Show Spoiler for Naruto Chapter 473 ▼
…You bring out the swarm. Except in this case, that means his Raikage brother for some gang beats. Seeing as the last chapter left Bee at Kisame’s mercy, I’m a bit surprised how quickly the tides turned. It wasn’t like Raikage and co. hopped in right away either, as Bee managed to get a pencil attack off before hand. In any case, is it safe to assume that Kisame’s dead now? I mean he got decapitated and everything, but I’m still skeptical about any death in Naruto until I see either a funeral or some acknowledgment from comrades. Also, just so that there’s no misunderstanding on the technique Kisame was trying to pull off, it was a “Suiton Daikoudan” 「水遁大鮫弾」, which literally translates to “Water Technique, Huge Shark Bullet”. Judging by its name, it wasn’t any sort of replacement/escape technique.
The rest of the chapter with Ao surviving and Mizukage seeing through Fuu’s ability was fairly run-of-the-mill, but they ended on a decent cliffhanger with Sai approaching Naruto about Sakura’s confession. It’s been suggested to me that what Naruto doesn’t know is that permission to dispose of Sasuke as a missing ninja was given, however I double-checked this because I sort of recall him already knowing. Well it turns out he does, after hearing it from Kiba at the end of chapter 451. As such, the only thing that comes to mind at this point is that Sakura confessed because she’s concerned about Naruto putting himself in more danger for her sake. i.e. That it was a semi-guilt-driven confession. Are there any other possibilities that I’m overlooking?
* Oh right, Naruto’s not aware that Sakura and co. are going to try and take out Sasuke themselves. Somehow, I don’t think they’ll succeed…