Random Curiosity

Hi Score Girl II – 06

「Round 21」

There comes a point when all the efforts of even the best wingmen and big sisters hit the wall.  Rivals and supporters fall by the wayside with no distinction, and only the two principals remain standing.  For all the build up in Hi Score Girl, all the wonderful supporting characters (indeed, it seems disrespectful even to use that term with Koharu) it was always going to come down to this moment.  The strange, half-silent mating dance between Haruo and Akira couldn’t go on forever, and we only have three episodes remaining.

While there’s a healthy element of messing with him just for the fun of it (even Miyao admits to doing so “about a third of the time”) any young aspirant in affairs of the heart would be lucky to have the support Haruo does.  His mom for starters, despite her love for teasing, has always allowed Haruo to be who he is and seen through the dismissive labels society (and sometimes he himself) stuck on him.  A truer best friend than Miyao could hardly be imagined – especially when considering, let’s not forget, that he crushed on Oono-san himself.  And when it comes to the Oono household he’s had allies on the inside, too…

Makoto crosses over these groups – she’s a platinum member of the Haruo-teasing club – but her main role is to advocate for her sister and push her when necessary.  Of course, there’s another element to this and the truth is, all this is the least Makoto can do considering her role in forging the bars of her sister’s cell.  Makoto blew off her responsibilities and left Akira to deal with them, and Akira was too dutiful to follow in her footsteps.  Makoto understands this now of course, which I’ve always felt was the main reason she became so invested in trying to couple up Akira and Haruo.  But it might just be a case of closing the barn door after the horse has escaped.

The immediacy of all this has ramped up exponentially, which was the reason for Akira’s coldness towards Haruo-kun when he rode up on his new steed to woo her.  Her parents are moving her to LA permanently, within the month no less – which Jiiya and Akira knew, but Makoto has only just found out.  Ironically Akira’s behavior at that moment has had what’s no doubt the opposite of the intended effect – steeled Haruo’s resolve and pushed him to confront his feelings once and for all.  He’s leveled up to “Haruo X” and admitted his true feelings – but Haruo is blissfully unaware of the truth.

Doi-kun of all people comes up with the logical next step for Haruo’s quest – the “Street Fighter II” national championships in Osaka (fate at work, it seems).  Is Haruo’s commingling of his “battle” with Oono and his love for her an emotional crutch for him?  Of course – but at this point, that rivalry is so integrated with his feelings for her that I think he can be forgiven for clinging to it now.  He needs to prove he can beat her in a legit contest (not one with mechanical failure) to feel as if he’s worthy of asking for her hand.  And thanks to Moemi-sensei putting her charge’s feelings first for once, he’s going to get the chance.

What Haruo doesn’t realize of course is that rather than a fateful showdown that will determine their fate as a couple, this is looking like a final fling – a last chance to experience the joys of a childhood adventure before the harsh reality of adulthood rips them apart forever.  The ongoing narrative of Guile and Zangief makes a fitting soundtrack for this last childish fling, where gaming reigns supreme one last time before reality breaches the walls.  If Akira wins – as history suggests she should – the endgame seems pretty straightforward.  But if Haruo pulls the upset it’s a much more complicated situation.  But then, adulthood is pretty damn complicated.

December 1, 2019 at 10:14 pm Comments (0)

Enen no Shouboutai – 19

「地下への」 (Nezā he no)
“Into the Nether”

This episode almost had it all. A full Fire Force Squad ready to charge, a flashback of adorable Sho and Shinra, introducing new world rules, and most importantly bringing the ladies to the front of the pack. It would have all been perfect if not for Tamaki’s undoing, yet again.

She might not have been the damsel in distress but unfortunately, it wasn’t her kinetic ability that brought down Assault. It was a combination of prayers and dumb luck. I really wish the fight had picked up in a different direction. Even Iris’s metal pipe to the head did more than her abilities. Am I alone in thinking Tamaki hasn’t been given the fairest of roles in this series just yet? She did step up to the plate and she’s actually quite proud of herself, but I can’t help feel like she’s continuously given the short end of the stick.

Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, let me turn my attention to Maki! Yes, girl! That’s the kind of power we need more of in anime series. She has raw physical strength already and cute sputter balls, what else could she ask for? Vulcan’s idea to weaponize her sputters came at just the opportune time. I think even without her Tekkyo, she would have succeeded in taking down the cavalry, but with them, she did it much quicker. A true homage to Vulcan’s work as he knows exactly what would compliment her already stupendous assets. Can I just point out how much more of Maki we need in this series? She’s not used enough. If we could have a spin-off with Maki and Arthur, that’d be great.

It looks like we’re in for another long arc, perhaps the last action one before the season concludes. Shinra and his teammates are deep into the hornet’s nest and there’s no going backwards now. The whole team is split apart and they’ll have to figure out a way to get back together. They’ll have to! It’s not often we’ve seen the whole Fire Force 8 Brigade go out on a mission and it’ll be such an entertaining treat for the eyes and ears to watch them combine attacks and abilities.

There’s no way I’m missing that!

December 1, 2019 at 8:05 pm Comments (9)

Boku no Hero Academia – 70


This episode felt equal parts tense and stretched. The lion’s share of the episode was clearly devoted again to the ideal of tension; of building up the stakes by worrying, by brooding, by plotting in detail. It felt necessary in parts, but stretched in others—a situation I have sympathy for, because the idea was clearly to get to the precise place they did at the end, so as to set up the plethora of isolated battles that will likely be the focus of the next few episodes. It just required running out the clock in points prior to that. Too much brooding, not enough action … but worth the price, I feel. Though only the rest of this arc will truly tell.

Aside from that, I find myself with uncharacteristically little to say, other than that we saw some cool new quirks (her nom de guerre makes sense now), and that I hope everything works out for Eri, not the least because of Mirio and Izuku, but also because of Eri herself. Luckily we should get some awesome battles before we get the answer to that particular question. Woohoo, can’t wait!

My novels are available now (Wage Slave Rebellion, Freelance Heroics). Sign up for my email list for updates, or follow me at stephenwgee.com for miscellaneous blogging.

Full-length images: 04.



December 1, 2019 at 5:38 pm Comments (2)

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