My Way or the Anime – All Good Stories Must Come to an End
Not the post we deserve, but the one we need. |
I write this after having finally seen The Dark Knight Rises, over a month and a half after its release. Yeah, I’m weird like that. Yet, as good stories are apt to do, it has put me in a writing mood, so it’s time to get these thoughts down before they melt away. This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for some time, and I’ve saved its release until the end of this season because that’s the only time it could come out. This is a time of endings, along with a few not-so-endings, and that’s exactly what I want to talk about. Here is my not-so-controversial (but frequently ignored) thesis:
All good stories must come to an end.
Though this is a post about endings, there are surprisingly few spoilers ahead. More after the jump.