Filed under Bleach (Manga), Manga by Omni | 23 Comments
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So Barragan of course survived Soifon’s attack a second time – I’m not surprised because Barragan is too powerful a character to take down with a ranged attack where a dust cloud obscures everything – and Hachi had to use some quick thinking to defeat him using his own power against him. I’m a little surprised that Barragan wasn’t immune against his own ability, but in the context of pride/arrogance, it was a decent end to a battle against a difficult and annoying opponent (at least I hope it’s the end), and I can only wonder how much harder Starrk is once he gets really serious. I suspect Harribel’s going to be the next major fight though.
I’ve also been reading the new Great Teacher Onizuka series called GTO – Shonan 14 Days which started a couple of months ago in Weekly Shounen Magazine and is a side-story to the original manga in which Onizuka goes to help out at a home for neglected and abused children. It retains a lot of the same elements that made the original good and has some very familiar disaffected youth types to go along with Onizuka’s antics, so it’s been a fun read so far. You can read the first chapters here.
August 22, 2009 at 5:26 pm
August 22, 2009 at 5:40 pmMaka
August 22, 2009 at 5:57 pmDeathdakid
Looks like Harribel will killed of just like Barragan soon. Well at least Hitsugaya wont be the one to defeat her but the vizards.
August 22, 2009 at 6:01 pmOmni
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Deathdakid: He might get the honor of getting in the last hit since it was his fight to begin with.
August 22, 2009 at 7:20 pmPutang
…. I hope Harribel lives :3… her and Nel could rule together as the two queens of the night kingdom ):O…
August 22, 2009 at 7:43 pmNeo_NMO
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Props to colonjay from Maximum7 for the bleach page :D
August 22, 2009 at 7:57 pmDragonite88
Yea i been interested in GTO have you read Ane Doki yet.
August 22, 2009 at 8:00 pmIzan
Omg GTO Manga?
Omni, i love you for actually putting that up in your blog. Never knew about it.
August 22, 2009 at 8:01 pmOmni
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Dragonite88: Yea, I read this week’s Ane Doki. There’s not as much going on as there was in HL, but it’s still a cute, guilty pleasure-type read.
Izan: :D I thought it was worth mentioning because practically no one I’ve tried to talk to about it among my friends had heard of it.
August 22, 2009 at 8:25 pmGod~Knows~
The new Gto is decent…too bad the raws look like shit(it was expected though).
August 22, 2009 at 9:18 pmkyri
i think it was too fast… barragan didn’t even use the axe.. and after the release he didn’t use more than 1/2 abilities…
August 22, 2009 at 9:51 pmMeery
Yar, I feel that Barragan really didn’t seem do a whole lot in general. I do think having him die ironically by his own abilities suits him., and him dying keeps things moving. Having been given a second chance, I hope Harribel puts out a good fight.
August 22, 2009 at 10:58 pmGene
Omni: I thought you never read our comments O_O
August 22, 2009 at 11:25 pmWho
It’d be cool if you could blog more of the stuff you read, Omni. Well, that is if you or the other bloggers have time for it. Which you probably don’t. D:
August 22, 2009 at 11:35 pmJLaP
Once the loneliness Espada is the lone Espada I’ll worry, he’ll probably get some B.S. power-up because of it.
August 23, 2009 at 12:16 ambaka~
“I’m a little surprised that Barragan wasn’t immune against his own ability”
my thoughts exactly. if he was the concept of inevitable death, it really is ironic for death to kill itself using its very own technique. even mayuri’s method of controlling his zanpakuto against szayel seemed a logical course of action in any battle.
August 23, 2009 at 1:26 ammads
hitsugaya and hiyori seem to get along pretty well XD i really hope this is the real end of barragan, he’s damn irritating and there are so many interesting things coming up (hopefully) like wat happens to ukitake , shunsui’s bankai, ?? vs. aizen or tousen or gin. or maybe kubo will just skip to hueco mundo and go to yammi. with him, you never know XD
August 23, 2009 at 10:29 amSoulCaster
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I’m a little disappointed how this battle end, but I’m glad it’s finally over…
Anyway, I’m not expecting much of a battle from Harribel vs Lisa, Hitsugaya and Hiyori… now that I think about it, that match up seems like it will be a bit of an overkill. I’d expect it should really be over in about 2-3 chapters, reason being is that out of the 3 major battles, Hitsugaya had the least trouble with his opponent. So I’m interested in seeing what kind of crap they’ll make up to stretch that battle….
August 23, 2009 at 4:07 pmcid
so soi fon…how does that make your bankai feel?
August 23, 2009 at 9:09 pmSomeKindaNick
@SoulCaster: I seriously hope youre right because Im pretty sure the harribel will be a major blabing-fest between Hiyori, hitsugaya and maybe Lisa too in order to shut both of them brats, while Harribel herself will seat idly and attack once a chapter to remind us they’re still fighting.
This is just the impression I get from how many of the characters seem to take thier time talking between fights (Man that is annoying and so unfitting at times! Remember how Soi Fon made a “deal” with Hachi? ummm yeah, she’s pretty much cornered and about to die, not only that but beating him is basically her mission and she is a ninja, this is supposed to be her top priority over everything else, and yet she has the leisure to make “deals”… So yeah.) and the villans habbit of actually just standing there and waiting for them to finish. And of course, the Hiyori and Hitsugaya convo didn’t help this impression.
August 24, 2009 at 2:39 amichigoat
page 12 of scan..i thought hachi was hit in his you-know-where..ugh. painful xD
so, will urahara be sealed? lol
August 24, 2009 at 5:55 pmheminder
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i’m a much bigger fan of the filler at the moment :P
August 24, 2009 at 11:37 pmJLaP
@ heminder
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Dammit Hachi why didn’t you send a piece of your rotting arm to all seven of the remaining enemies, not just Barragan, you could have won the fight in one fell swoop.
August 26, 2009 at 10:42 amjho
Naruto is so much better than Bleach. Bleach has dissolved into who has the newest superpower 1 move finisher.
GTO 14 days Shonan has been really nice so far, i really enjoyed the original manga.