Introduction – “The net is vast and infinite.”



To say the least, I’ve been dreaming of this moment for years. But now that I’m actually here, I can’t remember what I was going to say at all! I suppose it’s true what people say: “There just ain’t nothing like the real thing.” Still, if there are some things I know for sure, it’s how grateful I am to Divine for giving me this opportunity and how I look forward to interacting with all you readers out there, whose expectations I hope to both meet and ultimately exceed.

My anime background, I reckon, probably started similar to a lot of you guys out there, especially if you were born and raised in the states. Saturday morning cartoons (Pokemon, Digimon) and Toonami over on Cartoon Network (Mobile Suit Gundam, Ronin Warriors) were my only source for a long while, and heck, the latter was only available when I’d sneak over to my parents’ office to leech the cable TV! As such, I didn’t get into anime until the late 90’s, when I finally could afford cable TV at home and had an internet connection other than AOL and NetZero. Ah… the good times where a call would disconnect my internet, the sweet sound of the connection and the “You’ve got mail!”… Ahem* Anyway, I eventually caught a peek of Gundam Wing, which was the first anime I watched in its entirety, binging all 50 or so episodes in the span of 2 days. Looking back, it probably wasn’t the greatest idea though, as I got quite the migraine afterwards.

More after the jump…

Introduction – “Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly”


Hey guys and gals! Looks like I’m going to be one of the new contributors starting this spring! You may or may not know me from somewhere around the web since I go pretty much universally by “Moomba” these days. If not, hopefully this introduction will give you some ideas of what kind of person I am!

Jumping right in, the first anime I can remember watching with the knowledge of what constituted an anime was Escaflowne. Before this time, I’d watched Pokemon, Digimon, Sailor Moon and all the other mainstream anime aired in the UK that all young boys were expected to have watched to be considered “cool”. Of course, at that time, I didn’t even know they were anime, so I don’t really consider them what drew me in.

Escaflowne was a starting point, but it wasn’t until Code Geass that I became completely hooked on anime (and discovered Random Curiosity in the process!) Did I know, almost six years ago (apparently – wow, time flies), that I’d one day be contributing directly to the site? No, I doubt the idea even crossed my mind!

So why did I decide to apply? It’s simple really; for years now, I’ve read almost every blog post on the site, keeping up with all the anime I watch. Many times now, Random Curiosity has been the driving force which pushed me to watch certain anime which I’ve then proceeded to become hooked on! The insights provided over the year have given me new ways to look at what I watch, and I hope my insights might be able to do the same for someone else!

More after the jump…

Introduction – “A wild rice cake appeared!”


Hello world! Stepping outside the ‘frozen foods’ section in local grocery stores, I’m very pleased to make your acquaintance.

So what prompted the sudden change of habitat? RC, of course! As a lurker, when Divine opened applications for new writers, I applied since it’d give me an opportunity to combine the two greatest love affairs of my life: anime and writing.

As far as my anime watching habits go, I definitely don’t watch as much as others, but I’m always up for suggestions – so if you have any good recommendations, please let me know! I’d love to have more series to sink my teeth into. This season I’ve been keeping up with Aquarion EVOL, Chihayafuru, Guilty Crown, NichiBros (did they ever come up with a proper abbreviation for it?), Mirai Nikki, Another, Brave 10, Black Rock Shooter and Inu x Boku SS. Technically, that last one’s been sitting in my hard drive, but it will be watched soon enough! There’s more info in My Anime List, but it is a little lacking… And um, please disregard the huge time gap between the series that are listed on there – there were a couple of years when I was forced to contend with shows airing in YTV’s Bionix block.

More after the jump…

Introduction – “I don’t LIKE food, I LOVE it!”

So I guess it’s my turn to add to the long list of new writers joining RandomC! I’m going to skip all the praise and history of how I stumbled onto RC, however I do want to especially thank Divine for giving me the opportunity to blog for a site that I highly respect and love. I’ve been visiting the blog regularly since… 2006 and thought that now’s a good a time as any to be more vocal and active around here.

With that said, my history of anime is pretty mundane. I started watching Pokemon and Dragon Ball with my best friend years ago, not really knowing the differences between American and Japanese cartoons. To us, they were just TV shows. Sometime in high school (when I got bored of American TV shows), I went looking up old anime shows I loved. It started with Cardcaptor Sakura, followed by Inuyasha and Fullmetal Alchemist. Before I knew it, I was hooked. When university came along (with download speeds of 2MB/sec and unlimited bandwidth?!), I went crazy. All I would do is procrastinate, watch anime, eat a lot and sleep. I am not even lying, my first two years of university are the reason I keep up with shows now.

More after the jump…

Introduction – “Every Day I’m Fightin’ the Power”


tssk…at first I was going to write my introduction as a bunch of lyrics mimicking COOLISH WALK (Working!!’ OP), but then I realized it was already midnight. I’ll spare the awkwardness for another time…another post :3.

‘so, I am Zanibas, one of the new writers! Some of you may recognize me, as I’ve been on and off of RandomC for years now, all the way back to when Omni was writing. Random Curiosity may be full of history, but I particularly remember Jaalin’s posts, whose semi-silly examinations of anime aspects were appealing (perhaps you’ll see a similar style in some of my future posts…). To be part of the blog that has introduced me to great anime is a HUGE honor, so let me say, “I am in your care, dear reader!” ^^’…please don’t hurt me >_< .

Coobie’s contract says I shall be a “specialty writer” who focuses on Romantic Comedies and obscure shows. Heard of Taishou Yakyuu Musume? Obscure and light on comedic romance, it’s one of the shows I often recommend. However, popular or obscure, you’ll see me hanging around these genres. As my first assignment, I will be covering the rest of Amagami SS+, starting with the 2nd half of Sae’s arc, and then most likely pick up a romantic comedy for the spring. Comment if you have a recommendation!

Post expansion after the jump!

Introduction – “The only heaven I know is heaven in the sound”

Quite a weird title for an introduction post I know, but I thought it’d be nice to use a line from Stereoman, a song by ELLEGARDEN and also the name I’ll be using here on Random Curiosity, so hello everyone, Stereoman is now a part of RC!

So why did I throw myself into this? – Simple, I love this site. I’ve been following this blog since 2006, making this site one of my daily visits; however, I haven’t really written much in the comments section. I’ve also been around the IRC channel as a quiet stalker.

When Divine decided to bring in some new writers, I felt like I just had to apply. To be able to contribute to one of my favorite sites pleases me very much and I hope my writing will appeal to you.

You won’t have to wait for the Spring shows to see some of my posts because I’ll be covering the remaining episodes of Senki Zesshou Symphogear starting with the 10th episode.

As for my taste in anime, it’s quite diverse. I usually watch 15 shows every season even though I try to convince myself to watch less. My favorite shows are mostly shounen and josei but I do watch a lot of shoujo and seinen too. You can check out my anime list to find out more about my preferences.

More after the jump…

New Contributors On Their Way!

First off, I would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who took the time to apply and expressed their interest in helping keep Random Curiosity running like it’s always been. The outpouring of support has been great and I really wish I had the time to thank each and every one of you individually.

Given the number of promising candidates, I actually increased my initial plan of 3-4 new writers to seven and have already contacted them. If you weren’t contacted, please don’t feel slighted in any way. There were so many great people to choose from that I could’ve easily brought on 10-15 new writers. I guess that’s to be expected of the best readership that I’ve had the pleasure of writing for over the years, but I had to draw the line somewhere and not make this sudden influx of new writers too overwhelming for longtime readers.

You can probably expect introductory posts to trickle out over the course of the week, as well as first posts by at least a couple of the new writers who will be finishing coverage of some of my remaining shows. I hope you’ll extend a warm welcome to them like you did for me when I first came on board.

The Sum is Greater Than Its Parts

I promised a status update at the end of the week, so here it is.

Thank you everyone for the kind words. I thought it was going to be more difficult to step away from the site, but your understanding is making it a lot easier to do so.

03/10: I’ve gone through the 35 or so applications that I’ve received and have shortlisted them down to ~8 people, many of whom are female. There are a lot of candidates who show promise and fit RC’s perspective on anime, so I may even bring on board more than 4 writers. I apologize for taking a while with this review process and keeping everyone in suspense, but I want to make sure that I give everyone proper consideration.

The Best of Anime 2011

Now that 2011 is over, here’s a look back at some of my favorite shows from the past year. Due to the subjective nature of it all and the fact that I’m constrained to what I’ve seen, I’m not trying to pick series that the vast majority finds agreeable. Instead, I’m here to convey my personal favorites for 2011, after which you’re more than welcome to chime in with your respective choices.

Continuing from last year, there are numerous categories in the following areas: Production, Miscellaneous (fun stuff), Genre, and Notable Others. This year, I’ve also added some new genres and divided the seiyuu category into male and female. Included at the end are the final results to the Reader’s Choice Poll.


Please Read: I got a bit of flack last year for some of my choices despite providing more justification than necessary for an opinion, so please keep in mind that “best” is subjective. What’s best for me is not necessarily the best for you. I did manage to finish 72 of the 99 shows included in the poll (complete list here), so before you go knocking one of my choices, please make sure that you’ve at least seen it and know where I’m coming from. Finally, all I ask is that you respect my opinion, just like I respect yours. If you happened to watch more series than me in the past year, I’d love to hear what your favorites were.

Introduction – “Stilts Has Joined Your Party!”


Hello everyone! My name is Stilts1, and I’m the latest chump new writer that you might have heard about. Are you excited? Because I sure am! I’m really looking forward to writing for you all, and bringing you the most insightful analysis I can dredge up from the far corners of my dark, twisted and eldritch horror-infested mind. That’s a promise ; )

Okay, so a little about myself. It’s hard for me to pinpoint exactly when I got into anime, because I have a crappy memory. I remember rushing back from school as a little’un to catch the latest episode of Dragon Ball Z, and I know I first watched Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop and a few others on Toonami sometime after that, but those weren’t really the start. They just primed the pump. Probably the start was watching Naruto and Bleach during my freshman year of college. I distinctly remember marathoning ~50 episodes of Bleach over the course of a day or two. That’s when it really started to take off.

…more after the jump.