Mawaru Penguindrum – 07

「タマホマレする女」 (Tamahomare Suru Shoujo)
“The Egg Worshipping Girl”

Holy fabulous max Batman. I don’t recall the last time Noto Mamiko’s been in such a persuasive role. I really don’t know what Ringo can do against Yuri at this point, except maybe raping Kenju in his sleep and having his babies. Wait what? She’s really doing that? Well I’ll be damned.

Mayo Chiki! – 08

「初めてなんだ」 (Hajimete Nanda)
“The First Time”

It’s a bit hard to empathize with Jirou when he’s complaining about being stuck in an empty hot spring inn with a bunch of cute girls. Sure they might be a little crazy or have some strong BL fantasies, but you can’t ignore just how well endowed they are! Maybe I should catch this dreaded gynophobia to increase my chances of achieving a similar situation…

BLOOD-C – 07

「うかりける」 (Ukarikeru)

I usually prefer the modest approach, but after I joked about how I would look like a genius if the “dog” talked back in episode four, I just have to throw in a (somewhat unconfident) “what did I tell you” as a follow-up to it. Voiced by Fukuyama Jun, our furry friend also hinted that this isn’t his true form, so the transformation part doesn’t seem so far-fetched either.

Random Musings – The “Survival” Strategy

Over the past month, anime has slipped quite a bit on my priority list. Work’s been hectic and I find that I don’t get home until seven or eight in the evening on some days, leaving very little time to watch anime let alone blog about it. Then there are other real-life priorities with family, a social life, and moments where I want to laze away and relax (maybe even play a game) — all of which have really taken precedence over the site as of late. I’ve managed to make do by squeezing as many waking hours out of a day as I can, hence why you see posts published in the early hours of the morning (i.e. 2-5 AM), but it’s become painfully obvious that I can’t — and shouldn’t — maintain such a grueling schedule for any prolonged period of time.


Addendum: Thanks for the vote of confidence everyone, but please don’t read too much into the post title. I simply used it to go with the image and the quotation marks around “survival” are intended to be sarcastic. This post is merely a formal way of letting everyone what’s going on and why certain shows and the RL post are being dropped. I can still manage a show a day so it’s not like the site’s in a dire state or anything.