Strawberry Panic! – 12
Everyone leaves for home now that Summer School is over. The soft-core lesbian porn is back!
Everyone leaves for home now that Summer School is over. The soft-core lesbian porn is back!
The group accidentally spills tea on Honey’s stuffed bunny while Honey is napping
While the SOS Brigade’s movie is being shown at the school’s Cultural Festival, all the club members are off doing their own activities.
Shirou is enclosed inside Angra Mainyu, with hands pulling on his body and visions of the words “Die Die Die.”
This is the final episode, so needless to say, MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD
Summer vacation has ended and Samatarou and Tenko are both writing in their dairies.
Arque and Chris are in the cockpit of the Hraesvelg, which is parked in the middle of a field of sunflowers.
Keita learns that he is to represent the Kawahira family at a competition of spirits’ abilities.