Area no Kishi – 03

「兄の鼓動」 (Ani no Kodou)
“A Brother’s Pulse”

Events continue to barrel along at a breakneck pace, but my suspicion is now that “that” has happened, things are going to slow down quite a bit – and we’re going to find out just how good a series Area no Kishi is. Or isn’t.

Guilty Crown – 13

「学園 isolation」 (Gakuen)

After the conclusion of “Guilty Crown season one” last week, I’m admittedly torn over the direction of this continuation. The new opening sequence foreshadows a much darker and gloomier tone with Shuu manning up in Gai’s absence, but the episode itself switches back to the school life side of things with a culture festival during a quarantine lockdown.

Amagami SS+ plus – 03

「桜井梨穂子 前編 ユウグレ」 (Sakurai Rihoko Zenpen — Yuugure)
“Sakurai Rihoko, First Chapter — Evening”

I don’t approve of an overly perverted Junichi taking advantage of younger girls like we saw in Sae’s chapter, but when it comes to Rihoko, I have to concede that the hornier he is the better. That is, if she has any hope of getting out of the dreaded friend zone.

Ano Natsu de Matteru – 02

「先輩といっしょ…」 (Senpai to Issho…)
“Together with Sempai…”

Judging from her performances in Rinne no Lagrange and Ano Natsu de Matteru this season, Ishihara Kaori will be a seiyuu to watch for in 2012. Here, she’s already provided me with oodles of jealous goodness care of Kanna, and held absolutely nothing back either when some good ‘ol underage drinking came into play.