Nichijou – 18

「日常18」 (Nichijou 18)
“My Ordinary Life 18”

As much as I feel for Yukko and her horrible experience at Starbucks Daiku coffee, I was completely floored when her plans backfired on her. The moment I realized that she was trying to setup Mio; I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that it was going to go completely awry.

Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni! – 04

「僕と本音と男の尊厳っ!」 (Boku to Honne to Otoko no Songen!)
“Me, Dignity, and a Man’s Dignity!”

What time is it? It’s time to return to what made this show one of the best comedies I’ve ever watched. A little bit of dark humor combined with some chocolate, laced with what I can only assume was alcohol, started off the funniest episode of the season. Who would have thought that a quick game of the Japanese version of BS could turn into a torture session for our male leads?

Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi – 04

「いまだ天魔は歌われない」 (Imada Tenma ha Utawarenai)
“The Tenma Has Yet to Sing”

I wouldn’t say that this show is bad, but it’s probably not everyone’s cup of tea. Sure there may be a ton of questions that are being brought up, but there’s the hope that everything will be answered in the end, right? Either way, the events in this episode raised so many different questions that I felt inclined to start drafting a flow chart.

Hanasaku Iroha – 17

「プール・オン・ザ・ヒル」 (Puuru・On・Za・Hiru)
“Pool On the Hill”

As much as I wish it didn’t happen, I can’t believe that I was right about something! With my predictions usually miles from the mark, it feels pretty amazing being right not only once, but twice!

Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi – 03

「《月》が揺れるプールサイド」 ((Suki) ga Yureru Puuru Saido)
“(Month) of the Poolside Swing”

It must absolutely suck to be Haruka right now. Besides getting dropped on a moment’s notice when a new girl appears, I feel so bad that she’s trying to hard when there’s so much working against her — and it’s not like these are thing she could even deal with!

Hanasaku Iroha – 16

「あの空、この空」 (Ano Sora, Kono Sora)
“That Sky, This Sky”

I can vaguely remember an episode that focused on Enishi, but that one pales in comparison with this week’s. While he may outspoken and looked down upon by others, it is quite surprising how invested he can get when something’s on the line.

Nichijou – 16

「日常16」 (Nichijou 16)
“My Ordinary Life 16”

You want to know why Nichijou is such an amazing show? It’s not because the jokes are funny or the characters are memorable. It’s the fact that even though it’s labeled as a comedy/slice of life, it manages to pull off serious, emotional, and near tear jerking moments in the span of seconds. But because you’re watching a comedy, these moments hit you so hard and so fast that you don’t even have the chance to scratch your itchy eyes.