Jormungand – 05


If you’re not watching Jormungand yet, at least two writers here will say that you should be!

Note: This is the first of two collaborations where both Guardian Enzo and I will share our respective views in the same post. The second will be E7:AO on Thursday. The posts will be much longer than the norm, but we hope that this will be balanced out by the insight obtained by seeing how two writers view and write about the same source material.


How do you one-up awesome Celtic folk music? Why, with epic rock arrangements of course! Takanashi Yasuharu, notable for his work on Terra e…, Shiki and Naruto: Shippuuden brings us this gem of a soundtrack, rife with music to really get your blood pumping! With this soundtrack review, we move from something extremely diverse to something far more constricted. This is not a bad thing of course, quite the opposite in fact – while diversity is awesome, confining the music to a single branch of styles results in a more cohesive feel to the soundtrack as a whole.