Tsuritama – 01

「テンパってフィッシング」 (Tenpatte Fisshingu)
“Panicked Fishing”

I didn’t know what I was getting into with Tsuritama. Even after spending time with the first episode, I honestly still can’t tell you what the show is about. What I can confidently say though, is that it’s the most refreshing show I’ve seen coming out of the last few seasons’ worth of anime.

Acchi Kocchi – 01

「あっち⇔こっち」 (Acchi Kocchi)
“That Way⇔This Way”

After reluctantly picking up Acchi Kocchi after losing a few of my other picks for the season, I’m still amazed at how angry I would have been had I not covered this show. While the preview might have bashed on the show, I absolutely loved the first episode of this quirky slice-of-life.