
You ever get completely out of your normal sleep cycle because you’ve spent one too many nights up late working? That’s where I’m at right now after having spent the past 3 straight days working on a paper. Ugh. In any case, it’s done and final exams are finally over, so I hopefully I can get quickly caught back up with all the stuff here that I’m behind on (and also return to my normal sleep cycle). On a side note, I found the above image on Danbooru and thought it was way too cute not to include here since I was already talking about sleep.

Special A – 04

「兄弟・先生」 (Kyoudai / Sensei)
“Siblings / Teacher”

Episode at a Glance:
At the request of Kei’s father, Hikari visits his house so that the two of them can talk about some pro wrestling. At the Takashima house, Hikari is surprised to find out that Kei has a younger brother named Sui, who is just in the process of chasing out his tutor.