Darker than BLACK 2 – CM2


A new commercial for Darker than BLACK: Ryuusei no Gemini aired with this week’s episode of Basquash. This one revealed that the new girl is named Suou and that the initial setting will be Vladivostok, Russia, but I didn’t see anything in it that wasn’t already shown in the longer promo video that’s available on the official site. Assuming they go with a normal promotion strategy, there’s probably two more commercials in store before the premiere of the show, at least one of which will feature the new OP or ED. I’m hoping one of them will be a Rie fu song.

Loose Odds and Ends

  • As a reminder, there are no new episodes of Basquash or Fullmetal Alchemist this week because of the 12th IAAF World Championships in Athletics. A new episode of Bakemonogatari, however, will be airing later today.
  • Speaking of Basquash, I really like the full version of the current ending song and have been listening to the newly released single all week. In contrast, I still don’t like the current Haruhi opening song and laughed when I saw how ridiculous the PV of it was. It certainly doesn’t make me think any better of Hirano Aya.
  • As much as I wanted to blog it because it’s a good series, I really can’t find the time for Sora no Manimani. School recently started again, and my final year of grad school is going to be a doozy. I would still recommend the show though (Jaalin likes it even more than I do).
  • A few people have asked me about my thoughts for the upcoming fall season, and while I haven’t done any significant research on it, my first impression was that it’s even more full of sequels than usual. There’s something like nine or ten of them out of less than thirty new shows, and it’s a shame there aren’t more completely original series. Regardless, I suspect I’ll definitely be watching Darker than BLACK, InuYasha, Railgun, and Kimi ni Todoke.
  • Darker than BLACK 2 – CM


    There was a Darker than BLACK 2 – officially titled Darker than BLACK: Ryuusei no Gemini – commercial that aired with today’s episode of Basquash. As you can see above, it starts with a quick montage of stuff that happened in the final episode of the first series, including Hei’s line about how there is no longer any man named Li. Then comes the interesting part of the commercial, the much wilder looking Hei. It’s not a lot to go on (there are magazine spoilers that reveal more), but it’s exciting to me all the same, and I’m looking forward to the series. The fact that the commercial aired during Basquash today means that it’ll most likely be taking over that MBS timeslot come October, the same Thursday timeslot that the first series had.

    Seiyuu: GA – Geijutsuka Art Design Class


    Chances are you’ve already spoiled yourself by reading Omni’s preview, or visited the official website and seen what a stunning cast this show has. I, however, had not done so prior to watching the episode. Above is a clip of the show’s intro, and these were my reactions:

       “Hey, it’s Noto Mamiko!”
       “No, wait, it must be Hayami Saori.”
       “I am so sure now, cos I watched Eden a few days ago.”

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