This is a complete recap of all the Suzaku stuff we’ve seen so far. The only new part came at the very end where we’re shown Euphemia knighting Suzaku. In the voice over, Lelouch realizes that Suzaku was talking about Euphemia back in episode six, and he starts to wonder if Suzaku chose Euphemia over him and Nunnally. Nevertheless, Lelouch feels that he’s already won because he now knows that Suzaku is the Lancelot’s pilot.

SunSet Swish – Mosaic Kakera PV (CODE GEASS ED2)

I hadn’t listened to much SunSet Swish between when they did Bleach’s ED My Pace until very recently. But ever since I first heard Mosaic Kakera from the online promo over a month ago, I’ve been listening to some form of the song (either from the promo or the tv-sized anime ED) over and over again. It’s definitely my favorite of the four GEASS OP/EDs so far.