Hayate no Gotoku! – 08
After Sakuya heads off to school, Hayate thinks that Nagi should go too, but she feels that she can’t because her guest Isumi is still sleeping.
Gurren Lagann – 08
With the volcanoes erupting in the distance, Simon is having trouble sleeping in the Lagann when Yoko brings him something to drink.
Nakagawa Shouko – Sorairo Days PV (Gurren Lagann OP)
For those who might not be familiar with her, Nakagawa Shouko is an insanely popular idol who seems to be able to do everything, including singing, acting, voice work, being an otaku, and blogging ridiculously often (something like 10 to 20 blog entries per day). I first found out about her from the now infamous Private Lesson segment from last year where she – dressed as Suzumiya Haruhi – explained what being an otaku meant to a dumbfounded Wada Akiko. Sorairo Days, which is the opening song to Gurren Lagann, is actually the first time I’ve heard her sing, and I have to say that she does a pretty good job, much better than I expected anyway. I thought the PV was a bit lacking though since it basically just showed Shocotan (as she’s known as) in variations of the same three shots cycled over and over again, and most of the time it looked like she was just holding that guitar for show. Still, I liked the full version of the song, so I’ll probably just listen to the music and not bother with watching the PV again.
Nakagawa Shouko’s single Sorairo Days is due out June 27th, 2007.
Random Musings – Starcraft 2 And Live-Action Negima Edition
sola – 07
It has been a week since Matsuri disappeared, and Yorito finds himself starting at the sunrise one morning at the drink machine where they first met.
Nodame Cantabile – 17
For the new orchestra’s first performance, Chiaki has chosen Brahms Symphony No. 1 – a piece that Stresemann wouldn’t let him perform with the S Orchestra.
Darker than BLACK – 07
One stormy night, a Contractor attacks a man on a rooftop and uses his powers to take over the man’s body.
Romeo X Juliet – 07
With this stranger protecting her, Juliet gets up and moves back as the man quickly disposes of three knights.
Nagasarete Airantou – 07
Ikuto and Suzu are on one of their walks again – this time they’re going to see Suzu’s master, the one that taught her all those slick jounin moves in aikido and jujitsu.