Random Musings – Neo Romeo And Juliet Edition

A few news items and updates – which you may or may not have already heard about – on this tenth day of December.

  • Neo Verona… A winged horse… An armored Juliet fighting with a sword… Well, this is a lot different from the Romeo and Juliet I remember reading years ago in junior high. For those of you who haven’t heard, GONZO is going to be animating a version of Shakespeare’s work and is calling it RomeoXJuliet. They still credit Shakespeare for the original story, but this really couldn’t be more different. GONZO’s version is about Romeo as the son of the oppressive Montague dictator and Juliet as the daughter in the Capulet family who rebels against them, all set in an aerial city. It would seem that they’re really only keeping the names and the basic star-crossed lovers concept the same. The reason I’m mentioning this now is because the official site now features a trailer for the show, and it really made me sit up and pay attention. I assume the tragic ending will still be kept intact, but that doesn’t mean that this won’t still be interesting to watch because of all the changes. RomeoXJuliet is set to air April of next year.
  • The official GEASS site and blog have announced that Jinn (of Blood+ OP4) fame will be handling the upcoming second OP and SunSet Swish (of Bleach ED6) fame will be performing the second ED. I’m a bit uncomfortable with Jinn because OP4 was my least favorite out of all the Blood+ songs, but I have high hopes for SunSet Swish.
  • The few of you who still watch Ayakashi Ayashi may have noticed that I didn’t blog yesterday’s episode (never mind last week). I’ve been fairly busy with finals and have an important one coming up Monday, so I decided to go ahead and do OtoBoku in the time I had to spare. Hopefully winter break will allow me some time to catch up.
  • AnimeBlogger needs Donations! Our network administrator Maestro has recently hit some hard times, so I’m once again asking for donations on his behalf to help keep these sites going. All donations would go directly towards our hosting bill, so there’s no danger of money being misused. Even a small bit will go a long way. More information can be found on Maestro’s own blog, which also explains alternate ways to donate if you don’t have a Paypal account through which to do so.
  • Random Musings – Kannazuki no Miko Redux Edition

  • Some of you may be curious why I asked “Have You Seen Kannazuki no Miko?” in the poll. The reason is because of Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora, aka. KnM II. Well, it may not be quite a sequel, but there’s a lot of familiar characters – Chikane is now Kaon, Himeko is now Himiko, and Oogami Souma is now Oogami Jin. And that’s in addition to the new cast (seen in image above). I’m very curious to see if they can pull off as impressive a first episode as KnM had; I still can’t watch the end of that episode without breaking out laughing. It’s just a shame that KOTOKO isn’t doing the OP and ED (at least not the OP, which is being handled by CooRie), though being reminded of this series means that I’ve been listening to agony quite a bit in the past week. I’m looking forward to seeing another mecha/yuri series of KnM caliber, and the promo trailer is quite promising (also on YouTube). Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora is tentatively set to air Fridays at 13:30 on AT-X starting January 5th, 2007.
  • SHUFFLE! MEMORIES got air-times announced today. Looks like the first airings will be Sundays at 24:00 on Chiba TV starting January 7th, 2007. This probably means that it won’t be R-15 anymore. On the plus side, it’ll be good to hear the old cast at it again. I’m still not entirely sure if this is going to be worth watching, but we’ll see when the time comes.
  • And finally, I hate finals week. Well, technically it’s weeks (plural) for me, but that just makes it worse. In any case, certain updates this week might be later than usual. I can’t say more than that because I personally don’t know for sure how my schedule will turn out.