Random Curiosity

Hourou Musuko – 07 »« Hourou Musuko – 05

Hourou Musuko – 06

「文化祭 ~Dream of butterfly~」 (Bunkasai ~Dream of butterfly~)
“Cultural Festival ~Dream of butterfly~”

The cultural festival has finally rolled around and in-turn the gender bender play the characters have been planning for months. It’s a pretty important event symbolically for Ariga especially since he was the only one of the three GID primary characters who landed a main role in the Romeo and Juliet play, but I still question the wisdom of using a random draw to select the roles given the difference in acting abilities. As both Takatsuki and Nitori were regulated to sideline roles in the play, I think it’s wasn’t that bad for them to be mostly observing the play and contribute to its success. The play was also written with a strong implicit expectation that Nitori was getting the role of Juliet so the casting was still definitely unexpected.

What’s done is done and so before the play, all the characters were coincidentally brought together in the haunted house to calm their nerves by letting out the stress through screaming their heads off, though that backfired slightly when Sarashima was revealed to be a huge fan of Maiko. All the people they met that expected Nitori to be Juliet also did not help Ariga, causing him to blank out momentarily when the curtains went up. The long awkward silence had me fearing the worst, but luckily he pulled his act together and got through the play alright, although his mom teased him to no end afterwards, as all great parents do.

Saori did fine as expected, but she retains her cold personality and still seems inclined to chop off everyone’s heads, and she shows her softer side only to Nitori. Her interactions with others show an huge contrast, but she also seems to be warming slightly to Ariga. He is one of the few people who has really tried to get through to Saori, although up until now has been sharply rebuffed. Time heals wounds, and I think Saori will start to soften up a bit as the series goes on; unfortunately her feelings for Nitori will probably still be in vain.

On a side note, I think Nitori’s connection to the modeling word (through his sister) makes things pretty interesting and is a part I don’t mind seeing. The clothing and fashion that the characters wear actually caught my attention as we’re not just seeing the normal school uniform. I notice that I tend to prefer Asian fashion vs. European/North American fashion, whether it be Japanese, Korean, Chinese/Taiwanese, etc. and that makes this quirk all the more appealing. Nitori’s teen model celebrity acquaintances make for some funny scenes too and Anna especially seems like she is finding Nitori more and more interesting.



February 27, 2011 at 6:54 pm
  • February 27, 2011 at 7:27 pmbobbierob

    Watching this episode, I saw not only Saori’s cold reaction to everyone contrasted with her noticeably better treatment of Nitori, but also the implication of her being paired with Mako (being Romeo and Juliet in the play). However, I’m not going down with my Saori x Shu ship. I certainly will be looking forward to Saori’s “softening up”. That would be a sight to see.

    P.S. First! XD

  • February 27, 2011 at 7:29 pmbanzemanga

    I have to say that this series has an interesting touch into it. It is not the kind of thing that gross you out or you sympathy with. It just that it feels like the kind of thing that happens normally in real life.

  • February 27, 2011 at 7:37 pmkeiOnDaisuki

    dang, i actually forgot to watch this ep. XDD anyway, chii-chan cracked me up!! LOL..

  • February 27, 2011 at 7:42 pmRainbowIslands

    just wondering, didn’t they mention before how Nitori modeled when he was small? So I guess his connection to the modelling world is not only just “through his sister”.

    Love their performance and how everyone came out to save the show after Shu yelled “Please let me start one more time”. Haha. Chii-chan is the best:)

  • February 27, 2011 at 7:54 pmJusta_Dream

    That was a good episode. I really thought the play was gonna fall apart and even more so when Ariga started panicking but they pulled it off. ^^ I kinda wonder what the deal is with yuki ( Episode 1 – http://images.randomc.net/Hourou%20Musuko/Hourou%20Musuko%20-%2001%20-%20Large%2020.jpg
    Episode 6 – http://images.randomc.net/Hourou%20Musuko/Hourou%20Musuko%20-%2006%20-%20Large%2002.jpg). She used to be a cross-dresser right? I guess that’s why she’s supporting Takatsuki and Shuichi so much. Oh and the teacher… was he coming out of the haunted house with student on his arm? Wonder what that’s all about lol

  • February 27, 2011 at 8:28 pmxcswmboy

    I’m really curious about Maiko’s character now. I guess she’s famous, but I don’t recall how she looks as a model. Nothing about her was really emphasized from the start of the anime, so I guess I would need to read the manga to find out.

    • February 27, 2011 at 9:04 pmAlec

      Its the same thing in the manga. You rarely see her

  • February 27, 2011 at 8:36 pmNhelraios

    Not really a fan of those types of play, but it was amusing at least. Chiba’s acting was really good contrary to Maho who keeps stuttering all the time.

    The haunted house fails in doing its purpose, well except for Anna and her friends who felt like backing off when they heard all the screaming inside lol. That ghost kid…..facepalms

  • February 27, 2011 at 9:06 pmAlec

    Its time for Anna to shine. You’ll be surprised of what happens in the next episode

    • February 27, 2011 at 11:35 pmEric

      Yeah, I too read the manga. I already pretty much guess how they will divide the next few episodes before reaching the climax.

      Also, there is a twelfth episode that wont be aired but sold with something like the next volume of the manga.