First Impressions: Futakoi Alternative – 06

Short summary:Rentarou, Sara, and Souju go off to the onsen. You’d think this would be happy and fanservicey, but it’s not (well not the happy anyway). There are some flashbacks about Rentarou and his dead mother. Apparently Rentarou befriended Kaoruko and Sumireko when they were little (of course he barely …


I’ve decided to revive my blogging. It’s summer and I don’t have a strenuous schedule to hold me back.I’ve decided on some changes to how I will be approaching things. In the past, I’ve blogged subbed stuff mostly, but over the past few months, I’ve started watching a ton of …

Mass Update

It’s been about two weeks since I’ve updated. I’ve been watching anime sporadically. There really was a dearth of releases this week, up until yesterday anyway (when I got like 6 releases of stuff I watch). I’m currently blogging from my laptop (which has none of these eps) so there …

Mai-Hime 06-12

I finally sat myself down and caught up on Mai-Hime. Pretty glad I did as it’s getting good. I swear the director is trying to take every single female character in this story and try to flesh them out/give them airtime. It’s working though as I rather enjoy the character …


Haven’t updated in a few days because I’ve been binging on Full Moon wo Sagashite anime.Thoughts so far:The anime was produced as the manga was coming out, but the manga took quite a long time to finish, so the anime had maybe 3-4 volumes to go on by the time …