kurenai – 06

「貴方の頭上に光が輝くでしょう」 (Anata no Zujou ni Hikari ga Kagayaku Deshou)
“A Light Probably Shines Over Your Head”

After getting a request to volunteer for the town festival, Shinkurou finds himself participating in a musical play, thanks to Tamaki and Yamie. Flaunting her supposed experience, Yamie says that she’ll probably steal the lead role since she used to be in a children’s choir, much to the surprise of the other two.

Wagaya no Oinari-sama. – 05

「お稲荷さま。禁忌を侵す」 (Oinari-sama. Kinki wo Okasu)
“Oinari-sama. Commits a Taboo”

With Tooru sleeping on her tail, Kuugen notices a mark on the back of his neck. When Tooru wakes up, Kuugen asks if he would want her power — the power to obtain anything — but Tooru says he doesn’t really care for it, which reminds Kuugen of how Miyako once responded the same way.