Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni! – 11

「雄二と翔子と幼い思い出」 (Yuuji to Shouko to Osanai Omoide)
“Yuuji, Shouko, and their Childhood Memories”

Color me surprised, but I never expected that an episode focused solely on Shouko and Yuuji would be one of the better ones from a show that’s supposed to be about the laughs. Actually, if the rest of the episodes were this deep than there might not even be a need to bring back those slapstick jokes!

Dantalian no Shoka – 10

「幻曲」 (Genkyoku)
“Phantom Score”

I like this series, but I’d really love to love it. It has style, it’s extremely smart and literate, the OP is beyond beautiful and it offers an engaging premise. But Dantalian no Shoka – at least the anime version – is a tease. It only lets you see so much of what it is, occasionally shows you brilliance, but always pulls away before you can get too close.

Kami-sama Dolls – 11

「囚われの日々乃」 (Toraware no Hibino)
“Kidnapped Hibino”

Is it such a crime to have big boobs? Is it!? As distracting as they may be, viewers should start feeling sorry for Hibino when she’s not flaunting her curves or seducing Kyouhei and still gets kidnapped by a crazy bitch who gropes the hell out of her. On second thought, that’s kinda hot.

NO.6 – 11 (END)

「伝えてくれ、ありのままを」 (Tsutaete kuru, Ari no Mama wo)
“Tell Me the Truth”

Like it’s NoitaminA stablemate Usagi Drop, No. 6 ends on an understated, restrained and reflective note – a quiet and dignified final episode that reflected the nature of the series as a whole.

Oh, wait – no, it didn’t do that at all. It was a gigantic FUBAR.