post season wrap up” type. Nothing necessarily discussed in depth, but some quick thoughts on the season as a whole and any particular shows that stood out (good or bad).

    1. We’re going to do our season end / season beginning podcast here shortly. We would have liked to do it around now, but a lot of us are seeing family and whatnot for a certain holiday, so it’s getting delayed a bit. Look forward to it soon, though!

  10. Well, kinda surprised that Aku no Hana probably won’t get regular coverage, as well some SoL series (Yuyushiki, Aiura, etc). I always root for sweet, enjoyable surprise from SoL series like these. That works at least for last season’s GJ-bu, hope this will work for this season also…

    Kevin Yamagata
    1. Aiura is a five-minute show, so it gets placed down the queue. We have covered shorts before, but it’s the decision of the writer to pick it up rather it being assigned. Yuyushiki probably didn’t have enough info on it for anyone to make a decision on it, though we will have someone previewing it.

      Same with Aku no Hana, though for sure Cherrie is previewing it, and hopefully covering it so I can go “WTTFFFFFFFF” in the comments every single time. :3

      1. Fair enough. Yeah, I hope Cherrie will do the coverage for Aku no Hana, since I heard from many aniblogger said this series has big potential. Though having said that, I absolutely don’t know about the series and could barely resist to read the source material. Must resist, must resist…

        Kevin Yamagata
      2. I’ll just film my facial expressions every time I watch an episode o_O I think that says WTF better than any words can lol
        I have to resist reading the manga now =S I’m too anxious to see what the hype is all about…

  11. I’m not gonna lie, I have only been regularly following RandomC upon discovering Stilts, even when I visited the site from time to time ever since Omni was around.

    Please, please, PLEASE blog at least one show. Photo Kano, Hataraku Mao-sama, Aku no Hana, or even HnG: Cuties. I know you’re busy with RL, but just know that you have at least one fan who would be absolutely delighted to see you blog even one show.

    1. Thank you kindly! That really means a lot. There’s nothing a writer likes to hear more than someone telling him he ought to write more. Means I must be doing something right, occasionally : )

      Sadly, I’m still going to have to decline. Fear not though! I’ll still be doing editorials, so you can enjoy some of that good ‘ol Stilts writing on a variety of topics. Look forward to it!

  12. A new writer 🙂 That should be interesting ^^
    Slightly dissapointed that Aku no Hana and Photo Kano aren’t being covered but really happy that RDG is being blogged- I am looking forward to reading those posts 🙂

  13. it’s gonna be a bit sad to lose u stilts while u’re semi-pausing for a while. Hope it doesn’t go on too long and maybe u can review Monogatari series season 2 next season!!

  14. Noooo stilts you better come back soon to write!! Wait it’s not that I’ll miss you or anything!! Don’t misunderstand!
    Joking aside, this spring season looks pretty good, I’m excited 🙂 hoping that 2199 will be covered 😀
    Aaaand what do I see? New writer? I’m curious now :p

      1. Ok, that’s cool. Thanks for the headup.
        It’s just that a few other writes took the time to announce that their coverage will be delayed for such and such reasons, but BakaMochi didn’t, which left a few of us in the dark.
        Obviously, she’s active because she previewed a few shows for the Spring 2013 preview article… but it’s not like you guys are holding personal blogs on RC to keep us updated. You usually state your status at the end of your latest reviews.

      2. Following up to my comment: how about you guys add a comment section in your bio here at RC? Many of you don’t display your email addresses and only a few have web sites. It would be good to have a comment section directly on your bio so we could talk to you directly on RC. It would just be another message box for you guys, but it should be that hard to manage. I mean, how many posts haave each of you written and scrolled through up to this point? Surely one more wouldn’t be problematic.

      3. @ JiCi:
        We do plan to revamp the “About This Site” page soon. It won’t be an up-to-date page about where we are or what we’re doing, but it’ll give readers a better insight into each of the writers personally. It’s been on hold for a while but I’ll go badger Divine to get it up and running.

  15. I think there should be an honorable mention for the Japanese dub of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic in the schedule, even though it’s not technically anime. I mean, ponies are awesome, right guys? 😛

    1. I don’t think it was a “mistake”. Either the original blogger dropped it for personal reasons or lost of interest or dropped it because the fans’ feedbacks were too low or too negative…

      1. Kiiragi was routinely late to One Piece posts. You can’t be late to One Piece, or the discussion goes elsewhere. By the time RandomC posted One Piece, people had already discussed what they wanted on other venues. (animesuki, etc.)

    2. Now, I wouldn’t say it’s a mistake (travesty maybe :P). Like Enzo said, there was simply no one to pick up where Kiiragi left off. Aren’t you glad I’m here now :3

  16. Stilts, I’ve discovered this site thanks to your Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon coverage … oh, that brings back memories, and warm feelings…
    Since then, I’ve come to know and like all the other authors as well, all of you make this site a fantastic place for an anime fan like myself. Nonetheless, it’s a bit sad not being able to read Stilts posts on my favourite shows, but I think you are doing the right thing. This is still a hobby, a beautiful hobby we may say, but it should not take away all your time. So, good luck with whatever you will be doing, but be sure to keep in contact with us with your articles, I’d love to read more of them.

    I recall you were writing your own novel, I hope one day to be able to read it. Maybe now you could find the time to keep working on it. I don’t expect anything anytime soon, I just wanted to say, don’t throw that away. I think you have a talent as writer, although I’m not a native English speaker, I can tell the hard work behind what you write, how things are organized, developed, and expressed, that is not an amateur’s work.
    So, your path in life may not include actively writing books and novels, but if you like it, and being good at it as you are, keep going, even if you’ll finish just one single thing in all your life, it’ll be worth it.

    It’s been incredibly fun staying with you in your anime coverage posts. Let’s hope it will happen again, even if it would be occasional.
    Time to go, I have written too much, I should have really said just one thing: thank you.

    Yours truly,
    an anime companion

    1. Awww, thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind words. It’s comments like yours that make it all worth it, and keep us going through the slog.

      Oh, and as for my novel…no, I have not given up on it yet. In fact, I hope to get back to finishing the rewrites / first edits after I take care of a few other things. I can’t say it’ll be soon – in fact, it definitely won’t be – but I won’t stop until I finish. I’m far too stubborn for that!

      P.S. After all those Sakurasou posts, I’m not used to being the one getting the encouragement! Ufufu…this isn’t so bad either 😉

  17. I’m glad Attack on Titan is getting covered. I was going to watch it all along but I’m still interested in knowing the opinions of others. 🙂

    Also a small request to maybe consider?

    The team has been doing a great job covering tons of shows since Divine’s decreased involvement (keep up the great work!) but I think it would be wonderful if someone could continue to cover sequels, prequels, remakes and OVAs/Movies of past franchises Divine reviewed or franchises other reviewers (who no longer write for randomc) once reviewed.

    e.g. Someone is covering Railgun S (great!)

    But nobody is covering Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride… I still plan to watch this but I thought I should mention this request for other franchises that might have more seasons in the future

    I know not everybody has the same tastes as Divine or those other reviewers, but it would be a bit of a let down to have certain franchises they did a great job covering so far to suddenly die off.

    Should I be worried nobody will review the following? (when released in the future)

    *Freezing Vibration (season 1 was one of my favorite series covered by Divine)

    *High School DxD New (is Stilts going to continue covering this franchise?)

    *High School of the Dead season 2 (manga finally publishing again so the anime will probably continue at some point; is someone going to pick up where Kiiragi left off when that happens?)

    *Ao no Exorcist Movie (is Guardian Enzo going to review this when it’s fansubbed?)

    *Sekirei season 3 (if there is a new season someday; Divine did a great job covering seasons 1 & 2)

    1. Well, it’s a bit too soon to really say anything about potential coverage for future sequels eh. The only real thing I can say now is, we’ll see how things work out if/when those sequels come out. Apologies for this probably being not quite the answer you’re expecting, but it’s the best we can give out at this point.

      Though, for Ao no Exorcist the Movie, I would think that Enzo would definitely be intrigued in doing it (if I’m judging correctly from his final impressions on AoEx). If not, I’d consider covering it as well, as I did quite enjoy AoEx myself, though this would be dependent on available time and so forth.

      1. Traditionally the writer covering the series would cover the movie version so yeah, I would certainly plan on covering the AoEx film once it’s out. I wasn’t crazy about how the series ended – who was? – but the OVAs were quite good, and left a good taste in the mouth.

  18. Hmmm… Now that I re-read your article Stilts, I’ve been meaning to ask: how about you review shows USING podcasts? You know some people who take 5, 10 or 15 minutes to review an episode on YouTube? Yeah, how about doing that here?

    You watch a show, then you record your impression for a short podcast and upload it here. No need for pictures… unless you wish to have 3 screens as a preview. That way, you’re still blogging shows, but give us your review in what I think is a much easier and less time-consuming manner. (I could be wrong, though, my apologies if so)

    How does that sound?

    1. It’s an intriguing idea, but I’m really more of a writer than a talker. I like doing the podcasts because it’s just us sitting around and chatting, but doing a solo one would be tantamount to writing without being able to edit myself easily. Plus I’d either speak totally off the cuff or have to prepare what to say beforehand anyway.

      Still, it’s certainly a thought…

    2. I actually think recording a 3-5 mins impression video is probably faster than the time that I take to blog and screencap etc. But that’s only because I don’t mind talking… and I’m probably more personable talking than I am writing…
      But Stilts onii-chan should totally do it! I’d listen to you (or watch you o_o) lol and I think you have a nice smooth voice and are entertaining enough on your own ^^

  19. The only thing that affects me on this season’s schedule (besides the lack of Stilts) is how few 2-cour shows there are. I think it was only Railgun and Ginga kikotai blah blah with 24 episodes, everything else has like 13 episodes. And given how much source material a lot of these shows have could be disappointment.

    Still with a dozen shows to watch and read the blogs on, I don’t think I’ll be bored.

  20. Awe you guys aren’t coverings Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge I’m looking forward to it, it sounds interesting to say the least. This should be fun I just found this blog today so it should be interesting to get reviews of the same anime by different people on different blogs 😀

    1. agreed, double coverage of high School DxD and Monogatari series s2 will be awesome to make up for this terrible surprise

      still waiting on the new podcast!!! (i heard there would be a new one in anticipation for the new season, amirite?)

  21. Stilts taking a break from episodic reviews?New writer?I SEE!So THAT’s how it is!

    This must all be part of a grand scheme orchestrated by Stilts with the help of his acomplice.
    He seeks to cover all the animes and someday maybe even rule the world!You must’ve been probably planning this for a long time and now you’re entering the final phase of your plan.As such,you need some time away from THE BEST ANIME BLOG EVER due to it having some of the best writers that could mess up your plan,especially when you’re so close to completing it.That being said,you also need to keep track of them so you arranged for your acomplice to infiltrate RandomC as a writer and keep you up to date on all the events here.

    Then when you’re all set,you will be able to control every other writer here by replacing their minds with your own;thus you’d be indirectly blogging all the shows through them.Eventually you will seek to control every anime blogger out there and thus have an entire army of Stilts clones that’ll let you have complete dominance over any possible reviews and anime could have – anywhere,anytime.

    And then…when all is said & done….you’ll probably be sitting in your high throne,glass of red wine in your hand,taking a sip then putting it down,crossing your fingers and say with a big grin: “Just as planned.”

    Did I get it right?

  22. Ooh uhh…not sure if you’d care enough to edit it in, but Danball Senki Wars will be one of the first anime to air in the spring season. It’s about a school that trains child soldiers to fend off future terrorist attacks with tiny robots. Yeah. You guys don’t normally include kids shows but this airs during prime time so.

    Ahh Shingeki no Kyojin and Gargantia airing within 24 hours of each other… 8Ia

  23. >not covering Hyakka Ryouran

    Meh, I can live with that.

    >not covering Nyaruko

    STILTS! D:

    >Zephyr covering Date A Live

    Incoming shitstorm! I dunno how he feels with a harem anime, but considering how he posted with the other anime before, he might as well say that the series is shit and be done with it. I saw the pre-air and they will definitely try to cram 1 volume in 3 episodes each, which doesn’t sit well with most LN readers, and definitely not with anime-only watchers. So if Zephyr is one of both, the results will be obvious.

    The Moondoggie
    1. Errr, I’m admittedly having trouble comprehending your hate/statement here.

      What show are you talking about exactly? Because there hasn’t been a single time where I ever called any of the series I’ve covered “shit,” or blatantly hated on one either. Hagure Yuusha was the only one I remotely had anything negative to say about, but even then, that was because the animated version had its share of flaws (don’t take my word for it, many other viewers noted them as well). In addition, despite the presence of these flaws, you’ll note that I stuck with the series regardless, and continued to give it objective coverage throughout—coverage that viewers notably responded positively about.

      Combine that with the fact that you’re pointing to only one of about ten series I’ve covered full time so far, the fact I don’t have any antagonism toward harem series in general, and the fact that I have a tendency to like series many people don’t, and err… I’m kind of pulling a ??? at the accusations/assumptions you’re putting on me here.

      And also, with your…

      I saw the pre-air and they will definitely try to cram 1 volume in 3 episodes each, which doesn’t sit well with most LN readers, and definitely not with anime-only watchers.

      …aren’t… you kind of calling the adaptation shit, already… yourself…? Is that supposed to help me get a more positive initial impression…?

      Because I mean, I was admittedly pretty excited about Date A Live (I still am), but after the points you made and the assumptions you’ve put in terms of what you expect me to feel about it, I’m not really feeling as optimistic about it as I did before.

      Also, >Assumptions

      1. No, no. I feel like I made the right assumptions here since a lot of people in the blog have problems with rushed adaptations and harem anime(note:SAO and Campione.)

        Anyway, it’s just assumptions, as you pointed out. At least you, and the people who saw this post, have been warned.

      2. P.S. Given the history of LN-based anime here in the blog and how awful it was all received and trolled hard I didn’t expect anyone here will blog Date-A-Live actually.

  24. Not covering Hyakka Ryouran?

    What?!? This is an outrage! Someone drag Divine out of retirement and get him to blog.

    But seriously, it’s too bad that it’s not getting covered here since, aside from the interesting animation style, I found it funny and extremely entertaining as compared to some of the more recent action boobie/exploding clothes shows.

    Though I’ll probably do the my usual “watch the first episode and go from there” with most of these shows.

    1. I’ve been trying for the past 3 seasons ='( He’s quite difficult to tie down these days… maybe I’ll make him watch Aku no Hana with me >=)

      You can send an email to him yourself and request him back =) I’m sure he’d pick up a ton of shows that aren’t being blogged currently.

  25. Please be punctual on One Piece! When it was previously covered the posts were late by up to a week, compared to Bleach or Naruto, and so there was little interest for discussion.

    Also I’m really disappointed RandomC never covered JoJo, one of the best series airing right now. Please cover Stardust Crusaders anime when it’s eventually airing. (No doubt that JoJo’s insane sales will bring about the next season)

    1. “Note that the schedule is done by release date in Japan, not when you can expect a post…it usually takes a while to get our hands on the latest issue, so expect the post a day or two later.” 😀

  26. After seeing the first episode of Maou-sama, I’m begging someone to blog it.

    This show greatly exceeded my expectations (and by “greatly exceeded”, I mean it utterly DESTROYED those lowly expectations).

  27. Hey everyone, please take not of the recent updates in the schedule. Hataraku Maou-sama, Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride, Haiyore Nyaruko-san W and Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge have been picked up. You’re welcome 😉

  28. It is a little bit scary how much I love RC and all the writers even though I have no idea who you all are in RL…but a huge thank you to all of you for blogging and sharing your time/efforts with the readers!

    Please don’t overwork yourselves though, I’m sure everyone wants you all to stay for the long run. :3

  29. Geez, somebody steps up and covers Uchuu Kyoudai already~~~. It’ll be another recap this week, but starting from 4/20, it’ll be back on. Why no one bothers to cover the one show that is worth talking about, given the subject matter, I have no idea. What a shame.

    1. Wait, I take that back. It looks like Uchuu Kyoudai has gone rogue on me and pumping these excessive recap specials. New one starting on 4/27 at the earliest. Gosh darn it. It may very well be “not until May” at this rate.

  30. I am surprised no one is covering Space Battleship Yamato 2199.

    It is too good a show to be this underrepresented in the English speaking world. I even recall someone last year saying they’d cover it once it came out on TV. Well? It is on TV now. You can corner that market.

    Seriously. It is probably the best executed science fiction/space opera in years. Don’t let the idea of it being a remake or having been in theaters since last year fool you. There are a lot of people that have not seen it yet because they don’t know about it and most major reviewer are passing it up as old news. It is not old news, and it is by far the best remake/reboot of any series ever made. Hollywood should take leasons from this show. It is not entirely the same as the original, but keeps enough of its spirit to be worthy of the show’s name.

    Also it is absolutely beautiful.


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