Live Action Series News

  • Manga Jouhou is reporting that “Boku wa Imouto ni Koi o Suru will be adapted into a live action drama. Right now they are auditioning for misc. characters.”
    I watched the OVA a while back (even blogged it), and I’ve read some of the manga, but I had no idea the series was that popular. When this drama comes out, I’ll definitely be watching it out of morbid curiosity on how they handle the siscon issues in a live action setting.
  • They are also linking an article that says that there will be a Densha Otoko drama side story, featuring “Guitar Otoko.” It will air on October 6th under the tentative title “Densha Otoko・Another Story“. That’s two weeks after the final episode this week. It’ll feature Matsunaga Yusaku (he’s one of Tsuyoshi’s otaku friends), played by Gekidan Hitori, as the protagonist. You can count on me watching this too…
  • Honey & Clover – 22 Insert Song

    Today’s insert song is Spitz’s 「月に帰る」 (Tsuki ni Kaeru), from all the way back in 1991 off of Spitz’s very first album self-titled 「スピッツ」. It’s hard to believe it’s been fourteen years since this song was released. And the music is still so good…
    As usual, it will be blogged when Solar or C1 puts out their sub. Until then, I leave you with this teaser and this one.