Michiko to Hatchin – 04

One frustrated evening, an intoxicated Michiko gets fed up looking for Hiroshi Morenos, (Hatchin’s father), and becomes disruptive vents her aggression as usual while drinking at a strip club in São Cabal. A bit later that night when she stumbles out of the bathroom, the stripper she insulted earlier introduces her to the floor for a little sweet revenge before sauntering off for the night.

Vampire Knight Guilty – 06

A knock on the door of Kaien’s office late one evening opens up to Ichiru, stopping by because Kaien had called to introduce him to Kaname. Standing in the doorway, Ichiru mockingly asks if Kaname wants him to be another piece in his game. Kaname wants to know his real goal, but as Ichiru turns to leave and closes the door behind him, he composedly answers that Kaname couldn’t do a single thing to stop him even if he did reveal his true intentions. Outside the door, Ichiru stares at a vial of blood in his hands.