The Daily Dose

Hey everyone, a lot of events that have occurred recently left Random Curiosity in a pinch, well kinda ^^’. Divine was a great asset but unfortunately he has left for personal reasons, leaving Omni to once again man the fort on his own. Over the past few months I’ve noticed that the Daily Dose hasn’t made much of a presence like it used to. It was a convenience since it supplied information that everyone looked forward to reading and I felt it made Random Curiosity unique in its own way. I’ve recently contacted Omni and offered my help by doing the Daily Doses in his place. I’m looking forward to working with all of you.


  • New Anime Announcements:
    &#149Hetalia Axis Powers is getting animated.
    &#149Higurashi no Naku Koro no Rei (5-part OAV) will begin airing late December.
    &#149Kiss x Sis will be getting animated on DVD.
    &#149Bakemonogatari is getting animated.
    &#149Maria†Holic is getting animated.
    &#149Black God is getting animated.
    &#149A new season of Full Metal Alchemist has been confirmed.
    &#149Haruhi-chan, Churuya-san will be getting anime shorts.
    &#149Gonzo will be animating Dungeon & Fighter (Slap Up Party -Arad Senki-).
    &#149Hatsukoi Limited is getting animated.
    &#149Asakiyumemishi is getting animated and will premiere next January.
    &#149Minami-ke is getting a 3rd season.
    &#149Denpateki na Kanojo is getting animated.
    &#149Souten Kouro is getting animated.
    &#149Shangri-La is getting animated.
    &#149Zettai Yareru Greece Shinwa is getting animated.
    &#149Hajime no Ippo will be getting a new series January 2009.
    &#149Koi Hime†Musou is getting an OVA.
    &#149Sunrise‘s new upcoming series is Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo.
    &#149Spice and Wolf‘s second season has been confirmed.
    &#149Asura Cryin’ is getting animated.
    &#149Sengoku Basara is getting animated.
    &#149428 ~Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de~ is getting animated.
    &#149Street Fighter IV will be getting an anime adaption.
    &#149Project MP will be getting an anime adaption.
    &#149Kemono no Soja will be getting an anime adaption.
    &#149Before Green Gables will be getting adapted into an anime.
  • Kannagi artwork at left courtesy of 真琉樹 on pixiv (account needed to access).

    Much more accumulated news after the jump!