Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai NEXT – 02
「ホモゲ部」 (Homoge Bu)
“Homo Game Club”
Even though there was a distinct lack of Kobato in this week’s episode, a glasses-less Rika almost made up for it.
Hasegawa Kodaka, Mikazuki Yozora, Kashiwazaki Sena, Kusunoki Yukimura, Shiguma Rika, Takayama Maria, Hasegawa Kobato
「ホモゲ部」 (Homoge Bu)
“Homo Game Club”
Even though there was a distinct lack of Kobato in this week’s episode, a glasses-less Rika almost made up for it.
「やはり俺の青春はまちがっている」 (Yahari Ore no Seishun wa Machigatteiru)
“I Think Something Is Wrong with My Youth”
After one whole year, Haganai makes its triumphant second season debut. And honestly, I wasn’t sure if I was going to enjoy another season of this quirky show. Luckily, this first episode completely blew past my expectations by wasting no time and jumping straight into the gist of things.
「僕は友達は少ない」 (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
“We Have Few Friends”
I’m speechless. For the final episode to one of my favorite shows this season, I’m left with mixed feelings.
「女子は浴衣姿がな、超可愛い(゜∀゜)」 (Jyoshi wa Yukatasugata gana, Chou Kawaii (゜∀゜))
“You See, Girls wearing Yukata are Really Cute”
After luring us with the promise that Taka and Sora might one day be reunited with each other, this week’s episode of Haganai finally delivers.
「合宿は皆が寝ないヽ(゜∀゜)ノ」 (Gassyuku wa Minna ga Nenai ヽ(゜∀゜)ノ)
“No One Sleeps at Training Camp”
It’s tough to feel any emotions for Yozora after she’s entered sadistic bitch mode.
「理事長は追想が切ない(-_-)」 (Rijichou wa Tsuisou ga Setsunai (-_-))
“The Board Chairman’s Memories are Painful”
Honestly, I’m having some difficulty trying to express in words how I felt about the first eight minutes of this episode.
「スクール水着は出番がない\(^o^)/」 (Sukuuru Mizugi wa Denban Ga Nai \(^o^)/)
“No School Swimsuits This Time”
Haganai once again brings out all the stops and puts us, the viewer, through one hell of a stimulation rollercoaster. However, I hope some of you didn’t get derailed with scenes like this striking when you least expected it.
「携帯電話は着信が少ない_| ̄|○」 (Keitai Denwa wa Chakushin Ga Sukunai _| ̄|○」)
“My Cellphone has Few Calls”
Are you trying to tell me that I can call people other than my family with a cell phone? NO WAY.
「カラオケボックスは客が少ない(つд⊂)」 (Karaoke Bokkusu wa Kyaku ga Sukunai (つд⊂))
“The Karaoke Box Doesn’t Have Many Customers”
Out of all the things a group of friends could do together to foster relationships, going to karaoke is probably one of the best or worst ideas that the Neighbors Club have thought of yet.
「後輩達は遠慮がないΣ(゜口゜;」 (Kouhaitachi wa Enryo ga Nai Σ(゜口゜;)
“Underclassmen Don’t Know How to Hold Back”
If every episode ends up being this good, I think that this show might steal the spot of my favorite comedy of the year.