A Shibusen student named Hiro who is often taken advantage of by other students has discovered Excalibur’s book and envisions himself as a hero, so he goes and retrieves the legendary sword.
A Shibusen student named Hiro who is often taken advantage of by other students has discovered Excalibur’s book and envisions himself as a hero, so he goes and retrieves the legendary sword.
Even though their goal isn’t to pursue Van, Luke still hurries along the group through the desert because he doesn’t want to keep Van waiting.
Episode Summary:
One day while Tsugumi is flipping through a shopping magazine on her bed, she gets a phone call from Jin. He asks her if she’d like to help him out by going shopping today, and if so please wait in front of the mall in a couple of hours. Eventually realizing she’s been tricked, she curses Jin as only Nagi arrives ready to shop her heart out.
Last week we were treated to a little teaser of the fight show, but this week the real act begins. Picking up after Ciel commands Sebastian to kick some ass, Grell is romanticizing that their tragic fight is akin to Romeo and Juliet. Dodging another sudden attack to the face, Grell wants to know why Sebastian chooses to keep his given name. From the very moment Ciel called out for him using the name “Sebastian,” the contract was formed, and he swore to it by the moon. Dwelling on Sebastian’s cold, heartless eyes and tainted hands and lips, Grell squirms with blissful thoughts during the fight. He even compliments Sebastian by swearing that if it were possible, he would never abort their unborn lovechild.
In the aftermath of the massacre, the Kataron survivors regroup and gather the dead bodies.
Stiyl and Kaori are shocked when Index starts using magic against Touma since she isn’t supposed to be able to, but Touma knows that that was just a lie from the Church.
While sleeping, Takumi finds himself in a world of water, and Rimi is there, wondering why the sky is so blue.
The day after seeing Igarashi with his girlfriend, Misae was absent from school.
This week, after finding out Ciel’s huge success was a huge mistake, we pick up our unsolved mystery where we left off. Flashing forward to our next victim, we see a blonde female being tormented by “Jack the Ripper.” He paints lipstick on the bruised woman’s face, but she flinches in the lightning and he gets quite pissed off that she made him screw up her makeup.
One day, Ami is telling the other girls how she doesn’t diet because she’s naturally predisposed to not getting fat.