Random Curiosity

Naruto 560 – Broooken »« Naruto 558 – Naruto Senses Are Tingling

Naruto 559 – And The Last Coffin Is…

not Rikudou Sennin but Madara himself. I didn’t anticipate that Kabuto’s trump card would be the last coffin that we haven’t heard anything about for 69 chapters (first revealed in chapter 490), but there’s always been a lingering suspicion that he might have resurrected Madara himself. The only thing that kept it from being the prevalent theory is the fact that Madara is alive — or so we’ve been led to believe.

From the look of things, the real reason why Kabuto was able to blackmail “Tobi” with the last coffin was because he could expose the fact that he’s not really Madara. Whether or not that’s truly the case I don’t know, but that is the cliffhanger this chapter left off on. I get the feeling that Madara’s younger brother Izuna is involved in some way — either as “Tobi” or this resurrected Uchiha that is presumably Madara — simply because I don’t see Kabuto breaking off ties with “Tobi” just yet. The two of them have a precarious alliance that will almost certainly end in betrayal at some point, but I find it a little hard to believe that “Tobi” would just let Kabuto pull something like this off without his knowledge.

I could be giving Madara too much benefit of the doubt, especially when I foresee Orochimaru becoming the ultimate antagonist again at some point, but it’s kind of hard not to when he’s proven to be as cunning as he is. Either way, I guess we’ll all find out soon enough who’s behind the mask.

October 12, 2011 at 1:32 pm
  • October 12, 2011 at 1:42 pmRise~N Seraphim

    what… just… happened… is Tobi actually Obito?

    • October 12, 2011 at 1:54 pmCJ

      my guess is probably. Probably died in body but is capable of transfering her consciousness through the EMS

      • October 12, 2011 at 1:55 pmCJ

        woops, mean *his consciousness

      • October 12, 2011 at 2:25 pmRise~N Seraphim

        iunno… I was fine with accepting the idea that Tobi was Madara, but now this HUGE plot-twist shows up and I’m just completely thrown off by it

      • October 12, 2011 at 11:02 pmplatue

        eh I was kinda expecting this. If Madara was summoned he could not also be alive in another body. His soul has to be on the other side, and not sealed in one way or another. If Madara was in another body he could not be a summon. I commpleatly expecting Toby to be the 1st Hokage. Like everyone believed Madara was killed way back when in thier fight, and now we see the first with Madara’s eyes claiming to be Tobi.

      • October 13, 2011 at 10:35 amAsciiman78

        @ platue

        Tobi can’t be 1st Hokage. Orochimaru summoned 1st Hokage with Impure World Resurrection to fight 3rd Hokage in first part of series, and the 3rd sealed the 1st Hokage’s soul with the Death Reaper Seal. Kabuto mentioned that anyone sealed like that can’t be resurrected again.

      • October 13, 2011 at 8:44 pmplatue

        aww your right. I forgot that the first had been sealed.

    • October 12, 2011 at 3:41 pmBass.EXE

      I still don’t buy into the Tobi=Obito theory. Obito was a good kid who died protecting his friends. What reason does he have to take revenge on Konoha?

      • October 12, 2011 at 4:00 pmspirit-rasengan

        obito was a great kid but remember how war changed itachi. itachi was experienced or saw war changing him this couldve been the same for obito. im not really buying the obito/tobi connection either but it kindve make sense. but to rebel against the leaf is off the top i dont get why obito would do that. but not just you but everyone including in the naruto world is confused about the guy behind the mask. only kishi knows most likely. because he’s kinda gathering ideas while going on with the chapters. but this chapter was sooo epic and tingling. narut’s clone is with the real madara. but i’m sure that madara will get past the clone easily..very easily.

      • October 12, 2011 at 9:49 pmFullmetal

        I also don’t think Tobi is Obito, it just doesn’t make sense with the story’s events. I mean how could Obito have survived and then came up with a brilliant plan to control the world, manipulating the mizukage and akatsuki, summoning the kyubi and attacking konoha while fighting the fourth hokage, its tooo much for a simple kid who had just activated his sharingan.

        Possible explanation:

        a)Tobi is in fact Madara, but somehow managed to create horrucruxes and separate his soul. Creating a technique to separate a soul isn’t that crazy in naruto world, for instance: orochimaru used fushi tensei(pass from one body to another)and edo tensei(revive dead people), Muu separated his body in two(very likely his soul also separated, as it is said that spiritual energy generates chakra, and Muu said he had lost part of his chakra), nagato revived all of konoha’s dead with Rinne tensei, Rikudou sennin created 9 tailed beasts with juubi chakra. The issue with this thing are the consequences: who’s body is Tobi’s (Madara, Izuna?)It has to be a powerful uchiha otherwise he couldnt control the eternal mangekyou, the rinnegan or summon the kyubi, and posses the power to control hashiramas cells, as he used izanagi.

        b)Tobi is Uchiha Izuna, which in fact makes some sense, as it is never explained what happened to him, he was simply erased from history. This would also explain why Tobi was frightened when kabuto showed him madaras body, as everyone would know he is someone else. If Madara had separated his body, it wouldnt be that surprising for him that kabuto revived his old body. Plus there isnt much sense in hiding that, “well, yeah i have another body, big deal kabuto, stop bothering me, i still have my uchiha powers to control the world”.

      • October 13, 2011 at 12:39 amL002

        Funny how the Harry Potter theory was used. Anyway, I am wondering what Mandara said when the word “Nagato” came out. Nagato wasn’t even born yet. Mmm, perhaps a translation error.

        Anyway, I am going under the assumption that maybe Obito is the supposed Mandara, and he is doing a Code Geass action where he sacrifices himself to unite the world. The author gave us an interesting hint that Tobi is Mandara.
        as we can tell, Kakkashi is fully grown and the Tobi/Obito that attacked the village is also fully grown as well.

        It is quite interesting in how WRONG Itachi is when he assumed Tobi is Mandara

        Anyway, I would love to see how Mandara would react when he finds out that someone has been impersonating him for quite some time and that many villages united despite their rather hateful history- which is the same as the Uchiha and Senju uniting.

        I am rather curious in how Tobi would react to Mandara being used. Naruto would tell him and Tobi may reveal himself.

        Though I do hope that Tobi isn’t Obito. It would be such a boring plot twist now that most fans had already theorized that. Most fans were correct in the previous things- that Naruto is the 4th’s son and that the coffin is Mandara.

    • October 12, 2011 at 3:45 pmGekokujou

      Damn, I did not see this coming!

    • October 12, 2011 at 4:18 pmSkins Thunderbomb

      I’ve always thought that Tobi was Obito, myself.

      • October 12, 2011 at 7:21 pmzzzz

        you do realize he is not Obito right lol… This has been proven already. lol

        When tobi first appeared, or fought the 4th. He was an adult. We know that he’s the same age as Kakashi. Who we also see in this flashback. Kakashi was just a kid then, and tobi was fully grown. So he cant be obito. The sharingans may be the same but essentially the bodies are not and the personalities are not.

      • October 13, 2011 at 6:02 pmpyroblack

        People keep sayin, Tobi is not Obito. But these were the same people that thought Tobi was the real Madara. Tobi is Obito and when it is finally revealed you guys will be say wow im so shocked. Before you combat this argument with the same old lame theories as to why he is not Obito let me shut them down now. 1) He couldnt be Obito bcuz he had two sharingans. Well did you notice the second sharingan had a totally different power than the other. He obviously got it from another Uchiha. 2) Tobi was an adult when he attacked the village, how could Obito be that strong and he would be small rite? Yes he was an adult, but a young adult. He was about 16, which is the same age Itachi was when he and Kisame returned to the village and Itachi owned Kakashi by himself. Also Itachi murdered the whole Uchiha clan, with a little help from Tobi. Itachi’s stature looked the same as an adult’s stature on Naruto when he was 16, it would be d same for Obito. 3) Well Obito supposedly died at like 13, if he survived how could he get that strong in 3 years? There is a secret document kept by the Uchiha that holds all of their secrets, even the forbidden ones. I believe he read it, read their history, read all the secrets, and when the truth was revealed to him he hated Konoha and wanted revenge, so he trained using the secrets in the documents to increase his power. Also, by reading the document he respected Madara so much that he sought to avenge him and even went under his name. I think he wants to be Madara. That attack on Konoha was him testing his power. He had read how to control the Bijuus in the document and thought he could overcome the village but was thwarted by the 4th hokage. The real Madara or even Madara’s brother who was equal to him in strength, would have beat the 4th hokage. Do you really think they showed that story about Kakashi and Obito right before Tobi appeared for no reason??? REALLY????!!!! NO!!! That would be totally random and coulda hav been explained wit a 2 min flashback, not more than one episode!!! Kakashi will probably die, fighting his old friend who has become misguided and filled with anger. The same for Sasuke and Orochimaru. Orochimaru inside of Kabuto will be the last villain i believe, wen Sasuke finally teams up wit Naruto again for a final showdown to end all of the fighting. Instead of Chidori and Rasengan hitting against one another they combine their efforts into one ultimate attack. I see all of this coming. It’s Obito, face it!!! LOL

    • October 12, 2011 at 5:08 pmfrubam

      Obito can’t be “Tobi”. Obito already got one eye crushed and the other eye he gave to Kakashi. It wouldn’t make much sense for him to do all of this. Plus, I doubt he could formulate so many plans, like taking over Akasuki and such. He was also the Kage of the water village(or was it the Mist Village?). There’s no way Obito, who was only a kid when he died(and can’t be anymore older than Kakashi), could do all of that.

    • October 12, 2011 at 6:45 pmDa5id

      Oh god, not this again…

    • October 13, 2011 at 7:36 amMoja

      Tobi = Obito

      The reason is that their Sharingan are similar. You know that Kakashi got his Sharingan from Obito. Obito’s Right Eye to be exact. Obito’s left eye was supposedly damaged in the war before he died. And you all should have noticed that Tobi had only one sharingan, the Left Eye. So if Obito survived the war, then he became Tobi. The similarity between their sharingan is also another hint that Tobi is Obito, because when Kakashi uses his sharingan and make some object disappear if he focus on that object, it is kind of similar to what Tobi does when he teleport or change his body in a way that objects pass through him. So these thing suggest that Tobi is actually Obito who somehow survived the war, may be he teleported himself when he was crushed under the stones, but my bet is that Tobi is actually Obito.

      • October 13, 2011 at 7:56 amAmuro1X

        No, stop that. Tobi is not Obito. Tobi DID have two sharingan eyes, and we saw his second when he fought Konan. He used it to perform Izanagi. This needs to stop, considering that Tobi has been around since Naruto was born, and the age and bodies just don’t match up. We also know that it was Tobi that gave Nagato the Rinnegan and was the real founder of Akatsuki. The timeframes just don’t match up for it to be Obito.

      • October 13, 2011 at 2:07 pmsin1505

        Maybe Obito’s remaining eye got stolen :) that would be the only logical explaination based on the similarity of eyes :P

  • October 12, 2011 at 1:45 pmSchmee

    this was a really amazing chapter :o
    can’t wait for next week

    • October 12, 2011 at 7:48 pmJustinnnnnn


  • October 12, 2011 at 1:45 pmAvar

    Shocker! I was a bit surprised to see Madara resurrected, though I’m more curious about the ensuing fight and how that will play out.

    Aside from that, highlight of the chapter was Hinata being saved then complimented by Naruto.

    • October 12, 2011 at 7:54 pmJustinnnnnn

      Yeah, but I still think it’s not quite clear whether Naruto remembers Hinata’s confession or not…There was a brief flashback panel this chapter, suggesting Naruto remembers up to that point….But later?

      Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Hinata’s confession came riiiight before Pain ‘killed’ her and Naruto went AllCapsRage…

      • October 13, 2011 at 2:11 pmsin1505

        I think he remembers, because of the flash back scene of her attempting to save him. He probably appreciates her, but I do not think we will ever see a Naruto x Hinata. Which is sad, since shes always been looking at him from a distance.

  • October 12, 2011 at 2:01 pmLuxorcist

    Back a few tens to hundreds of chapters, the old Madara (I guess we should call him “Tobi” from now on? Hell, the “guy with the swirly mask“) said that he wasn’t at full power, I assumed he transferred bodies or split himself so his body died but not his spirit.

    But it looks more like “Tobi” wasn’t really Madara, so if Kishimoto wants to give him a triple identity crisis, I don’t care anymore. :/

    • October 12, 2011 at 9:18 pmYuri Rocks

      That would be an interesting twist. Madara somehow had his soul exorcised from his body and is dwelling sheerly as a ghost?

      • October 12, 2011 at 11:11 pmplatue

        even if Madara changed body’s his first body counld not be summoned if his soul was not on the other side.

  • October 12, 2011 at 2:14 pmBass.EXE

    Gah, I’ve been thinking about it all day and I still can’t make heads or tails of what’s going on. I just hope it’s actually explained next week and not put off for several chapters.

  • October 12, 2011 at 2:26 pmNine

    My face was like this O_O) all the way.

  • October 12, 2011 at 2:32 pmbearzerger

    The only surprise to me is that it was revealed so soon. I didn’t expect the revelation that Tobi isn’t the real Madara for another 15 or 20 chapters.

  • October 12, 2011 at 2:37 pmMrBrownSound

    So is everybody going to die? lol, I haven’t been following naruto for awhile, but I was wondering who was in that last coffin.

  • October 12, 2011 at 2:39 pmminorkuy

    while reading your theories i literally threw my right hand in the air and shouted “that’s what i’m talkin’ bout”

    i would love/hope to think that izuna has some part in this but i feel as though kishimoto might stray away from introducing anymore characters at this point (correction: at least in a role this large). and i feel like the big revelation this week kinda proves that point too cuz it could have been ANYONE in that coffin

    and now we know… mike’s super short show

    • October 12, 2011 at 3:25 pmRise~N Seraphim

      thanks for watching =D

  • October 12, 2011 at 2:45 pmLaguna

    People got surprised by this? Seriously? The Sage of Six paths would have been an enormous asspull for the last coffin, and anything else wouldn’t really scare Tobi/Madara anyway. I’m on the “finally, let’s move on now” camp right now.
    Also, the way the Resurrection skill works, I believe it only works if the person is death both physically and spiritually. So, unless Madara left clones of himself (either physical, or mentally), we are looking at a high possibility of an impostor, probably Obito.

  • October 12, 2011 at 2:46 pmJX

    Expected, predicted, confirmed.

  • October 12, 2011 at 2:59 pmrasone0104

    List of Suspects
    1.Madara’s younger brother
    2.One of the Rikudo Senin’s original disciples
    3.an actual character named Tobi

    • October 14, 2011 at 3:44 amminorkuy

      #3… yes

  • October 12, 2011 at 3:05 pminfinite

    Alot of people hate on Naruto but the its been the manga I look forward to read every week for the past 3yrs and thats the honest truth. Tobi has been suspicious since he has been introduced. This is a long shot but Im thinking Tobi might really be the sage of the six pathes.

  • October 12, 2011 at 3:31 pmKurisu Vi Britannia

    Who cares who Tobi is? All I know is that they’re fucked now the real Madara has shown up!

    • October 12, 2011 at 3:48 pmGekokujou

      Well there’s only one thing they can do now, haul ass!

  • October 12, 2011 at 3:50 pmGekokujou

    If that really is Madara, then what is his connection with Nagato? I’m pretty sure that it was the coffin Madara that said Nagato had grown up.

    • October 12, 2011 at 4:24 pmRise~N Seraphim

      personally, I was a bit confused by that… did Madara mean Nagato as in Pein? or someone else?

    • October 12, 2011 at 4:41 pmemaline

      He also said “so it finally happened” like he was always expecting to come back.. but at the hands of Nagato? There is definitely a lot of story here we have no idea about.

    • October 12, 2011 at 11:28 pmplatue

      Nagato’s Rinnegan was given to his by Tobi as we know. So that means that the real Madara knows Tobi. He died knowing he would be resurrected, but he expected to be resurrected by Nagatos 6th paths of Pain. We do know that Tobi thought Nagato was his trump card, before he turned sides.

  • October 12, 2011 at 4:17 pmgawrshness

    “when I foresee Orochimaru becoming the ultimate antagonist again at some point” Divine you still think Orochimaru can come back even after Itachi sealed him away?

    • October 12, 2011 at 5:15 pmSekai

      Well, Orochimaru’s cells are constantly trying to take over Kabuto’s body, so it’s very likely he’ll be back in some form.

      • October 12, 2011 at 11:23 pmplatue

        Ochimaru is sealed so his soul can never come back. I don’t get why people think he is coming back. It’s all Kabuto now.

  • October 12, 2011 at 4:17 pmEspada

    Looking good behind the mask — Orochimaru

    • October 12, 2011 at 9:11 pmYuri Rocks

      Hmmm. But wasn’t Orochimaru sealed during Sasuke’s fight with Itachi? How would he escape from being pierced with the Sword of Totsuka?

      • October 13, 2011 at 5:27 amGekokujou

        Perhaps in a similar fashion to how Muu wasn’t defeated when everyone thought he was defeated. Just throwing a suggestion here.

  • October 12, 2011 at 5:06 pmCroos

    Here we go again. Back to “Is Tobi, Obito?” question.

  • October 12, 2011 at 5:19 pmSekai

    Wow, so Madara’s back to being “Tobi”. I’ve always thought Obito had some part to play in all this but I believed that Madara had taken over his body. I can’t figure out why he’d hold a grudge against Konoha, so it’s probably Izuna that became immortal and is now Tobi…if that makes any sense…

  • October 12, 2011 at 6:12 pmYoyo

    First. Why do people still beliveve that obito could still be tobi. Second: Wasn’t the first person that made the “bring back the dead” justu was the second kage. If o then why would marada know about it when he was brought back to life. Third: If he was refing to the pain/nagato why would he if he did not know him as this would be years before nagato/pain was even a fertilized egg.

    • October 12, 2011 at 7:54 pmsecsuey

      This is obviously part of Aizen’s plan

      • October 13, 2011 at 6:40 pmFrankye

        Aizen probably entered the Ninja world as he escaped Soul Society then pretended to be Tobi after learning so much ninjutsu hehehe

    • October 13, 2011 at 4:25 pmgoku

      The 1st and 2nd Hokage’s were alive at the same time…they’re seen multiple times together in the manga, so it is possible for him to know the technique…also when he came out the coffin he did speak of the technique like he knew of it….idk how he would know who nagato is though, that must have been a translation error

  • October 12, 2011 at 6:16 pmMomo

    IT’S A HOAX!

  • October 12, 2011 at 7:40 pmichigoat

    that’s still madara..narutowiki said so..lol

    • October 16, 2011 at 5:07 amsasuke-sama

      um no
      if madara’s madara then who’s madara

  • October 12, 2011 at 7:52 pmcaramel_cod

    Tobi is Izuna.

    Crazy younger brother who got his eyes ripped out by his much more famous older brother, then spends the next hundred years annihilating the clan his brother devoted himself to. Remember that he isn’t going after Konoha specifically, but the entire ninja world. This isn’t about Uchiha vengeance, like it would be with Madara himself leading the operation.

    Plus, he collects Uchiha eyes, which makes sense given the trauma he experienced when he was younger. He wants to make sure he always has an extra pair.

  • October 12, 2011 at 7:55 pmTrololol


  • October 12, 2011 at 8:15 pmQB

    Possible scenario
    a) This is turning into Harry Potter’s nemesis who is become immortal except someone managed to destroy his shards of soul who plagiarized Inuyasha’s Naruko plot.

    b) Since he knew Nagato, this Edo Madara probably mastered what Orochimaru failed to accomplish, and keep transferring into body and body until the last body seems not that efficient enough as his host, so before he even die, he implanted all his memories (not using the body transfer technique) to Obito. The reason his original body was the one he’s using after being Kabuto resurrected him proves that he’s the real Madara.
    Kabuto implanted all Orochimaru’s serpent parts to him. While the dying Madara implanted his memories to Obito.

  • October 12, 2011 at 8:35 pmberserk3r



  • October 12, 2011 at 8:37 pmic

    Tobi might be the brother of madara. The other possibility is that the so-called Madara was never Madara to begin with, it was his brother. So Tobi might be the “true” Madara

  • October 12, 2011 at 8:59 pmT.K.

    Well whoever Tobi is, all that EMS theory, capability and seeming immortality we’re lead to believe just turned into pure horse shit in this chapter.

  • October 12, 2011 at 9:09 pmYuri Rocks

    I have no idea who is behind the mask, but I would think that the person is not Obito. He had one eye crushed and the other was harvested to give to Kakashi. The man behind the mask currently has one sharingan having lost one his eyes after performing Izanagi to escape Konan’s explosive tags. Now I am stuck until next week, darn cliffhanger.

  • October 12, 2011 at 9:41 pmPhobia

    Who are the characters on the border of this page?

  • October 12, 2011 at 9:48 pmRS456

    I have a feeling it could be Orochimaru. Way he was taken out by Sasuke seemed way to easy. I say he planned out a fake death ever since he suspected Sasuke will one day kill him before he has his revenge but he needs to stay alive to carryout his revenge and in order to do that he also needs Sasuke. Orochimaru is the only one with enough know how to use other jutsus and he is the only one we know of has an everlasting grudge against Konaha. With his identity hidden he can win back Sasuke’s favor and also get Kabuto to continue doing his bidding. Even back then he was doing alot of secretive research.

    • October 12, 2011 at 10:21 pmYanDaMan263

      Tobi had Sharingans the whole time, and he was introduced before Orochimaru was sealed during Sasuke’s battle with Itachi. So theres no way its him. Tobi is some Uchiha, definitely.

  • October 12, 2011 at 10:09 pmRise~N Seraphim

    1 Observation I’d like to point out is… Tobi can use Sharingan at the same extent an Uchiha can, he can maintain regular sharingan for long periods of time as well as use Izanagi for a long time (I believe he said 10 minutes or something…), so I believe he’s either a natural rinnegan, sharingan, or byakugan user, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to use Sharingan to that extent

    • October 12, 2011 at 11:45 pmplatue

      to be able to use the sharingan to it’s fillist you need to be Uchiha or a Senju. The power of the Senju is just as strong as the Uchiha if not stronger.

  • October 12, 2011 at 11:32 pmSecsuey

    he is either Madara’ clone or something like that, madara’s brother, Obito(lol) or a unknow character.

  • October 12, 2011 at 11:37 pmRainbowIslands

    Well, his eyes are madara’s for sure cause when he tried to remove his mask some 200 chapters ago, itachi’s amaterasu sealed in sasuke(who also happened to appear in this chapter after disappearing for like 100 chapters) activated in response to seeing madara’s sharingan. Madara’s Hair style was made that way to blocked out his missing right eye…

    So I suppose it’s somebody from Madara’s time (don’t the subject have to be alive in order to steal their eyes?) so it could be the first Hokage….. or some random new character who is able to travel through time because he is proven to be able to manipulate space and according to Einstein time and space form a space-time continuum. THEREFORE… it might be Rikudo Sennnin (Sages of Six Paths) himself… or else how does he know about the jyuubi?

    • October 13, 2011 at 12:26 amSon Gohan

      Tobi can’t be Senju Hashirama because the 1st and 2nd Hokage were summoned by Orochimaru way back during the invasion of Konoha. And their souls were sealed by the Third.
      I vote for Uchiha Izuna. I think he mastered Orochimaru’s body switching jutsu to keep himself alive all this years. His last host? Obito. He needs a Uchiha host to fully utilize his Sharingan. Replacing body parts seems child’s play for “Tobi”, so Obito’s half-crushed body wasn’t a problem.

      • October 13, 2011 at 4:55 amMarcin

        This really makes sense, so far the best theory I have read. Altough I am sick of the Obito is Tobi, what you have said can really be true.

    • October 13, 2011 at 10:25 amHyjinx

      But Itachi set it to activate at the sight of the sharingan of who he thought was Madara. This guy could of switched spots with Madara 80 years ago, way before Itachi was alive.

  • October 13, 2011 at 12:52 amSaiya Man

    I don’t get it. Where did Kabuto get Madara’s ashes from?

  • October 13, 2011 at 3:05 amEyebrows

    Perhaps Tobi is some hybrid of the 1st’s cells and Madara’s eyes that lived on in Madara’s place? Given his ability to graft parts back onto himself and live for so long, it seems at least possible. Izuna was confirmed deceased, and I was expecting him to pop out of the coffin.

    • October 13, 2011 at 4:37 pmgoku

      This is possible because in a grip of chapters ago tobi has the 1st hokage’s cells but he only stole a little bit during the battle so i would imagine he could completely clone his cells since it was his body and tobi and madara are one in the same and tobi plans on absorbing the resurrected madara to become complete lol

  • October 13, 2011 at 3:19 amdarkloco

    your wrong because hinata’s confession came before she fought pain, just as she jumped down and swung at pain. she then confessed after naruto told her to run and began fighting pain. He remembers very well the confession she made to him. and they are both talking to each other by reading each others thoughts and body language which tells me they have gotten closer. finally!!!

  • October 13, 2011 at 6:24 amsobos14

    I’m having the feeling here that this whole madara thing might be a misconception, i believe the obito being tobi theory is plausible but for a completely different reason. Just like konoha twisted things around with the uchiha clan’s demise i think they may have made obito seem like the one fighting for his friends when in actuality it was madara. That’s just my two cents on whats happens with konoha’s history of “twisting” the facts

  • October 13, 2011 at 8:25 amMadaraUchiwaTheory

    That means Tobi is a wannabe?? WTF?? Now who is the real Tobi? I have 2 Therories
    1) Madara used his Jikūkan Idō to go into another body because Madara was too old. Maybe it was Obito’s Body or Izuna’s.
    2) Tobi is an unknown Character that has stolen some Sharingan eyes or some uknown Uchiha, how else he knows everything about Madara and Itachi?
    But i think it IS Madara just changed the Body with Izuna, Obito or an other Uchiha. Because Itachi was knowing all the time that Madara is still alive, everyone else thought he was dead. And Madara just told Sasuke the whole Uchiha Clan story, but i must take a closer look at his right part of his face, it is an old man, but its NOT Madara’s Body. That’s confusing…
    sry for my bad english im German

  • October 13, 2011 at 8:26 amnonono8

    Tobi might not even be an Uchiha to begin with..

  • October 13, 2011 at 9:14 amrico

    All this tobi is obito does nottt make sence to me!
    I’m more likely to believe that( as everyone says) “tobi” is Izuna.
    Despite all these assumptions this was an amazing chapter and with that being said definatlly got me even more hooked on the series. A plot twist had it coming XD

  • October 13, 2011 at 9:41 amAshen

    My theory is this: The reason Tobi’s able to slip in and out of reality to avoid attacks is somehow tied to giving up his real body, so being confronted by it (held by Kabuto, no less) would be something akin to having his one big weakness dangled before his eyes, thus the effective blackmail tactic.

    Similar to the Homuculus in the first Fullmetal Alchemist anime, I’m thinking his body, while ridiculously powerful, is “Tobi’s” one true weak spot, so this is Kabuto’s way of both undermining the “Big Boss” in some way by sowing suspicion of his identity amongst his enemies, and by hopefully getting Madara’s body killed, which will affect “Tobi” in some way.

    I dunno. That’s what jumped to mind after I settled down from the initial “HOLY SH**! THEN WHOSE BEHIND THE MASK!?!” surprise seizures.

  • October 13, 2011 at 10:15 amHyjinx

    The Madara who’s leading the enemies is Madaras brother. I say the story about madara taking his brothers eyes was a fabrication and was in fact reverse. Knowing that Madara has a much greater reputation, he probably just went with that.

  • October 13, 2011 at 12:28 pmNaruto fan

    Guys are you serious? Tobi is Izuna, Madara’s younger brother… here is my proof. So in all the pictures Madara is shown with only his left eye http://img.mangabit.com/manga/0916/053587/15.jpg http://orochimaru09.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/a.jpg

    In all those pictures you can only see his left eye.

    http://orochimaru09.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/04.jpg For Tobi all you can see is his right eye. I don’t think Madara took both eyes. That is not a coincidence that tobi is always shown with just his right eye and Madara only with his left. If Izuna took shishus eye then maybe he is hiding it in his mask but I guarantee is izuna

  • October 13, 2011 at 1:01 pmMogster

    A theory that just occured to me is that “Tobi” could be the Ten Tailed beast in some human/sleeper form. He said he needs the tailed beasts to restore his former self. Although he does reference the ten tails as a different entity from himself and that he plans to become the ten tails jinchuriki. Which leads to another theory that “Tobi” is the Sage of the Six Paths. By becoming the ten tails jinchuriki he’ll be restored to his former self.

    …OR, “Tobi” is actually Aizen. Just as planned bitches, just as planned…

  • October 13, 2011 at 1:28 pmariel


  • October 13, 2011 at 3:09 pmTenshijavier

  • October 13, 2011 at 4:17 pmStrifestrike

    Duh masked man is the ten tailed beast this was obvious almost from the get go, retards thinking its Obito…

  • October 13, 2011 at 4:49 pmgoku

    Tobi knows of the ten tails and the sage of 6 paths…current naruto characters don’t really know of the sage or if they do they consider him a myth…Tobi is very adament that the sage is real and even mentioned the ten tails…so it’s not farfetched to believe that tobi could be the sage of six paths, or the sage’s older son who the uchiha descend from….but Izuna is the best explanation i think who tobi really is….

  • October 13, 2011 at 5:45 pmMUchiha


    Look at that ^^^^^^^^
    I agree with this guy, His guess on madara being the one in the coffin and as he said, its most likely shisui as tobi.

    • October 13, 2011 at 9:02 pmCobray

      Shisui is impossible, because he is a good guy, how come he has a grudge against konoha. remember how itachi explained it to naruto and bee few chapters back about how he (itachi and shisui) plans.

    • October 14, 2011 at 9:51 amStrikeOut

      Cant be shisui, Danzo stole one of his eyes, Itachi took the other and stuck it in a crow

  • October 13, 2011 at 7:00 pmAzul Flamed Samurai

    I think Tobi is Sasuke’s Dad (if not then he is Izuna)

    Think about it
    1. Tobi knew about Naruto’s birthdate, umm thanks to a certain wife (Sasuke’s mom)
    2. He was like a police officer of Konoha (has connections)
    3. His son was part of the Anbu (Remember how annoyed he was of Itachi’s influence with Konoha’s elites?) Plus it would be a perfect way to place an illusion of he dying against Itachi with his wife.
    4. Why is he so concerned with Sasuke? (Evil family bonding)

    I called it! So if this happens Cha’yea! If not plz let it be Izuna

    • October 13, 2011 at 7:04 pmAzul Flamed Samurai

      Oh yea, umm Oonoiki’s probably gonna die because of what Gaara said “When did you forsake yourself?” So Oonoiki is gonna do something honorable and die in Madara’s cold blooded hands.

      • October 17, 2011 at 4:10 pmRootzzz

        honestly i think there are only 3 possibilities at this point that:
        1. this masked man is shisui.
        2. this masked man is izuna.
        3. this masked man is a zetsu clone.reply to this if you want the details.

  • October 13, 2011 at 7:28 pmvaldor

    Orochimaru as the final villain? Show Spoiler ▼

  • October 13, 2011 at 7:49 pmRS456

    You never know as we have never seen the face of Tobi and we do know Orochimaru was experimenting with cloning. It could be Tobi is a clone of Madara or one of the other Uchihas only thing is he has to be a full grown adult at the time the demon fox attacked the hidden leaf village.

  • October 13, 2011 at 8:55 pmHaterage


    • October 15, 2011 at 12:57 amberserk3r

      in be4 ban.

  • October 13, 2011 at 11:21 pmDoubt

    If Tobi really is Izuna, what makes him want to become ten tails’ jinchuuriki and unite the world in the first place?
    What I am sure is that Tobi is not Madara. He could be Izuna but for him to be alive (approximately 150 years old), is just not possible.
    Obito is a possibility (very low) since he only gave his left eye to kakashi.
    Hope we can find it out in the next chapter.

  • October 13, 2011 at 11:36 pmnaps sidhu

    here’s the catch…..”tobi and zetsu” are related (tobi=madara’s mind + zetsu’s body type)

    >>zetsu’s body type is shown on 2 occasions(see carefully how his body is shown when tobi receives damage)
    1)when tobi is fighting donzo’s bodyguards
    2)when tobi is fighting the 4th hokage

    >>madara’s mind(unexplained)
    well it can’t be fully explained or it’ll be explained later
    (but just for FUN lets assume that madara used some “horcrux” like technique similar to voldemort in harry potter)

  • October 14, 2011 at 12:31 amGilbert-27

    Obito doesn’t have two sharingans.

  • October 14, 2011 at 10:29 amBonbon

    Tobi might be sasuke from the future, he went back to the past to control the world, because in the future there is no way he can beat naruto :3

  • October 14, 2011 at 5:50 pmfrubam

    The real Madara emerging from the casket was great to be sure, but this chap was all about that Naruhina moment =03. With every moment she gets over Sakura(which she didn’t show to say anything to Naruto when he saved her), the possibility of Hinata overtaking Sakura in Naruto’s heart increases ever-so-slightly.

  • October 14, 2011 at 7:19 pmnikaze

    Here is the deal, Tobi is probably Shisui, think about it…Danzo had ONE of Shisui’s eyes, Tobi only uses a single eye and Shisui also had the body flicker technique, also tobi looks older and would be about right for shisuis age, he also knows alot about madara and had history with danzo

    • October 15, 2011 at 12:55 amberserk3r

      and what about the crow’s eye?????



    • October 15, 2011 at 5:24 pmCobray

      Well you forgot on some facts, please try to read the chapters before the 4th ninja war started.

      Tobi has two sharingans from the start.. the fact that you thought that it is only one is because his mask only one whole to reveal his eyes. And maybe you’ve forgotten that he used his left eye for Izanagi when he battled with Konan. And after the danzo sasuke fight he wanted the eye of shisui from danzo but unfortunately before danzo was killes he crushed the eye of shisui so that Tobi can’t use it anymore. —GEEEZ!

  • October 14, 2011 at 10:29 pmHavoc

    I think its like when the 9 tails was sealed in naruto, the 4th only sealed half of it’s chakra(the Yang chakra) in naruto.So Marara might have sealed his yin or yang chakra in a zetsu clone and the clone could copy him like he has been doing in the war.

  • October 15, 2011 at 11:54 amfoxtaileddemon

    i atill dont believe obito could be tobi Show Spoiler ▼

  • October 16, 2011 at 8:57 amEMSeyes

    i think the masked man is also uchiha madara, only he has the ability to split his use into to two parts just like Muu did to his body in order to escape the ninja aliances..and thats probly why kishi introduced mo possesing that kind of technique to show to the readers that, that kind of jutso is possible…

  • October 16, 2011 at 10:20 ammeow

    I would laugh so hard if “tobi” actually was a dude named tobi and he just went back to bein weird.

  • October 16, 2011 at 3:29 pmnartuoraw

    I finished reading the Jap raw. There are places that need to be fixed.

    Here are the IMPORTANT corrections
    1) Madra comes out of the coffin: “Finally… I guess ‘he’ was able to raise Nagato properly.” Although the word “he” is not used, it is expressed indirectly. Madara is referring to somebody (male/female/2+ ppl) who raised nagato for the purpose of ressurecting him.

    2) When Madara looks at his hands: “What? Edotensei? This isn’t the Rennetensei no Jutsu?” I don’t know how people translated this part incorrectly…

    Way back in the beginning of the war, “Tobi” confessed that he was saving Rennetensei no Jutsu for himself (if this was transltaed to English correctly..). Hence, another theory pops up. It is possible that Madara split himself into two (a typical thing done by big bosses). Two bodies, two souls. It is possible that “Tobi” is aiming to becoming whole again. Again… it’s a theory. Or it can simply be different people xP.

    • October 16, 2011 at 3:39 pmEARLY SASUKE

      that makes since. itachi said madara was a shell of himself,, SO he could be split in two.

  • February 8, 2012 at 6:32 pmTheTruth

    My theory is that Tobi is Izuna, Madara’s little brother. When Madara was fighting the first hokage, Madara managed to use his izanagi so that he could escape. While he was fighting the 1st hokage, he took part of the 1st hokage’s DNA and created Zetsu. This Zetsu created a clone of Izuna and somehow revive Izuna’s soul and create Tobi with Izuna’s soul implanted. After Izuna was revived, Madara had a plan for himself which is being immortal. Which was to be ressurected by the Sage of the six paths resurrection jutsu. With this, he will be forever living. With this in mind, Madara entrusted the rinnegan to Izuna. Madara hoped that he will get powerful and obtain that power to resurrect. After madara died, instead of improving his ability with the rinnegan, he implanted it into a child named Nagato Uzumaki. How can a normal person possess an eye like the rinnegan? Well, because as we’ve read or watched, Uzumakis are the closest to the senju clan in which the senju was the son of Sage of The six Paths. Now with the rinnegan, Tobi knew he could make it improve it a lot. Tobi (Izuna) managed to get Obito’s eye before he died….. This explains why Kakashi was shocked. And why you idiots think Tobi is Obito (haha jk. but you’re wrong XP). So we jump to the part where Kabuto shows the coffins and why Tobi was stunned or scared (or whatever). Tobi was actually upset that Kabuto found Madara first, it was Tobi’s mission to do that and revive him himself. But instead Kabuto did it himself. That’s why madara was confused on why the one who revived him was another guy, Nagato Uzumaki. And that is my theory.

  • February 8, 2012 at 6:34 pmTheTruth

    My theory is that Tobi is Izuna, Madara’s little brother. When Madara was fighting the first hokage, Madara managed to use his izanagi so that he could escape. While he was fighting the 1st hokage, he took part of the 1st hokage’s DNA and created Zetsu. This Zetsu created a clone of Izuna and somehow revive Izuna’s soul and create Tobi with Izuna’s soul implanted. After Izuna was revived, Madara had a plan for himself which is being immortal. Which was to be ressurected by the Sage of the six paths resurrection jutsu. With this, he will be forever living. With this in mind, Madara entrusted the rinnegan to Izuna. Madara hoped that he will get powerful and obtain that power to resurrect. After madara died, Tobi, rather than improving his ability with the rinnegan, he implanted it into a child named Nagato Uzumaki. How can a normal person possess an eye like the rinnegan? Well, because as we’ve read or watched, Uzumakis are the closest to the senju clan in which the senju was the son of Sage of The six Paths. Now with the rinnegan, Tobi knew he could make it improve it a lot. Tobi (Izuna) managed to get Obito’s eye before he died….. This explains why Kakashi was shocked. And why you idiots think Tobi is Obito (haha jk. but you’re wrong XP). So we jump to the part where Kabuto shows the coffins and why Tobi was stunned or scared (or whatever). Tobi was actually upset that Kabuto found Madara first, it was Tobi’s mission to do that and revive him himself. But instead Kabuto did it himself. That’s why madara was confused on why the one who revived him was another guy, Nagato Uzumaki. And that is my theory.