Guilty Crown – 21

「羽化 emergence」 (Uka)

Well, I complained about wanting Guilty Crown to step it up a notch last episode, and this week Guilty Crown certainly offers up a lot of things as it heads into its penultimate episode. The conflict gets brought back to Gai, Mana/Inori and Shuu, which is fitting since that’s how ‘Lost Christmas’ came about the last time.

Introduction – “The net is vast and infinite.”



To say the least, I’ve been dreaming of this moment for years. But now that I’m actually here, I can’t remember what I was going to say at all! I suppose it’s true what people say: “There just ain’t nothing like the real thing.” Still, if there are some things I know for sure, it’s how grateful I am to Divine for giving me this opportunity and how I look forward to interacting with all you readers out there, whose expectations I hope to both meet and ultimately exceed.

My anime background, I reckon, probably started similar to a lot of you guys out there, especially if you were born and raised in the states. Saturday morning cartoons (Pokemon, Digimon) and Toonami over on Cartoon Network (Mobile Suit Gundam, Ronin Warriors) were my only source for a long while, and heck, the latter was only available when I’d sneak over to my parents’ office to leech the cable TV! As such, I didn’t get into anime until the late 90’s, when I finally could afford cable TV at home and had an internet connection other than AOL and NetZero. Ah… the good times where a call would disconnect my internet, the sweet sound of the connection and the “You’ve got mail!”… Ahem* Anyway, I eventually caught a peek of Gundam Wing, which was the first anime I watched in its entirety, binging all 50 or so episodes in the span of 2 days. Looking back, it probably wasn’t the greatest idea though, as I got quite the migraine afterwards.

More after the jump…

Introduction – “Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly”


Hey guys and gals! Looks like I’m going to be one of the new contributors starting this spring! You may or may not know me from somewhere around the web since I go pretty much universally by “Moomba” these days. If not, hopefully this introduction will give you some ideas of what kind of person I am!

Jumping right in, the first anime I can remember watching with the knowledge of what constituted an anime was Escaflowne. Before this time, I’d watched Pokemon, Digimon, Sailor Moon and all the other mainstream anime aired in the UK that all young boys were expected to have watched to be considered “cool”. Of course, at that time, I didn’t even know they were anime, so I don’t really consider them what drew me in.

Escaflowne was a starting point, but it wasn’t until Code Geass that I became completely hooked on anime (and discovered Random Curiosity in the process!) Did I know, almost six years ago (apparently – wow, time flies), that I’d one day be contributing directly to the site? No, I doubt the idea even crossed my mind!

So why did I decide to apply? It’s simple really; for years now, I’ve read almost every blog post on the site, keeping up with all the anime I watch. Many times now, Random Curiosity has been the driving force which pushed me to watch certain anime which I’ve then proceeded to become hooked on! The insights provided over the year have given me new ways to look at what I watch, and I hope my insights might be able to do the same for someone else!

More after the jump…