Important Announcements

This is sort of a state-of-the site post since there’s a lot I need to update everyone on:

  • This has been a pretty brutal four month period for me because I’ve been studying and helping teach a class as well as doing some work on the side and blogging. Hopefully things will get a little better as we start the new year, and I thank all of you out there for continuing to read Random Curiosity.
  • This past week was finals week, and with it done, I will be taking some time off from the site – approximately a week starting from next Tuesday – to visit to a family member who is ill. I will be away from the Internet, though I may try to find a way to get some access to blog the December 21st episode of Gundam 00 (no guarantees). Fortunately, Divine has kindly offered to cover some of the shows I’m blogging in my absence, and I’ll pick back up the week after. This includes CHAOS;HEAD which I know I’m behind on.
  • The end-of-the-year awards post and the preview for the Winter 2009 season are in the works. Those posts will be done sometime after Christmas and (hopefully) before New Years.
  • The reason there haven’t been any Daily Doses for a while now is because Sixthdawn disappeared on me in early November, and I haven’t seen him since. That means that the position is technically open right now, though I admit I’m very wary of adding any new bloggers right now because I’m happy with what Trillian and divine have been doing and don’t necessarily feel the need for anyone else. Still, if you’re really passionate about anime and the news related to it, you know how to reach me.
  • Artwork at left courtesy of もんもん on pixiv (account needed to access).