Vinland Saga Season 2 – 16
「大義」 (Taigi)
If I’m honest, in terms of anime there’s pretty much Vinland and everything else.
「大義」 (Taigi)
If I’m honest, in terms of anime there’s pretty much Vinland and everything else.
「 紅い瞳のロンリーマスター」 (Akai Hitomi no Ronrii Masutaa)
“The Crimson-Eyed Lonely Master”
When it comes to obtaining EXPLOSION nothing is off limits
「⼀つ星さん フオーマルハウト」 (Hitotsu Boshisan -Fuoumaruhauto-)
“Fomalhaut -Piscis Austrinus-“
Man, there’s a serious number of good anime out there right now, that’s for sure.
「ピリピリ カツカツ」 (Piripiri Katsukatsu)
“Tingling and Scraping”
It’s good to take time out to stop and smell the roses.
「三百年以上前の刀」 (Sanbyakunen Ijou Mae no Katana)
“A Sword from Over 300 Years Ago”
Picked over by the worms, and weird fishes.
「弱さと強さ / 地獄と極楽」 (Yowasa to Tsuyosa / Jigoku to Gokuraku)
“Weakness and Strength / Hell and Paradise”
On the fence has never wrung truer.
「父と子と」 (Chichi to Ko to)
“Father and Child”
The punished hero makes his return
「僕は心の病」 (Boku wa Kokoro no Yamai)
“I Have a Problem”
“This is Pruiche!!!”
「エキゾーストノートを聞いて逝け」 (Exhaust Note o Kiite Ike)
“Pessimistic Overdrive”
The answer is Rob Zombie.