Random Curiosity

Amaenaideyo!! OP and ED

OP: あふれてゆくのはこの気持ち by あまえ隊っ!! (the Amae Girls)
ED: happy days by 中原麻衣 (Nakahara Mai, the voice of Chitose)
The Amaenaideyo!! OP and ED are probably my favorite parts of the show, the ED a bit more than the OP. I really like the way the OP started. The rest of the song wasn’t too bad, I’ve just never been a huge fan of group songs (especially by the cast). I didn’t like it all that much to start, but it has grown a bit on me. Nakahara Mai does a good job on the ED, especially the full version. I do feel compelled to note that Nakahara Mai is also the seiyuu for Tokiha Mai of Mai-HiME, so that’s a plus.

July 24, 2005 at 7:03 pm Comments (0)

Oku-sama wa Mahou Shoujo – 04

Tatsumi is reading a book, 雲の上のターミナル (The Terminal Above The Clouds), written by Tamotsu Asaba. Ureshiko comes into his room to vacuum and is reminded her of her husband after finding Tatsumi hiding the book. Later, as Tatsumi reads it, Ureshiko finds herself at Tamotsu’s home. She goes in and starts to clean up for him, but Tamotsu tries to kiss her. Of course she resists, so he kicks her out. Ureshiko goes home and lays on her bed in a daze, so Tatsumi decides to make a stamina drink to get her energy up. A bored Sayaka spots him shopping for ingredients, and they end up having some ice cream together. He promises to take her to an amusement park later. The sky clouds up and starts to rain, forcing Tatsumi to run home. He passes Tamotsu kissing his lover, which makes him pause and briefly look back. Once at home, he makes the drink and brings it up to Ureshiko’s room only to find her gone, her window open. It seems that Sayaka couldn’t wait on the amusement park and decided to create her own. Ureshiko arrives to stop her, but Sayaka sends her onto a roller coaster ride. Ureshiko’s power activates again and makes all the conjured rides disappear. Their resulting argument reminds Ureshiko of a similar conversation she once had with Tamotsu about being able to kiss her, which resulted in him leaving her. Sayaka eventually flies away in defeat, but Ureshiko is left in the rain wondering if she’s doing the right thing. She remembers a time when she looked at the city from her favorite spot with her mother. When Tatsumi finally finds her, she unloads her problems on him, so he comforts her. As she’s leaning on his shoulder, he reaches over to touch her face, until she jumps up after remembering that the laundry is still out in the rain. They go to the overlook of the city, but can’t see anything in the rain.

I rather liked this episode. Partly because we got a bit of Ureshiko’s past, partly because we got to see her and Tamotsu’s reunion of sorts (not really). It doesn’t surprise me that the first thing he tries to do is to kiss her, and their relationship really isn’t moving in any way.
Ureshiko and Sayaka go at it again, and Sayaka loses again. I can’t help but feel like their gravitating towards fighting over Tatsumi with the amusement park originally being his idea to Sayaka. She was so happy when he agreed to go with her on a date. And while Ureshiko is leaning on Tatsumi, Sayaka is watching on the side getting all jealous (kind of).
It occurs to me that through all this, Tatsumi still doesn’t know that Ureshiko is a mahou shoujo, having arrived after the battle ended. I wonder how long it’ll be before he finally finds out. I bet it’ll be one of those instances where Ureshiko has to use her powers to save him (probably from something Sayaka did), but that’s just speculation on my part.

July 24, 2005 at 5:15 pm Comments (0)

CHEMISTRY – Wings of Words PV

This is the PV to the fourth opening song of Gundam SEED Destiny.
I’ve said it before, but I really like CHEMISTRY’s music. As a GSD opening though, it’s not as good. I think the song is too slow to fit into the GSD opening song mold. Which may not necessarily be a bad thing (it’s different), but I just don’t like it as much. Something of this pace would be better suited for an ED.
Anyway, the PV has a bunch of children with bubbles coming out of their mouths instead of words. The bubbles/words float up into the sky building up until a boy touches the giant bubble and breaks it. The bubbles/words are thus spread everywhere. It’s a nice simple PV, but all the foreign children freak me out. I really like the ending title card (similar to Waltz’s PV). Altogether, a great CHEMISTRY song, even if it’s not the best GSD opening.

July 23, 2005 at 9:42 pm Comments (0)

Da Capo Second Season – 04

Junichi prepares a room for Aisia to sleep in and wonders about school for her. Aisia thinks of a school full of wizards and magic and works herself up so much that she wakes up early the next day to go to school even though she’s not enrolled. Running around school, she encounters several of Junichi’s friends and uses her magic for all sorts of mischief, including a magic volleyball and painting the side of the school. When Junichi finally wakes up, he realizes that it’s already 11:30 and that he’s really late for school (due to the fact that Aisia wasn’t there to wake him). He tries to sneak into class, but Mako spots him right away. She tells him about the various wierd things that have been going on around school like the volleyball. Junichi reaches the conclusion that it must be Aisia and runs off to look for her with Miharu. No one except for Mako and Miharu knows who Aisia is, so the rest of the class starts chasing after him. He runs into Kotori and they split up to search for Aisia (Junichi with disasterous results when he checks the girl’s locker room). With his classmates on his heels, Junichi sees Aisia turning a corner. She calls out to her master and starts to run towards him, only to trip. Junichi manages to dive and catch her in his arms, much to the dismay of his classmates. Suginami saves him from a hairy situation and Junichi eventually takes Aisia home at the end of the day. He learns that she’s really excited about going to school for the first time. Junichi lectures her about using magic, but Aisia as usual, doesn’t listen.

Aisia’s vision of a magical school, was way too Harry Potter-esque. Still, her delusions can be pretty fun to watch. She’s definately not the timid girl we thought she’d be, but I’m getting used to this playful Aisia. Plus she had all sorts of cute faces and blushes this episode.
Suginami really scares me sometimes. Popping out of nowhere, pulling a smoke grenade out of his ass, etc.
The episode has some funny moments, but overall I could summarize it just like I had up earlier: “Aisia goes to school. Hijinks occur.” Not really much character development until the very end, more like introducing Aisia to all the people around Junichi, and setting it up so that she can integrate nicely into her new school. Not a bad episode, just nothing really spectacular yet (I expect great things though).
I hope we get more Kotori episodes soon; there’s only so much Aisia I can stand. Need more KotorixJunichi moments!

July 23, 2005 at 9:20 pm Comments (3)

Gundam SEED Destiny – 40

Shinn is having nightmares of all the people he’s battled, including Stellar, Kira, and Athrun, until Rey wakes him up. Shinn still feels bad about Athrun and Meyrin, but Rey tells him that it can’t be helped. The next day, our three aces get medals, and Shinn and Rey are inducted into FAITH. As Talia and Gilbert are walking towards the elevator, a report comes in that Jibril has been found in ORB.

Word spreads quickly that ZAFT is mobilizing forces towards ORB. Gilbert briefs his captains and tells Talia that he wants the Minerva to join the battle. Inside the ArchAngel, Athrun is still struggling to get up when Meyrin comes by and sees his condition. In ORB, Jibril is talking with Unato and seems pretty confident. Jona makes a public statement claiming that Jibril is not in ORB, much to Cagalli’s anger and dismay.

ZAFT launches the first wave of attacks, sending two suits to destroy the Saran home. They fly over a car carrying a surprised Jibril. Murrue wants to launch the ArchAngel, but is told that it’s impossible because the engines aren’t ready. Jona comes into the ORB command center and orders their forces to move out. Unfortunately, the ORB forces are seriously outclassed by the ZAFT forces. Cagalli is ready to go and launch in the Sky Grasper, but she’s stopped by Kisaka and Erica.

They take her to an underground hanger. When Erica turns on the light, everyone is blinded by the shiny new mobile suit. Uzumi’s voice comes on above them, and he tells Cagalli, in a recorded message, that he built this to protect his heir. He ends by telling Cagalli to be happy. Cagalli is bawling by the time Kisaka comes over and asks if she wants to get on the Akatsuki.

Cagalli launches and gathers her Murasame forces. The command center notices an unidentified mobile suit that is of course the Akatsuki. Cagalli makes her entrance and Jona is overjoyed. He takes the microphone and thanks and praises her. Cagalli asks is Jona believes that she’s the real Cagalli and he agrees wholeheartedly. She then invokes her powers and asks for Jona to be arrested. A swift punch by a senior officer and several tackles later, Jona is quickly apprehended. In the battle, Cagalli and her forces seem to be turning the tide of battle.

On the Minerva, after a bit of thought, Shinn launches in Destiny Gundam. Talia is not too happy, but can’t do anything because Shinn is now in FAITH. Cagalli notices that Destiny Gundam has arrived and heads toward Shinn. The two face off as the ending song starts.

This episode was everything I had hoped it would be and then some. ORB gets attacked, but Cagalli inherits the Akatsuki and saves the day (for now). We even got a new insert song, 焔の扉 (Homura no Tobira, Door of Flame) by FictionJunction YUUKA. Of course it reminds me a lot of 暁の車 (Akatasuki no Kurama) from GS, but that’s to be expected. I found it to be a rather fitting song for the scene they put it in.
Uzumi’s speech to Cagalli was a very touching scene. The music, Uzumi’s true parting words to Cagalli, and the recap scenes all allow you to understand why she breaks down crying. And when she finally launches, it’s just as good as when Kira or Athrun saves the day. Though I can’t help but be reminded of the Hyaku Shiki from the zeta series because of the golden color of the Akatsuki.
And the big story is that Jona finally got his due punishment. I thought the way Cagalli had him affirm who she was, then have him arrested was brilliant. I’ve been waiting so many episode for someone to smack Jona and we finally got it.
It appears that by all accounts, the next episode will more or less be a recap episode (and we were on such a good streak too). I guess I’m really looking forward to episode 42, when I’m sure some really BIG things will happen (Read: BIG).

July 23, 2005 at 1:42 pm Comments (21)

Way Too Funny

Just found this link from TokenAsian’s post on the AnimeBlogger forums. The link is of a Chinese rip of Star Wars Episode III, with it’s accompanying english subtitles. I was laughing so hard that I was crying (which I’ve never done before).
Link: episode iii, the backstroke of the west

July 23, 2005 at 1:03 am Comments (0)

Zettai Shounen – 10

Short Summary:
The festival is finally starting! Miku is sick, but she eventually goes to the festival. Shione mulls about in her room for a bit, but also eventually ends up going (and comes face to face with Takuma). Ayumu was going to go with Miki and Miku, but he never returns, instead following a fairy into the forest and playing with Wakkun. At the festival, Miku asks Ryousuke a favor: to go with her into the Touya forest. When it’s time for the contest, Miku is still depressed, most likely because Ryousuke rejected her request. In the forest, when Ayumu wants to leave, Wakkun throws a fit, and so Ayumu stays. Wakkun wants always to be together, always to play together.

The festival has finally started and one by one, our character arrive except for Ayumu, who’s still in the forest with Wakkun. Wakkun looks to be leading him through the broken seal. The very last scene has the local junkyard lighting up with fairies, presumably corresponding to the same time that Ayumu steps over the line. I still don’t really understand how the fairies fit into the picture so I’m looking forward to where the production crew is going with this.
I assume the girl standing beside Miki in the next to last screen is the eldest Miyama sister, but she didn’t get many lines, and I doubt she’s going to play any major role. She does look a lot like her sisters though, but with shorter hair.
There were so many cute things this episode from Shione and Taruto in yukata to Miki and Miku in cat costumes. Plus all the blushing that Miku did when she was sick (and when she’s initially in her costume). かわいい!
This episode felt like it had a lot of setup for next episode, so it wasn’t nearly as interesting as I thought it’d be. Though that does mean that I expect big things to happen in next week’s episode.

July 22, 2005 at 11:16 pm Comments (0)

Honey & Clover – 13

New OP Sequence:

When everyone learns that Morita has gone to America, they insist on seeing his room, and so Takemoto shows them. He remembers what Morita’s brother asked him, and relays the question to Hagu-chan: whether she wants Morita to come back or not. She replies that she doesn’t, that she wants him to do his best at what he’s working on. Later, she resumes working on her art fervently, and Takemoto and Yamada observe that her mannerisms are being more grown up, even more manly. After Hagu-chan breaks her squeegee and takes a break, Yamada suggests that they go see the fireworks together. Takemoto calls up Mayama and Hanamoto-sensei convinces him that he wants to come. At the Yamada household, after much hassle, Hagu-chan and Yamada pick out yukata that make them look mature and sexy. When they get to the festivities, Yamada constantly worried about how she looks until Mayama sees her and comments that she looks nice. She feels immensly glad that she went through all the trouble, if just for a compliment from him.

New ED:

I rather like the new OP sequence. It reminds me a lot of the PV for Dramatic, in the squiggly line sense. It shows a lot of scenes from past episodes, particularly episode 10, in a non-animated way. As for the new ending, I like it, but it doesn’t have nearly the same punch as Waltz does. In fact, at the end of this episode, I found myself waiting for the opening notes of Waltz, but getting nothing.

The first half of this episode was really a transition that allows us to see Hagu-chan in Morita’s absence. I definately agree with Takemoto’s assessment of her answer to his question. By saying that she wants him to do his best until he’s done with his work, I think that shows her love for Morita goes pretty deep.
I have absolutely no idea how the whole Yamada/Mayama/Rika triangle is going to turn out. It really seems that Mayama and Yamada are getting closer, but it seems even more that all of their feelings are more or less unrequited. The same goes for the Takemoto/Hagu-chan/Morita triangle. I’m not sure which pairs I’d be most happy with, but I really do hope the series ends with at least one couple and not just everyone going on with their slice of life.
The preview for next episode had a lot of Mayama running around, searching for something or someone. I find myself enjoying the Mayama and Yamada moments a lot, so I hope it’s about them (though Rika is in the preview too).
The insert song this episode was Suga ShikaoSorosoro Ikanakucha (そろそろいかなくちゃ) from his 4Flusher album from 2000. It reminds me a lot of the opening song to Final Fantasy X-2 since they have a similar melody. It seems that someone else posting on mininova is getting these insert songs out faster than I can even get the raw, so I’m happily passing the torch on.

July 22, 2005 at 9:39 pm Comment (1)

Amaenaideyo!! – 04

Short Summary:
Chitose really loves her horrer flicks and forces Ikko, Sumi, and Yuko to watch them with her, but they are of course, deathly afraid. After some movies one night, they find a young girl who asks them to save her. They enter her haunted house (which Chitose loves) and get chased around and abused by all sorts of horrers. They end up re-enacting a loving home scene from the girl’s mind until Chitose puts an end to it, comforts the girl, and sends the spirits on their way.

I keep asking myself why I watch this series. The plot is bad, the animation is poor, and I don’t particularly like any of the characters. I thought maybe, with all of the Hinata popping in at random intervals to show that she’s not scared, we’d get some Hinata backstory (why is she like that, why is she unafraid?) , but ultimately it was just a boring haunted house episode. Not much fanservice either, save for the shot of Chitose in her underwear near the beginning. I’ll give this series one or two more episode, then I’ll seriously consider dropping it. Next episode, the crucial episode five (episode five is typically where a lot of series have a very good backstory or serious episode), looks to be more fluff material, but we’ll see.

July 22, 2005 at 6:14 pm Comment (1)

Densha Otoko – 03

Short Summary:
The date between Tsuyoshi and Saori goes rather well, despite Tsuyoshi’s social ineptness. Although it ends rather uneventfully, he manages to call her the next day and set up another date. However, Saori calls him back later and asks if she can bring a friend. Tsuyoshi immediately agrees, only to realize immediately that he’s in a jam. He eventually overcomes his fears and meets her and her friend by a giant LOVE sign. Except that her friend turns out to be the woman he crashed into back in the first episode.

Tsuyoshi’s social ineptitude is just painful to watch sometimes. Of course, it is very interesting seeing him change and grow as a character, like being able to talk without stuttering (too much) to a woman. And the production crew balances it out with some rather funny scenes. During the date, Saori asks Tsuyoshi what he does in his free time, to which after some thought, he replies that he surfs (the net), but she interprets this as surfing (waves). They’re apparently going to take this pretty far, as we see him practicing this episode and the next episode preview shows them at the beach.
I was really cracking up in the final scene because they started to play the Imperial March when Tsuyoshi recognized Saori’s friend. When Saori showed up and they played the happy music, but then quickly went back to Imperial March when her friend entered the picture. That scene was just too funny. I’m looking forward to watching this second date next episode.
More thoughts later (maybe) when I’m not so tired (or when I’ve cleared some backlog).

Edit: Being the idiot that I am, I never noticed that I was reading his name wrong. It’s Tsuyoshi, not Takeshi.

July 22, 2005 at 12:33 am Comments (3)


Short Summary:
It’s almost summer, meaning that Rin and friends are thinking about vacation and the beach. But for now, it’s raining and exams time. Shia seems to like the rain, but Rin notices that she’s having trouble with studying. He visits her one night and they study together. In a blushing awkward moment, Shia tells the story of when they met eight years ago, and Rin found her crying and ended up playing with her. After exams end, Rin finds Shia still at school during the rain, so he offers his umbrella and they walk home together. Shia remembers that eight years ago, they also shared an umbrella in the rain, and Rin also got his clothes wet so that she could stay dry.

This was Lisianthus’ episode for backstory. We find out that Rin raised her spirits after finding her crying one day eight years ago, and the two spent time together, and that Rin’s a really nice guy, blah, blah. Pretty average harem-style stuff, but a good episode nonetheless.
Primula + her cat doll = most adorable thing on this show. When she was playing with it in both the scenes that she’s in this episode, her corner of the screen just oozed cuteness. On the flip side, I have no idea what f-ugly ideas the animators are channeling when they draw some of Rin’s faces.
Speaking of the animators, the sentence written in Shia’s notebook was hilarious. *points to screencap 29* It reads “Animators have been living in bad conditions.” It’s semi-hidden things like that that make me really laugh.
Next episode looks like it will probably be a Nerine episode (dear lord, are we going to cycle through all the girls already?). Preview shows them eating lunch on the roof. While I realize that’s done in a lot of series, why does this show seem to parallel Da Capo so much!? Hopefully they’ll be a lot of Primula and her stuffed cat.

July 21, 2005 at 6:22 pm Comments (2)

Suzuka – 03

Short Summary:
Yamato goes to school with Suzuka, but is left out of both Suzuka’s and Yasunobu’s circle of friends. He’s feeling alone when a beautiful girl approaches him. She introduces herself as Sakurai Honoka and claims to know Yamato from long ago. Before he can ask her more, the teacher comes in to start class. Off to the side, Suzuka notices that Honoka was talking with Yamato. After school, Yamato asks Suzuka to go home together, since she asked him earlier to help her carry sports drinks, but she brushes him off. Instead, he gets acquainted with Honoka and learns that he helped her out in the past and the two made a promise to keep a secret. After Yamato remembers, Honoka asks to walk home with him. Suzuka, after practice, finds Yamato waiting at the school gates. Apparently, he turned down Honoka so that he could keep his promise with Suzuka. However, because he waited for her, Yamato develops a cold the next day. After noticing that Yamato was missing, Honoka visits him at home with Yasunobu’s help. They talk, and as she’s about to leave to get some groceries, she catches Suzuka about to ring the doorbell. Suzuka walks off without going inside. Dinner that night is cooked by Honoka, but is crashed by Yasunobu and Saotome. After everyone is gone, Suzuka brings over some honey and lemon drink and eggs. The two have another moment together.

Yes I know I keep saying that I’m doing this subbed, but I apparently have a lot of free time on my hands on Wednesdays.
We are introduced to one of my favorite characters, Sakurai Honoka. Unfortunately, I really don’t like the voice actress they gave her. She just seems to deliver the lines rather flat. I really hope that Hosono Yumiko-san can ease into the role a bit more, else I’m going to have a really hard time liking some of the more dramatic episodes involving Honoka in the future.
I am beginning to like the music of this series more and more. Just has a quaint slice of life feeling. The animation quality varied quite a bit, and I hope it gets more consistant as we go on.
This episode covers up to the end of volume one of the manga, which I think is a pretty good speed; plus they’re following the manga pretty closely. That means they’re on pace to get through some six volumes, but I suspect they’ll throw in some original material, so we’ll see. I’m looking forward to next episode as it has a very good SuzukaXYamato scene.

Edit Several Hours Later: Made a correction thanks to what Mentar pointed out.

July 21, 2005 at 12:37 am Comments (3)

FMP! The Second Raid – 02

Short Summary:
Sousuke finds out from Kazama that some candid photos were taken of Chidori and posted on the internet. He goes on alert, confronting everyone who approaches her in the classic Sousuke way (which is followed by the classic Chidori beatdown). In the Republic of Balic, Gates, with the sisters Xia Yu Fang and Xia Yu Lan, arrives at a standoff with the ever-so-unlucky bad guy from last episode. Gates pulls a gun and pops him in the head before all hell breaks loose with the sisters start slaughtering everyone. Back at school, Sousuke finds the person who’s been posting the photos of Chidori and chases him to the roof. The culprit takes a photo of Chidori picking her nose hostage, threatening to post it, but Sousuke activates a radar that he had built earlier (and Chidori shut down), which shorts out the computer and all the electronics in the area. Sousuke threatens him with a knife, but ends up letting him get away thanks to Chidori’s kick. Before he does though, they learn that this guy was not the one who Chidori spotted spying on her when she woke up. Throughout this, they are being watched by a mysterious man from another rooftop..

The more I watch TSR, the more I want to read the FMP! novels (conveniantly translated by Boku-Tachi). Honestly, I’ve never read a novel in that sense, so I’m very interested, plus it’s FMP!, so all the better.
Anyway, this episode showed how big of a lunatic Gates is. This guy blows the brains out of the bad guy from last week, sings during the proceeding slaughter, then headshots his own guy later; never mind that he abuses Xia Yu Lan a bit afterwords. I just hope he’s not as unkillable as Gauron. The screenshots for next episode (from the WOWOW site) show him in a piloting suit, so we’ll probably get to see his piloting skills too.
This episode also showed that FMP! TSR is definately not for kids anymore. There was quite a bit of frontal nudity (breast shots) and gory violence (arms cut off, brains blown out), all of which caught me off-guard. Definately not what I was expecting out of Full Metal Panic!. Whether it’s good or bad remains to be seen; it’ll be determined by how much future nudity we have and whether all the action sequences are going to be pretty violent (at least the ones involving Gates). Still, this episode did manage to provide some classic Sousuke protecting Chidori humor which gave me quite a few laughs, going to show that some things never change.
As for the sisters, the long haired one (Xia Yu Fang) is the AS pilot while the short haired one (Xia Yu Lan) is the hand to hand combat one, and they seem quite close (yes in that sense too). They mention their sensei several times, but not really who he is. Leonard also calls them up and tells them to keep a low profile. I wonder what evil things he’s got planned…

Edit: Added a few more tidbits.

July 20, 2005 at 6:49 pm Comments (6)

Bleach – 41

Ichigo finds himself in a storage room with Yoruichi, presumably his savior. Ichigo remembers Sado and the others, but Yoruichi calms him down by telling him that they’re fine. Yoruichi is more concerned about the hollow mask that Ichigo is carrying with him. Ichigo recounts that Hanatarou threw it away back when they were in the sewers, a statement which alarms Yoruichi greatly, so he takes it in for safekeeping. When Ichigo says that Yoruichi is pretty amazing to be able to carry him back with Yoruichi’s small body, Yoruichi says that he used his original form. Realizing that Ichigo has never seen it, Yoruichi transforms…into a beautiful girl. She starts to explain about the device she used to carry him, but Ichigo yells for her to put some clothes on first to which Yoruichi teases Ichigo for a while about clothes and seeing a girl naked. As they’re talking, they feel a great spiritual energy. Ichigo realizes that Ganjyu and Hanatarou are in danger and rushes off with the wing device.
On the bridge, Ganjyu charges Byakuya, but gets easily avoided and cut instead. After Ganjyu reveals that he’s from the Shiba family, Byakuya gets serious and uses his special attack, Senbonzakura (1000 cherry blossoms) which absolutely destroys Ganjyu. As Byakuya turns to attack Rukia and Hanatarou, his arm is stopped by the arrival of Captain Ukitake. As Byakuya fills Ukitake in on the situation in Soul Society, they feel an immense spiritual power, signaling the arrival of Ichigo. He and Rukia quickly get reacquainted, returning briefly to their old arguing selves. Rukia, though not showing it, is pretty glad that Ichigo is here to save her. Ichigo turns to face Byakuya and the two clash. Byakuya is very surprised that Ichigo blocks his first attack, and each attack afterwords. He turns to use Senbonzakura again, but something wraps around his sword, and Yoruichi appears to stop him.

Yay! I’ve been waiting for this episode for forever. I’m glad that the production crew, like they have done so far, kept pretty true to the manga in the dialogue and action. In fact, the only major changes/additions I could see were Rukia’s mini-monologue at the end about her brother and Ichigo, and the exclusion of the Shiba smile reference from Ichigo (if you read the manga, you know the page I’m talking about). And the mask only had 3 stripes instead of 4, but oh well.
The preview last week spawned a lot of discussion on how they changed the color of Yoruichi’s hair from the dark blue it was in episode 31′s ending sequence to a much brighter purple. Honestly, it didn’t bother me at all; I hardly noticed it.
There was quite a bit of 3D thrown in this episode, and it wasn’t done too badly, even if it did slightly look out of place. Byakuya’s Senbonzakura is as cool as ever, as was pretty much the entire fight scene. It’s funny how Number One (the song) is now the powerup music – they played it twice this episode: when Ichigo arrived and when he spars with Byakuya. And I say spars because this really isn’t a full fight (we’ll get that much much later). Next episode will most likely conclude the bridge scene and then move on to Ishida and Inoue.

July 19, 2005 at 11:00 am Comments (11)

Younha – Motto Futari de PV

Most of you should know Younha’s music from the third Bleach ED, ほうき星 (Houkiboushi). This is her first single since then, titled もっとふたりで (Motto Futari de). For the lyrics, please refer to this site.
The PV features a lot sunflowers and the sun which fits pretty well considering the lyrics are about the sun and the flowers blooming. Younha walks around painting buildings in bright colors, giving the video a very uplifting feeling, just like the song. I rather like the song, and have been listening to the single all night, including the other song, the japanese version of If (for those of you that don’t know, Younha is originally from Korea).

July 18, 2005 at 11:40 pm Comment (1)

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