Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi – 01

「クマなら、ここで終わってた」 (Kuma nara, Koko de Owatteta)
“If It Were a Bear, It’d Be Over”

Despite the generic feel feng’s (pronounced “fon”) latest adult romance simulation gave off, its anime adaptation turned out much better than anticipated due to the seemingly generic characters themselves. The disparity between my initial impression coming in and the one I left with was quite surprising, because my research into the premise along with the promo video had already given a very good idea of what I was in store for.

Seikon no Qwaser II – 01

「銀色の百合姫」 (Kiniro no Yurihime)
“Silver-haired Lily Princess”

Amazingly enough, the excessive censoring that Hoods Entertainment’s sequel has been subjected to is within reason, as we no longer have ludicrous camera zooming and completely off-screen panning that make it hard to discern what’s even going on. Instead, broadcasters have gone with the more typical (and bearable) bright white lights, a bit of cropping, and dramatic music to mask the girls’ moans of pleasure.

Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai II – 01

「一花繚乱」 (Ichi Hana Ryouran)
“Flower in Bloom”

After a season without Keima and Elsie to brighten up my week, I’m glad that this show still has all the things I love about it. Besides never taking itself too seriously, I’m glad that Keima seems to have reverted back to his otaku, 2d loving self. While I wouldn’t say it was a complete relapse, it felt nice to see him go crazy over his current predicament.

Kampfer fur die Liebe – 14

「Jeden Tag Leben ~ひさしぶりなのでけんぷファーのちょっといいとこ見てみたい~」 (Hisashiburi na no de Kenpufaa no Chotto Iitoko Mite Mitai)
“Everyday Life ~It’s Been A While; I Want To See Some Good Parts of Kampfer~”

Despite the “For Love” German subtitle, this two-episode sequel of Kampfer is a direct continuation of the first season. Unfortunately, we were shortchanged on the more relevant first episode (thirteenth overall) due to the earthquake scheduling delays, leaving us with only the fan-service-filled second one as part of the televised broadcast.

A-Channel – 01

「好き, An April Day」 (Suki)
“Love, An April Day”

A-Channel isn’t your average, run of the mill slice of life. It’s more of your real life situation, feelings of doubt and rejection; totally serious yet totally not serious at the same time, slice of life. I know that you readers were comparing A-Channel to Nichijou a while back, and I’m glad to see that A-Channel feels completely different in nearly every aspect — something which makes me happy.

Maria Holic Alive – 01

「禁断の女子寮」 (Kindan no Joshiryou)
“Forbidden Girl’s Dorm”

My favorite trap of 2009 Shindou Mariya (Kobayashi Yuu) makes his return to television airwaves right on schedule, suggesting that SHAFT may have “delayed” Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica to get Maria Holic’s sequel out on time. Whether or not that’s actually true is another matter, but I am quite impressed with how good Maria Holic Alive looks.

30-Sai no Hoken Taiiku – 01

「はじめての■■■」 (Hajimete no ■■■)
“First Time ■■■”

Using a short skit format in its roughly ten-minute-long episodes, “Health and Physical Education for 30 Year-Olds” appears to be more about the hijinks that come from love spirits pressuring virgins to have sex than the educational aspect. At least, that’s what I gather when Daigarou (Okiayu Ryoutarou) offered his butt to 30-year-old virgin Imagawa Hayao (Shimono Hiro) after the latter refused his help to lose his virginity the normal way.

Steins;Gate – 01

「始まりと終わりのプロローグ」 (Hajimari to Owari no Purorōgu)
“Prologue of the Beginning and End”

So who didn’t get this show? Yes, yes, I see a lot of.. nothing because I’m looking at a monitor, but I can guess most people with no previous knowledge of the story have really no concrete idea of what happened. Don’t worry, I’m in the same boat.