FreezeFrame: A Miraculous Feet to Witness


There comes a time in every man’s life when he just gets tired with the laziness of the consensus and convention that tell him what’s right, what’s wrong, and just say, “to hell with it all, I’ll do what I like.” To denounce the apathy and cowardice of common sense and societal norms and just say,

“fuckit, I have a foot fetish.”

Yea, I said it. So shoot me. Kick me, stomp me, trample me all you want, I can take it. For too long I’ve kept it hidden, and I just don’t care anymore. What’s the big deal, anyways? It’s weird? Just take a good look at Haruna’s divine feet on the left there and tell me that’s not the hottest thing you’ve seen since Nagi’s ankles.

Look at the dainty curvature of each individual toe, how they subtly form a soft wave of digits that are sure to tingle and twitch in ticklish euphoria at the slightest touch. Look how the blushed ball of her foot leads into the slender arch and imagine how smooth it would feel to slowly run your finger down it. Look how it then coalesces into the slim heel that just begs to be massaged after a soapy hot bath.

And then, realize that every fortunate angle that gives you a glimpse of the precious sole of the female foot also entails an ample view of the underside of her sensual thighs, which then converge at the epicenter of it all with breathless anticipation – they’re white!

Our answer thus brings a climactic conclusion to our journey, a breathtaking ecstasy of the highest degree. Yes, I love Haruna. Yes, everything about her is perfect. Yes, I love her feet.

And yes, my name is jaalin, and I’m a podophile.


Won’t you join me?             

Concerning WHITE ALBUM

Those of you who have been following WHITE ALBUM and have been reading my weekly writeups probably know that I haven’t been the biggest fan of the show – partly because of its style, but largely because I don’t care for most of the cast of characters. You may also have heard the announcement that WHITE ALBUM is going to be two seasons long, with the second half airing this fall. Many people saw this news and felt better about the series because it seemed to explain the deliberate pacing, and it meant that they probably weren’t going to rush an ending. For someone like myself, however, whose interest level in the show has dropped as it went on, instead of it being “Well there’s only a few more episodes, I can stick with it for that long just to see the ending,” I’m now faced with 16 more episodes of a series I’m not particularly excited about or even fond of. So I decided there wasn’t any point in me continuing with it and that my time was better spent elsewhere (like catching up with Rideback). My apologies to anyone who was following those posts and does enjoy the show – I hate dropping series, but I just can’t motivate myself to continue with this one.