FreezeFrame: What CODE GEASS Would Look Like If It Were Hollywood
FALSE SPOILER ALERT: Experts (me) speculate that somewhere around episode 137, Lelouch will mistakenly attempt to re-Geass Orange-kun, resulting in a prompt bullet to the head.
FALSE SPOILER ALERT: Experts (me) speculate that somewhere around episode 137, Lelouch will mistakenly attempt to re-Geass Orange-kun, resulting in a prompt bullet to the head.
With only 34 hours left, the girls have managed to get just 32% of the signatures.
With Nerine having come to terms with her feelings for Rin, she tells Sia that it’s now her turn.
My friend Patrik pointed me to this, and it was just too good to not talk about.
After having seen Ken on the street, Tsukasa chases his old friend until he corners Ken underneath a highway.
After a car ride through which everyone is sang their own song to themselves and in the process annoyed Chiaki, the group finally arrives at the Nina Lutz music festival.
Having taken over the Fukuoka base in Kyuushuu, Sawasaki Atsushi of the old Japanese government – who had fled to the Chinese Federation – now declares the revival of Japan.
Lying in the snow, Yuuichi sees a bright light approach, but it turns out to be just the headlights of a car.
Anya had been all alone in London when she had learned about how well Negi was doing, and refusing to lose to him, she had snuck her way to the Star Crystal.