Special A – 08

「旅・犬」 (Tabi / Inu)
“Trip / Dog”

With the S.A class off to Hawaii, Kei is still visually upset (black aura and all) by what Hikari told him after the contest. When they arrive, they have some free time before dinner, Hikari, Akira, Tadashi, and the Yamamoto twins go off shopping, while Kei stays in his room, claiming that he’s not feeling well.

Wagaya no Oinari-sama. – 08

「お稲荷さま。探し物する」 (Oinari-sama. Sagashimono Suru)
“Oinari-sama. Searches for Something”

After running into Mubyou and listening to her explanation, Tooru agrees to help her search for the Sakasaen since she doesn’t seem like a bad person. Although he agreed, Tooru doesn’t quite know how he can help her, so Mubyou suggests asking the smart kitsune who’s at his house to help out and then introduces herself as the god from the next area.

kurenai – 08

「自愛と臆病と」 (Jiai to Okubyou to)
“Taking Care of Oneself and Cowardice”

While two Kuhouin men continue to observe the area around Shinkurou’s apartment, Renjou and Kazuko discuss the discovery of Murasaki living in Tokyo. As Renjou worries about what Murasaki is being exposed to, he asks Kazuko if she’s ever pitied the women of the Inner Sanctuary.

Allison & Lillia – 08

「王女様と英雄」 (Oujo-sama to Eiyuu)
“A Princess and a Hero”

Upon hearing Owen tell Benedict not to make matters worse in Ikstova, the crowd responds accordingly. However, Fiona offers proof that she’s the real princess by showing Owen and Warren the royal pendant she’s been carrying. While he’s shocked to see it, Owen refuses to recognize it as sufficient proof, telling the crowd that there’s no one who can verify it.