Kuroko no Basuke 3 – 05
「オレは知らない」 (Ore wa Shiranai)
“I Know None Of That”
If you thought Kise’s powers to perfectly imitate any of the Generation of Miracles was ridiculous, Akashi’s Emperor Eye pushes that boundary to a whole new level.
「オレは知らない」 (Ore wa Shiranai)
“I Know None Of That”
If you thought Kise’s powers to perfectly imitate any of the Generation of Miracles was ridiculous, Akashi’s Emperor Eye pushes that boundary to a whole new level.
「もらっとくわ」 (Morattokuwa)
“I’ll Take This For Now”
And here I thought that we’d get to see Seirin finally play some basketball.
「ジャマすんじゃねーよ」 (Jayma Sunjyaneeyo)
“Don’t You Get In My Way”
While Seirin may be the masters at unleashing something amazing right as the clock hits zero, Kaijo did a fine job at putting up their best effort until the very end.
「オレのもんだ」 (Ore no Monda)
“This Is Mine”
After last week’s rather boring Winter Cup recap, this week’s episode manages to kick this new arc off to a great start.
「全力でやってるだけなんで」 (Zenryoku de Yatterdu Dakenande)
“I’m Just Going At Full Strength”
After a length hiatus (unless you’re like me and marathoned the past two seasons within a few weeks), Kuroko no Basuke makes it triumphant return.
「こんな所で会うとはな」 (Kon’na Tokorode Au To Hana)
“I’ve Never Thought We’d Meet Here”
Beautiful boys and their fervent passion for basketball – I love everything that KuroBasu embodies. A beauty-marked bishie and yet another player from the “Generation of Miracles” make their appearances – bring on the bromance, drama and badasseries!
「オレとおまえのバスケ」 (Ore to Omae no Basuke)
“Our Basketball”
All good things must come to an end, and Kuroko no Basuke is no different.
「カン違いしてんじゃねーよ」 (Kanchigaishiten Janei yo)
“Don’t Get the Wong Idea”
Well, if last episode was “heart-pounding”, what would this one be? I thoroughly enjoy it when shows vault over the standards they’ve set, and it’s episodes like these that really make the time I invest in it worth something.
「大人じゃねーよ!」 (Otona Janei yo!)
“I’m Not Mature!”
Wow. This episode. Aided by some stellar animation and a great soundtrack, the intensity of the epic match between Kise and Aomine brings is simply, off the charts.
「死んでも勝つっスけど」 (Shindemo Katsussu kedo)
“I’ll Win Even If It Kills Me”
And finally, the star attraction: Kaijou vs. Touou. Or Kise vs. Aomine.