Cool Guys Don’t Look At Explosions
Filed under Bleach (Manga), Manga by Omni | 34 Comments

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If you had asked me last week if I had wanted to see more on Barragan, I would have probably said “No” because I really just want the story to move forward. This chapter, however, actually proved to be pretty interesting because it filled in a story hole about how Aizen, Ichimaru, and Tousen took over Hueco Mundo, and they looked very cool in the process. It’s a shame we didn’t see Aizen having to fight Barragan directly or anything (and having to deal with the decay), but having Barragan’s last act be to throw his axe at Aizen was also a nice if ultimately futile touch. It’s also noteworthy that it was sort of explained how Barragan wasn’t immune against his own ability, which was something I found odd after last week’s chapter. Looking forward, the end of this chapter seems to suggest that the next battle will be Starrk vs. Rose & Love and not the Harribel fight. That seems a bit odd if Starrk is to be the most powerful, but maybe there’s something special planned for Harribel, or maybe her fight will actually come first.
Thanks to nereidaia and Maximum 7 for the cleaned page
August 29, 2009 at 10:03 pmkaineng
yeah looking forward to more Kubo work!!! ahahahaha…
I kinda pity barragan you know…
August 29, 2009 at 10:12 pmbga
I kinda expect a “draw” battle between Barragan and Aizen which lead to barragan to be on Aizen’s side once i read the begining of this chapter but it was good that neither the higher Espadas keep loyal to aizen, once they had the chance.
August 29, 2009 at 10:19 pmRickyMack
i actually didn’t like the song that much, but it’s so god damned true!
August 29, 2009 at 10:28 pmPikow
some people are just too cool for explosions.
August 29, 2009 at 11:00 pmMeery
Making Barragan a former king really added to his character. It’s too bad he didn’t put up a greater fight (expanded use of abilities, if any). It also makes me a lot more curious about Starrk’s history, since he is now numero uno. *crosses fingers for Starrk/Harribel not dying*
August 29, 2009 at 11:08 pmyanipheonu
Now that I think about it, Gurren Lagann never turns back after causing an enemy to explode :D
August 29, 2009 at 11:10 pmBROOKLYN otaku
“cool guys don’t look at explosions” heheh, rich! that should also be in the anime/manga handbook. i’m glad barrigans TOAST, now who’s next to die. i still dont understand what Aizens power is though, hypnotism? illusion? cant even tell when the f@cker use’s it. but one things fo sure, one day he will bleed
August 29, 2009 at 11:11 pmMearex
man i wish i can read bleach in English yet i don’t know how!
August 29, 2009 at 11:19 pmN97
Isn’t it odd that the entire group of Espada is loosing every single goddamn battle they have to these petulant fools who don’t even have the reiatsu to counter the espada?
On a bigger note, am I the only one who thinks Bargan’s unreleased form was far more powerful than his “one-move” released form? In his first state he went behind a captain in an instant, touched her on the shoulder, broke her arm and didn’t even break sweat. But in his released form he was slow, had ONLY AND ONLY one move, couldn’t even freaking destroy a vice –captain and was goddamn week.
Let’s hope Stark has a better fight. This one was a disappointment. I want to see Ichigo fighting again.
August 29, 2009 at 11:19 pmJLaP
Maybe in the first half of Starrk’s fight he might actually, dare I say, beat someone instead of ALL the Espada getting their asses kicked without beating anyone.
August 29, 2009 at 11:22 pmJLaP
@ Mearex
Bleach in English every Friday morning, plus several other mangas.
August 29, 2009 at 11:34 pmMearex
OMG thz thz thz
August 29, 2009 at 11:41 pmGuille
actually, there are espadas who won their battles, Szayel Aporro defeat Renji and Ishida, Nnoitra defeat Chad and Ichigo(he was tired, but anyway), Grimmjow also defeat Ichigo the first time they fight, Ulquiorra also defeat Ichigo the first time they fight, Barragan would have defeated Soifon, Harribel would have defeated Toshiro and Starrk and Wonderweiss defeat Ukitake and Shunsui, so why are so many people complaining that the espada never won their battles?
August 30, 2009 at 12:34 amAlcren
hmm, i think you guys are all forgetting something very important. the espada are numbered 0-9 not 1-10 and the most powerful is not stark but that one dude who’s back in hueco mundo
August 30, 2009 at 12:52 amPutang
i think Halibel will live… i dunno i just gotta a weird feeling… (called hope) i mean… why would you want to kill off someone like THAT anyways O_O… it’s absolutely absurd…
August 30, 2009 at 1:37 amStrider
August 30, 2009 at 3:45 amAldebaran
@ bga “it was good that neither the higher Espadas keep loyal to aizen, once they had the chance”
Don’t agree. And what about Ulquiorra? imo, he was also the top espada, especially because noone of 1-4 could release in Las Noches because thay were forbbiden which was the result of their tremendous power (of course it’s a speculation but I woudn’t be suprised if Ulquiorra was the strongest of all espada because the numbers to them gives Aizen and Ulquiorra said that he did’nt knew about his resurrection second stage, he was unique). So…Ulquiorra was loyal to Aizen as a dog! But what me bothers the most is question WHY? It’s very pity that we didn’t see the past of Ulquiorra (considering we saw 9,8,6,5,2 imo we also see 3 and 1) it would have answered all our questions. Why Tite Kubo? Why?!
August 30, 2009 at 5:14 amDeathdakid
Why is it that I get the feeling that if stark and halibel have got it all to do in the next chapter. There are simply too many vizards and shinigamis theyhave to fight through. maybe someone might intervine.
August 30, 2009 at 6:10 amRoger
The best Bleach chapter in weeks. Hopefully we will see more chapters of Don Aizen and his 2 Underbosses taking over Hueco Mundo and building their empire and crew. So I guess the flashback takes place right after the Vizards was created but years before the Soul Society arc. Seeing how he had Privion Espada first then the current ones made with the Hōgyoku. Dordoni said they lost their rank when Aizen got the Hōgyoku and made stronger Espada so that makes Barragan the first Espada and probably the only one who was strong enough to stay through the years. Finally is anybody else getting tired of the good guys winning no matter their opponents power? I mean if Halibel, Wonderweiss and Tousen lose that would be B.S. Starting with Tousen fight the only threat is Shinji but Kaname dropped him and his friends solo when he was a third seat and Shinji couldn’t defeat Grimmjow with his mask on. Halibel may win because Hitsugaya get his ass kicked by lesser opponents but with two Espadas with unknown powers backing him up she may die. Even Urahara couldn’t drop Wonderweiss and going by impaling a captain with his bare hand Mashiro is dead unless Yamamoto step up again.
August 30, 2009 at 6:47 amOmni
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RickyMack: I thought it was a pretty amusing song, and the title is so very appropriate here :)
Roger: Most of the Espada so far have gotten their histories fleshed out. I imagine since we’re down to the last few, all of them will get their pasts told, including how they joined up with Aizen.
August 30, 2009 at 10:34 amBroth3R
Cool Guys Don’t Look At Explosions…. except when something big come flying straight at him
August 30, 2009 at 10:39 amSplash
Aizen isn’t the least bit concerned that the Espada are going down 1 at a time. My guess is he threw them at the shinigami to soften them all up and thin out their ranks as best as the Espada could. I’m guessing either others (Vaste Lords) we haven’t seen yet will show up on his side or possibly there are more Captains that will side with him and were spies for him in Soul Society? There is also the possibility that Yamamoto is really Aizen’s master and soon he will turn on his own people to throw the tide the other way.
August 30, 2009 at 1:45 pmdamian
Its not that Halibel is more special or whatever, but Hitsugaya has a much bigger fanbase so of course Kubo has to keep the fanboys/fangirls in suspense. I personally hate that fuckin white haired bastard. Why wont he die?
August 30, 2009 at 2:21 pmKentaiYoshimi
My guess is that all the deaths so far have been Aizen’s illusion ability, and all the espadas will probably come back to assault S.S. in the distant near future. Or something like that
August 30, 2009 at 2:43 pmblinx01
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Interesting chapter. Beats fight after fight and fleshs out the characters more.
Someone had already said it, but the Espada’s will all probably be defeated and since Aizen doesn’t seem to give a damn, I can only assume the next arc will involve the Kings Domain/Realm with Vasto Lords being the next step to take on the Royal Guards or the equvilant of captains for that place.
August 30, 2009 at 3:03 pmJLaP
I don’t that is really Aizen. He’s all about deception, fake plans (like why he kidnapped Orihime) and being this straight forward right now is a little out of character for me.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he is actually in Soul Society right now at the real Karakura town about to make the King’s Key, if that is even his real plan, but don’t worry all Ichigo’s friends and family will safe because of Tessia’s forbidden kido.
Also I wasn’t clear earlier when I said the Espada hadn’t beaten any of their opponents, I meant make them dead and keep them dead. Seriously the #2 couldn’t kill that fat sack of crap lieutenant.
August 30, 2009 at 3:24 pmhdrizzle
But HOW did aizen have his glasses in hueco mundo if he took them off in soul society??? Did he go visit hueco mundo before his defection from s.society?
August 30, 2009 at 6:34 pmSplash
Stores sell more then 1 pair of shades.
August 30, 2009 at 10:17 pmBROOKLYN otaku
@KentaiYoshimi…WOW!!! so in other words you think kubo’s gonna pull a “NARUTO RE-SPAWN” hahahahah thats deep!! but man that would be sooooo WEAK.
August 30, 2009 at 10:44 pmHikari05
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Well, that was awesome because Aizen never look that big and cool axe xD soooo yes, i like 371 chapter. And like how Aizen, Ichimaru, and Tousen took over Hueco Mundo owo they realy look cool xD jajaja.
See ya!
Ah! and Piko was right “some people are just too cool for explosions” xD Go Aizen! (I’m the person who wants give him -Aizen- a good slap in the face xD TOOOOO MUCH COOL! jajajaja)
August 30, 2009 at 11:46 pmKaris
“Cool Guys don’t look at explosions”
Maybe because you’ll get blinded temporarily by the explosion’s flash if you look at it directly?
Anyway, Hope the next chapter will be as good as this one.
August 31, 2009 at 11:40 pmichigoat
“The more you ignore it, the cooler you look”, nice analogy in Bleach
loved that song.
it was great seeing barragan holding a grudge before he died… the poor old fart.
September 1, 2009 at 12:22 amthegopster
MUHAHAHAHAH!!!!! One of the greatest title and song(by the lonely island) ever!
September 1, 2009 at 1:15 amdabaldeagle
lol cool guys dont look at explosions thats a great song, cant wait till the anime catches up to this point