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« Kekkai Sensen & Beyond – 11

Kekkai Sensen & Beyond – 12 (END)

「妖眼幻視行 後編」 (妖眼 Genshikou Kouhen)
“Spectral Eyes, Phantom Vision, Part 2″

Exactly the right way to end the season.

As with last episode, I enjoyed this episode—this entire mini-arc—not because it’s more serious than most of the season. I enjoyed it because it meant something. And this arc tied up not only itself but the entire season both thematically and through character growth for our cowardly hero, Leonardo Watch. Or it tried to—I only give partial points for what felt like the writers trying to pull meaning out of a handful of disparate events by tying them together at the last moment. That’s more points than they would have gotten had they not tried, though, so it’s heartily appreciated.

The first part of this episode was so layered with despair and dread that it really set up the stakes for the final confrontation well. Then along came Sonic, and that monkey! Twice now the monkey has gotten to be the hero, and I’m 100% on board. That moment deftly signaled the change from “Everything is hopeless” to “There’s still a chance.” From then on, it was just about finding it, and making it happen.

What followed was not only Leo acting with incredible ingenuity, but doing something he rarely has cause (or the ability) to do: be the action hero himself. Leo is not a fighter on anything like his comrades’ level, but seeing him wrap the legs, swing the bottle, and take damage like a champ was incredible. Tortoise Knight indeed. Leo hunkered down, took all that damage, and clawed his way back into the fight in order to save his little sister. With a timely assist from that little sister herself.

Then, that Big Damn Heroes moment—I mean, it’s a trope for a reason. That was wonderful. After all the pain Leonardo had suffered through, to see them arrive in the nick of time, walking tall with their backs straight as they finished off the villain was SO GOOD. It makes you feel good about Leo having friends like these, just as the episode proved how deeply he deserves them.

I also really appreciate the return (remembrance) of White, and even a still-living Black later on. They (and especially White) help provide more of what the season was lacking, and that’s meaning. It doesn’t need to be a lot, but further showing what animates him, along with Michella, gave the brawl more impact.

I’m happy that Klause praised Leo so much. I’m happy that Toby survived, he seemed like a good guy who truly cares for Michella (and it’s always nice to see supporting characters change and grow, with their own internal and social lives, independent of the main character(s)). I also really appreciate that the season ended with a goofy crisis that mirrors the one it opened with, with slight tweaks, because it shows how much things haven’t changed, even if we know how much has. This last arc, and this last episode especially, were a splendid way to end the season. I wish we got more like this, but at least it ended on a strong note.

Final impressions below.

Random thoughts:

  • Time to give this monster a Hellsalem’s Lot Hello. Headbutt, bitch!
  • Cain is so blasé! What a Hellsalem’s Lot kid he is.

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Final Impressions

I had some harsh things to say about this season of Kekkai Sensen through some of the middle-to-latter stretch, so this section will serve an even more important purpose than normal. In the final accounting, how did this season do? I think the answer to that requires first clearing up a misconception I was laboring under for much of the season:

Kekkai Sensen & Beyond is not the same genre as the first season of the Kekkai Sensen anime was. The first one was an action drama, with plenty of goofy hijinks in between. This one was almost entirely slice-of-life. And that’s important to remember when judging the season, because it’s only fair to judge the series based on how well it did the thing it was trying to do, rather than bemoaning that it wasn’t what some of us (myself included) would prefer it to be.

(Though, I will maintain that a genre shift like this is understandably off-putting to some viewers, who can usually (and rightfully) assume that a second season will be the same basic genre as the first season, with any changes coming from natural plot and character progressions, as opposed to switching the focus so clearly—and that usually hews in the direction of more serious and plot-focused, not less. Though the genre shift between seasons here is a fairly subtle one, which is why it took me so long to clue in on it (not the least because it wasn’t set in stone until maybe episode seven or eight, when it was far too late for any season-spanning plot to qualify as such), but it’s still important because what was missing if this was an action comedy-drama like the first season, wasn’t missing at all if it’s slice-of-life.)

Of course, manga readers did not have this problem, since there was actually a genre shift between the manga and the first season of the anime. Which I will also maintain is a good idea, especially since it worked well, might as well give two different (albeit often overlapping) audience bases a version to enjoy. But that wasn’t the decision that was made, so it’s neither here nor there.)

Anywho, so this season of Kekkai Sensen was slice-of-life. And with slice-of-life, I built a rubric with which to judge whether a slice-of-life show is good. How’s the atmosphere? Hard to say, but if we bend that to mean setting, then it’s phenomenal. Characters? They can vary, but over all pretty dang good. Comedy? Not the primary point, but it’s frequently funny. Cuteness? It’s not that kind of slice-of-life bruv, but the action, as its optional fifth element, is still super fun. As an action slice-of-life, Kekkai Sensen & Beyond was really nice. The bedeviling part was the genre shift, because those who didn’t suspect it were thrown off, whereas those who watched the first season and were annoyed that it wasn’t the action slice-of-life, but watched this season anyway—well, they wouldn’t have been surprised if it continued the tonal shift that the first season had between itself in the manga, right? Sorry those of y’all that fall into that camp, but if you’ve already annoyed one preference base in order to attract a new one, better stick with it and make the two mediums different versions of the same story. Instead they managed to annoy both for a time, though while telling a basically good story (in different flavors), so probably not too much damage was done over all.

(They also could have differentiated this completely by labeling it a Fumoffu-style variant, but there wasn’t that much difference between the seasons from moment to moment, it was only in the overall narrative structure that the change becomes apparent. So they would have been weird, though I always approve of warning viewers ahead of time if this season is going to be sillier, or this one will be more serious, or whatever.)

All of which is to say that the comparative qualities of the two seasons is harder to judge than I initially thought, because they’re not the same genre. To continue using Full Metal Panic! as an example, it’s like comparing the first season or The Second Raid to Fumoffu. Comparing the first season to The Second Raid is all well and good, they’re the same kind of beast, but comparing either to Fumoffu is a fraught enterprise. This is that, only not as stark, so the inclination to do so is even stronger.

As an action slice-of-life though, this season was pretty damn good. Hellsalem’s Lot is still Kekkai Sensen’s not-so-secret weapon, there’s more personality in that city than in most other anime’s best five characters combined. And its characters are no slouches either, so getting to learn more about them was neat, even though yes, this could have been done during the course of a more encompassing plot. Where the show ran into trouble was when it tried to do too much (Werewolf Bureau) or not enough (first episode of Riel’s mini-arc). Where it excelled was when it hit the right balance (episode one, Bratatat Mom) or slowed down (Day In Day Out). And this final arc is one of the best pivots toward a heavily serious season ending mini-arc that I’ve seen in a long time.

Kekkai Sensen & Beyond is pretty nice in the final accounting, and it’ll be immeasurably helped by ending on a high note. Whether you enjoyed this one or the first season better is up to you. For what each one was trying to do, they did it pretty well.

December 24, 2017 at 6:10 pm
  • December 24, 2017 at 6:35 pmAvalon

    In my opinion, this season was, from beginning to end, much more entertaining and easier to digest than the first season. I enjoyed the first season enough to finish it, but that was the best it could do for me. When I heard there was going to be a 2nd season I wondered if I really wanted to sit through it. Thankfully this season was a ton of fun and had more time to focus on a lot of different characters and how they tick. I would gladly watch a 3rd season if it was announced at this point.

    • December 27, 2017 at 8:16 amMockman

      Interesting… it’s the reverse for me. Early in the season, around mid-October, I was looking for something to watch and while considering this I figured I may as well watch an episode of the first season. I enjoyed that and then marathoned the first. As I finished, I was looking forward to catching up, but this season never really took off for me. It had some good moments, and I didn’t mind the last two episodes, but if this had been season one, then I likely wouldn’t have continued. If there’s a third season, I’d probably watch an episode or two and see how it goes. Of course, it’s an easy watch so I might be bored enough at some point to get into it regardless of how it goes.

      Personally though, I just can’t get into all the background melodrama. While there have been some good sight gags throughout, I’d much rather get to know the characters as they do things as part of a greater story. Without that, it’s a series of sketches about characters I don’t really care about, doing things that don’t interest me. And some of them don’t seem to interest the show’s creators (e.g. Riel, or the other butler) as they’re dropped immediately after. And even for the characters who are really part of the story, some of the scenarios really felt pointless (e.g. Steven’s failed dinner party, KK’s day at school).

      I should add though that it’s not like the first season was fixated on some heavy plot throughout. Rather, it had some underlying threads that were introduced early and cultivated as the show went along. To each their own, I guess.

  • December 24, 2017 at 10:12 pmGuile

    Well put.

    I missed the way the first season built narrative in the background, but overall this was still pretty good. Good animation, some good world building, some good spotlights shown on deserving secondary characters (and tertiary or one-offs, I liked that new butler). I hope they get a third season sometime, now that I’ve appropriately recalibrated my expectations.

    • December 25, 2017 at 1:10 pmUrizithar

      This season was nice but it lacked something that would allow it to reach greatness of first season. Only last two episodes were on point and few other were scratching the surface of that level. There was a lot to like and enjoy but at the same time I feel disappointed. The worst part of it is this season is closer to the manga so I can’t really read it to get what I want nor I can expect any potential continuation that will bring it back. Still I would watch more so there is that.

      • December 25, 2017 at 9:35 pmBROOKLYN otaku

        i feel you, on the lacking part. but i was, in the end. SATISFIED.

        these days thats hard to come by

  • December 25, 2017 at 8:53 amSpacyRicochet

    Can someone explain the “10-33″ message?

    • December 25, 2017 at 1:02 pmUrizithar

      APCO’s ten-code for “officer needs help”.

      • December 27, 2017 at 2:19 pmSpacyRicochet


  • December 25, 2017 at 9:45 amdnangel

    was the anime finale? or is season 3 still possible??

  • December 25, 2017 at 2:30 pmDmonHiro

    We’ve never seen Klaus this pissed off. First it was that battle aura in the car. But that attack? That was one of the most brutal attacks he’s done so far. I think he punched parts of that dude in different dimensions.

    • December 25, 2017 at 3:31 pmDude

      Klaus is a real gentleman and bro.

      That punch grew my chest hairs.

  • December 25, 2017 at 9:33 pmBROOKLYN otaku

    That was fantastic…..very NICE that music with the “PUNCH”!!! i was BLAZED and really felt that part, musta rewound like 10 times… MORE SEASONS PLEASE!!

    thank you STILTS!! and happy holidays

  • December 26, 2017 at 8:59 amBigFire

    It’s too bad they’re probably never going to do the short KK story where she dragged Leo out to a market to get a birthday card for Cain, all the while having a running gun battle with baddies. She need Leo’s eye to find the card with the right cartoon character, something Leo have never seen before.

    • December 27, 2017 at 5:45 pmStilts

      I want to see that episode :(

  • January 4, 2018 at 5:26 pmFroboi

    Am I the only one who noticed that EVERY character introduced in B3&B is shown in the Ending Credits? Looking back, the ED spoils the entire season and you don’t even realize it. 10/10 on the ending.

    • January 6, 2018 at 10:33 amHunter-Wolf

      Yeah i noticed that half-way through the season, pretty much every event or character in the season are there in the ending, yet it doesn’t spoil much because of how out-there the series is, it’s really hard to spoil a series like this one, it needs to be seen to be believed, all that chaos, all that style, it’s a treat to the senses.

    • January 6, 2018 at 1:59 pmStilts

      Ditto, I realized it partway through, but it’s such a treat (and the “spoils” are more of cameos and lack the context required to actually spoil anything) that I didn’t mind. Kekkai Sensen OPs and EDs have been stellar in both seasons, especially the ED sequences.

  • January 8, 2018 at 12:39 amKF