Shichisei no Subaru – 07
「剣を求めて」 (Tsurugi o motomete)
“Seeking the Sword”
If you’re Satsuki you can never have enough cake.
「剣を求めて」 (Tsurugi o motomete)
“Seeking the Sword”
If you’re Satsuki you can never have enough cake.
「死出への誘い」 (Shide~e no Sasoi)
“Invitation to Death”
There are some dungeons you do not want to explore.
「信頼」 (Shinrai)
Who needs Mikasa when you can have Hange’s fists of fury?
「獅竜、共闘」 (Shi Ryuu, Kyoutou)
“The Lion and the Dragon Unite”
Saving the princess, one castle at a time.
「渦巻く陰謀 獅竜 、共闘」 (Uzumaku inbou)
“Swirling Conspiracy”
Because kidnapping the girl could never possibly go wrong.
「東の巨人、西の魔蛇」 (Higashi no Kyojin, Nishi no Majuu)
“Giant of the East, Demon Snake of the West”
Now with double the number of glowing red eyes.
「不協和音」 (Fukyoowaon)
Cake and pasta, truly the most unlikely of friends.