Random Curiosity

Claymore – 18


Since she feels that her life is owed to Clare, Jean continues following her around until she can repay the debt. Clare, on the other hand, feels that the debt has already been repaid because it is due to Jean that she learned how to control the Quick Sword technique. However, before the two of them can get very far on the next leg of their journey, they get found by Rubel and the Organization’s Number 5 Rafaela. With the two of them surprised because they weren’t able to sense her at all, Rubel explains that Rafaela is the best at suppressing her Yoma energy. He also jokes that Galatea was executed, but he then admits that they actually let her continue on as a Claymore because she still has her uses. As for Clare, the Organization is willing to give her a pardon, but she needs to go on a mission to the North where a group of Awakened Beings have appeared. As an added incentive, Rubel also mentions that Raki has gone North, and although Clare doesn’t like the circumstances, she does end up heading that way with Jean.

In the snowy landscape, the two arrive at a town called Pieta where many other Claymores have started gathering. Clare immediately gets attacked by Helen, and a small fight almost breaks out when Jean tries to protect her and Deneve responds accordingly. Helen had only attacked as a greeting, and she’s dumbfounded as to why a single digit like Jean would be with Number 47 Clare, so Jean questions why ranks are important when Clare had saved her life. After the girls introduce themselves and apologize to each other, the Organization’s Number 8 Flora calls all of the Claymores there to assemble so that they can outline the operation. Helen thinks that Flora is the leader since she’s the highest ranked one there, but Flora reveals that someone else is: Miria. When the Number 6th ranked Claymore gets down to the details of how they’re up against numerous Awakened Beings, the others are shocked at how this could happen and how the enemies are grouping together. One Claymore who isn’t afraid is Number 11 Undine, a girl with plenty of muscles and two swords, but Deneve thinks that Undine is just showing-off with those muscles, and the two soon start arguing.

In order to shut them up and call everyone to attention again, Flora unleashes her own technique and blows all the snow around her away without even seeming to have drawn her sword. Seeing this, Jean explains that Windcutter Flora is known for how fast she can draw her sword, swing, and sheath it again. Flora and Miria then call up the other high ranked Claymores – Jean, Undine, and Number 13 Veronica – so that they can split up the 24 Claymores present here into five normal sized groups. Explaining that their overall strategy will be to use the normal one team versus one Awakened Being, Miria then places Deneve in Undine’s team and Helen in Veronica’s. Later that night, Clare sneaks away to a cave to meet with Miria, Deneve, and Helen privately. She is followed by Jean, who she explains is in the same situation as the rest of them, and she proceeds to tell everyone what happened with Jean and Riful.

Miria can’t believe what she’s hearing, but the thing that she’s particularly interested in is how Clare’s arm is different from before. Since Clare doesn’t want to talk about it, Miria concludes that Clare’s situation isn’t very good, and Clare responds that that could be said about all 24 of them gathered here. When she questions what Miria thinks their chances of success are, Mira admits that she thinks they are zero. The reason is because she believes that there is someone behind all the Awakened Beings, someone who Clare knows to be the Abyssal One Isley. Miria suspects that the Organization is just trying to buy time with this operation, meaning that they’re just sacrifices. At that moment, on the outskirts of Pieta, three male Awakened Beings who were sent as reconnaissance decide to attack the town. One of them immediately jumps into the middle of Pieta and starts killing civilians, so the entire force of Claymores responds. Miria can sense the other two too, so she assigns one Claymore team to each of the Awakened Beings and puts the other two on standby.

As the battle begins, Miria’s team attacks the Awakened Being in front of them while Flora’s team heads for the one on the nearby rooftops. Flora’s team includes Numbers 39 and 47, but Flora thinks that those two won’t be much use, and she personally attempts to finish off their opponent before he can transform. Her attack, however, appears to miss the Awakened Being, and she’s stopped from using it further because her teammate attacks her. Clare quickly realizes that this enemy can control Yoma energy, and it proves to be quite strong because he is able to pin four of them to the roof while he uses their fifth teammate to try to kill them. Clare reacts by powering up her borrowed arm to cut the building to pieces, and it succeeds in freeing them. Flora then attempts to finish off the Awakened Being one more time, but it dodges and transforms. Nearby, Jean and her team are having trouble with their Awakened Being, so Veronica’s team come to help. Undine’s team also comes to aid Flora’s, and Deneve in particular wants to draw their opponent’s attention so that they can finish this in one go.


Seeing all these Claymores gathered together makes me wonder how many of them Clare is now stronger than. With that arm and Quick Sword technique, she’d could probably be re-ranked somewhere in the single digits, though probably not as high as Miria. If nothing else, this battle seems like a good place for her to shine, particularly when someone like Flora thinks that Clare won’t be of much use because of her low rank.
Still, this first battle up north seems to be just introducing new characters and reintroducing old ones more than anything else. In the scheme of things, it’s hard to imagine that three Awakened Beings would give too much trouble to 24 Claymores, especially with the likes of Miria and Clare with them. So while it’s interesting to see the various abilities and Claymores working together, the threat of Isley and Priscilla is a lot more compelling. Hopefully they’ll make an appearance once this relatively forgettable reconnaissance group is defeated.

July 31, 2007 at 8:07 pm Comments (41)

School Days – 05


Makoto is at school thinking about Kotonoha’s invitation to the pool when Sekai notices his ticket and thinks that he got it from Hikari. As it turns out, Hikari also has tickets, and she wants to invite Makoto’s friend Sawanaga, so they all end up going on the same day. At the pool, Sawanaga is thrilled to see the various girls in swimsuits and is particularly enthusiastic to see Kotonoha’s, but Makoto could care less because his mind still dwells on the time Sekai kissed him. When the girl show up, Makoto apologizes to Kotonoha for the increase in size from just the two of them to this larger group, but Kotonoha doesn’t mind because Makoto is still here. In any case, Kotonoha can’t swim and she wants Makoto to teach her, though in the middle of it she accidentally trips into his arms. He ends up holding her tight for quite a long while, a sight which is seen by an unhappy Sekai. Later, while Kotonoha has gone to the rest room, Sekai teases Makoto about becoming aggressive and suggests that it’s from of her special training. Grabbing Sekai’s butt, Makoto feels that he should get more training, but she slaps his hand away and makes it clear that it was practice – no more and no less.

After Makoto talks about how good she looks in her swimsuit and comments on her breast size, Sekai calls him all sorts of bad names, including idiot, but when Makoto then mentions how it’s easier for him to act stupid with her and starts to say something else, she cuts him off and reminds him that he’s going out with Kotonoha. During lunch, Kotonoha presents everyone with the sandwiches that she made, and Sawanaga finds them delicious. Noticing a smudge on Makoto’s mouth, Kotonoha happily wipes it off for him, which leads to Sawanaga finally learning that Makoto’s going out with Kotonoha, not Sekai like he had originally thought. Watching Kotonoha cling to Makoto afterwards, Sekai admits to the others that she had set the two up, so Sawanaga wants her to find him a girlfriend too. At the end of the day, Kotonoha asks Makoto if he’ll be free the next Sunday because Kokoro wants to see him again. When Sawanaga notices that Makoto isn’t acting particularly happy about this, Makoto denies it, and Sekai and the others then interrupt him. Seeing that Kotonoha looks a bit down after the casual way Makoto addressed her and said that she’s slow, Sekai realizes that something is wrong and drags him off again to talk with him privately.

Sekai ends up scolding Makoto again, but when he feels that she should understand, she realizes that he took their training seriously. Nevertheless, she laughs it off and playfully calls him simple and lewd for liking any person who would let him touch them. Taking a more serious tone, Sekai feels that they can’t pursue a relationship since Makoto is Kotonoha’s boyfriend, and she makes it clear that they’re just friends – no more and no less. That’s why she feels that he should forget about her. Despite this, on the way home, Makoto can’t get his mind off Sekai, and when Kotonoha hugs his arm at her station, he tells her simply that he has to go. However, when his train pulls into the station, Makoto never boards it. Instead, after remembering what Sekai had said, he text messages her to ask if he can call her. She messages him back to instruct him to call Kotonoha first, but that only makes Makoto run for a different train and message that he wants to see her right now. It is raining by the time he arrives at the train station closest to Sekai’s home, and he finds her outside with an umbrella when he emerges. Calling him an idiot, she questions why he came since he’s dating Kotonoha, and Makoto responds by hugging her and confessing his feelings for her.

Nearly in tears, Sekai then asks why he went for Kotonoha first and not her, and she admits that the reason she decided to help him was because he had said that he liked Kotonoha. Makoto apologizes for this, but he also says that it’s useless if it’s not her, and Sekai eventually lets him kiss her, in the process dropping her umbrella so that she can wrap her arms around him. Meanwhile, at the Katsura home, Kokoro finds her sister staring at Makoto’s picture and asks if he will be staying over next time. Kotonoha gets a little embarrassed and feels that Kokoro shouldn’t be thinking about things like that, but Kokoro just wants to play more with him. By this time, Makoto and Sekai have returned to her room in her apartment and gotten on her bed with Makoto wanting to continue what they started before. Although she resists at first, Sekai is quieted by his kiss and soon gives in to him.

ED Sequence

Insert Song: 「涙の理由」 (Namida no Riyuu) by 栗林みな実 (Kuribayashi Minami)
ED5: 「Look at me」 by YURIA
They really did a good job with the insert song this week. I thought it was perfect for the scene, though my favorite song is probably still the ED from last week by yozuca*

So I guess Sekai finished Makoto’s special training after all. It only took five episodes for Makoto to get in bed with someone, and it turned out to be actually Sekai instead of his girlfriend Kotonoha. I really don’t know how low of a level Makoto can stoop to, but I think the odds are still pretty good though that he’ll sleep with Kotonoha eventually too, particularly if he starts to lose interest in Sekai now that he’s gotten what he wanted. That being said, despite how distantly Makoto treats Kotonoha and how he cheats on her, I don’t find myself hating either him or Sekai for what happened. I think Makoto definitely should have at least broken up with Kotonoha first if he was so unhappy with her, but in a way, I feel a little sympathetic because he was following his heart towards Sekai. I’ve mostly hated him up until now for the idiotic things he’s done, and while I don’t condone cheating in a relationship, at least he wasn’t engaging in emotionless sex just for the sake of having sex. Of course, that doesn’t mean that he truly loves Sekai either, and so I would guess that Kotonoha still has a chance. Overall, this episode exemplifies what I find attractive about this series: the emotions running high and the romance story realizing its potential without pulling any punches. Next week should be interesting too, if Kotonoha does indeed find out about what happened like the title suggests she does.

July 31, 2007 at 6:01 pm Comments (128)

Moetan – 04

Today’s girl is popular idol Alice Shiratori – unbeknownst to many, beneath that meganekko exterior lies a terrifying secret…

Back in the Nijihara house, ducknasty is giving an inspirational speech how small breasts are like the kindness of the world. You must treasure that flat chest of yours, Ink, for they will save the world! Elsewhere in a parallel magic world, Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Valière nods in agreement.

Pan over to the Kuroi house, where Sumi is engaging in her typical activity of oversleeping. How’s the abusive maid going to wake her up this time? No physical contact or brutish strength necessary – this maid must have tortured small animals as a child – she whispers a string of nightmare-inducing lines which gets Sumi up faster than one of those falling dreams. No indication of her getting taller upon waking up though.

I should point out that these abusive-maid types are popping up more in anime these days, and it’s quite a welcome change to a timeless moe mode. Even the traditional butlers are getting a workover in Hayate, like that dude who makes his master throw flower petals in his wake.

I should also point out that Sumi’s cat-suit that she sleeps in is apparently a male cat – a huge pair of nekoballs hangs prominently between those two stubby legs.

Today on Sumi’s agenda – a trip to go see Alice on set! Ink just happens to be at the event too, but one thing’s missing… Alice. No time to worry about trivialities like that, as they get an alert on their mahou shoujo cell phone and rush off to save the day again.

So where is Alice, anyways? Apparently she’s off in some pseudo-magic place, naked in a lake. Inexplicably, only the magic girls in this show are the ones that look about 10 years younger than they really are, and have a natural tendency to walk around naked. Anyways, Alice’s tsukaima is a sickly looking bunny, not particularly cute.

Ink and Sumi arrive on scene – it’s an elementary school, which has been invaded by some drunk pervert ojisan otaku. After trying to sympathize with him, they get too grossed out and kick his ass – only to have gooeyduck tell them that this dude wasn’t the reason they were called. The real reason was right outside – a giant octopus with striped pantsu on his head.

The two promptly get their ass kicked by the octopus as images of slimy tentacles with white excrement penetrate their fragile minds. Hope looks lost as even the shady trench coat flasher could not hold his candle against the monstrosity of the sea – until the drunk pervert ojisan otaku jumps out of nowhere and explodes on top of the octopus. Just another day at work.

That night, Ink rushes out for her nightly tutoring session, as duckakke detects a dangerous presence nearby and goes to investigate. It’s Alice – in rabbit ear mahou shoujo form (her transformation sequence involves gratuitous ass nudity), here in the human world to hunt down the poor duck. She’s about to turn him into Peking Duck before Ink shows up, where she then conveniently runs out of power and warps out to recharge her batteries.


I’m getting the feeling that I’m harboring some dangerous people with these Moetan posts. I also get the feeling that I’m becoming one of these people. After all, while the humor of the first show was off the wall, subsequent episodes have been short in that department, choosing to go fanservice route.

Now in this parody genre that’s a very legitimate route, but I also believe it’s the easy way out. Ten year olds with no chest but a dynamite ass are not difficult to draw per se, but clever humor is difficult to pull off. While I have no doubt that we’ll still see flashes of what the first episode had to offer throughout the series, it’s become clear that Moetan has settled into this groove of a weekly showcase of preteen softcore. Kinda like how Umisho went from a charming first episode to the degenerate show that it is now, Moetan has given us reason to believe that anime studios do not have the budget or the capability of having smart humor and over the top fanservice coincide in the same show.

It’s a sad fact but also the harsh reality. And probably the biggest reason why people who have never seen “anime” think it’s just a bunch of little girls and guys who look like little girls showing off their itty bitties.

On a different note, how about we get some extra camera angles during these transformations, eh?


July 30, 2007 at 11:59 pm Comments (32)

Lucky Star – 17

Shiraishi Minoru ED

ED: 「もってけ!セーラーふく」 (Motteke! Serafuku) by 白石稔 (Shiraishi Minoru)

You knew this was coming… I’m saying that a lot these days, aren’t I? Taken me a while to warm up to the idea, but these Shiraishi ED renditions are pretty freakin funny. Seems like they told him to sing the song totally from memory, because he starts making up words / mumbling in some of more difficult sections. It gets fast forwarded near the end because there’s not enough time left in the episode >.>


Today in Lucky Star:

- Konata and Tsukasa get their test grades back – same result as usual.
- Konata gets annoyed at a news report about a criminal with a ton of manga – give some more love to the good manga, cmon!
- Sister talk – apparently Minami clung to Miyuki-oneesan quite a bit… so how come she can’t inherit her “size”?
- Konata’s 18th birthday – she’s happy, not because she can get a license now, but because she can legally play eroge
- Dad, Yutaka, Yui get together and prepare a surprise birthday party for Konata – the clock is ticking! At t=0, they get a call from Konata… she’s not coming home for dinner…
- A simple form passed out at school that asks for your 3 aspirations – everyone’s is pretty standard, but how about Konata? 1. Brigade leader; 2. Successor to the Fist of the South Star; 3. Storyboard artist.
- Konata takes the third magazine in the stack because it’s untainted by curious hands. Kagami makes a similar connection to kaiten sushi.
- Kagami buys a new light novel and offers it to Konata. Eew, reading.
- Kagami forgets her world history textbook, so borrows it from Konata… only to find that it’s been scribbled all over.
- Kagami’s bad day – all her books and papers fall on the ground, there’s nothing to drink in the fridge, the nearby store is closed so she has to walk further, and then at the register realizes that she’s forgotten her wallet…
- Tsukasa cheers Kagami up at home by offering her some freshly baked cake! Every bit of which shows up on the bathroom scale…
- Yutaka talks quieter on the phone as to not disturb Konata (it’s exams time), only to have Konata walk in and ask her to play video games with her.
- Kagami finds a handkerchief that she left in her summer uniform, while Tsukasa finds a container of &%*#(@ in the fridge.
- Yutaka tries to play Wii! Everything this girl does is so straightforwardly honest and cute…
- Yui-neesan misses her husband~
- Discussion of whether it’s better to be an only child or have siblings. Somehow leads to a corny 80s video of the Hiiragi 4 (reference to Cat’s Eye).
- Matsuri-neesan bagging on Kagami – family crisis! Shows the personalities of the four sisters and their relationship quite well. Nice colors and animation in this scene, and a happy resolution :)

- Lucky Channel 17 – guest star Anime Tenchou gets fired up and gives an impassioned pep talk. Shiraishi turns to Shiroishi (shiroi means white) and Akira gets yelled at to get FIRED UP AHHHHHH

- Preview is by Anime Tenchou and his passionately pale trainee, Shiroishi

July 29, 2007 at 10:41 pm Comments (41)

Zero no Tsukaima ~Futatsuki no Kishi~ – 04


Louise wakes up one morning with Saito touching her chest, so she’s introducing her foot to his face when her older sister Éléonore suddenly bursts into the room. Before Saito really realizes what’s going on, Éléonore tells Louise that they’re going home and drags her off. Louise in turn pulls Saito with her, and Éléonore also spots and decides to take Siesta too. Since there are four of them and two carriages, Saito and Siesta get put into one while Louise and Éléonore ride the other. Along the way, Saito notices how Siesta isn’t looking very energetic, so she admits that she’s realized that Saito’s true feelings are for Louise. Before she can say anything else though, a bump in the road causes her to fall into his arms, but all Louise sees from the carriage behind them is Saito embracing Siesta, so she blows them up with her magic. They all eventually arrive at the Vallière estate and are greeted by a line of servants and Louise’s other sister Cattleya.

During dinner, Louise starts arguing with Éléonore and states that she’s serves Henrietta and that her strength is needed. Éléonore ridicules this idea because she doesn’t think Zero Louise can do anything and instead suggests a man to marry her. This causes Louise to point out that Éléonore should be the one to get married first with the Count of Burgundy, but this just causes Éléonore to get mad because that engagement had been called off. Their mother then interrupts to say that they’re in the middle of dinner and that they’ll talk about Louise tomorrow when her father returns home. Seeing Louise in the middle of all this, Saito is reminded of how she’s nobility in a different world than him. Later that night, Siesta is alone in her room thinking about giving up on Saito, but after looking at herself in the mirror, she decides that there are parts of herself that can win, and so she sneaks off to Saito’s room.

Louise is meanwhile wondering why Éléonore has always been mean to her, so Cattleya suggests that it’s because Éléonore cares and worries for her. Cattleya feels that she can understand Louise because she loves her, and in particular she thinks that Louise has fallen in love, though Louise denies it. When Louise is then unable to fall asleep, Cattleya wonders if Louise is thinking about Saito. Louise claims that Saito is just her familiar and that she doesn’t love him, but Cattleya points out that she never mentioned anything about love. Cattleya then urges Louise to go to where she belongs, so Louise heads to Saito’s room and gets in bed with him. With her eyes closed, Louise kisses someone under the sheets, but when she feels a large breast, she opens her eyes and realizes that the other person is actually Siesta. When she demands to know why Siesta is here, Siesta claims that Saito invited her, which shocks Louise into silence and causes her to return to her sister in tears.

At that moment, Saito is actually wandering around the house looking for Louise’s room, but he accidentally goes into Éléonore’s room instead. Since she’s dreaming about the Count of Burgundy, Éléonore hugs Saito and pulls him onto her bed, however when he feels her chest, they both suddenly realize who the other person is. Saito tries to apologize and leave, but Éléonore then pulls out a pair of whips to punish him. The next day, Louise’s father returns from a military conference and complains about what’s going on, but when Louise tries to speak up about Henrietta, her father questions what she understands and wants her instead to find a husband. Éléonore thinks that this means they should quickly get an engagement arranged, but when Louise’s mother asks if Louise has a lover, Louise vehemently denies it. After watching Louise run off, Cattleya pays a visit to Saito to tell him about how Louise could get married. Knowing that Saito doesn’t want that, Cattleya informs him of the boat that Louise always used to hide in when she faced unpleasant things, and tells him that there’s a carriage waiting outside the castle.

That boat is exactly where Saito finds Louise crying to herself, but she refuses to leave with him. When she mentions how she’s not able to tell her family about her Void Magic and feels that no one appreciates her even if she tries her hardest, Saito takes her hand and says that he does. Louise, however, thinks that he’s lying and doesn’t trust him because she believed what Siesta had said earlier. This leads Saito to admit that he likes Louise, and though that gets her embarrassed, Louise manages to say that since he swore fidelity to her, he can have the reward of touching one place on her body. The two then kiss, and Saito repeatedly tells Louise that he loves her as the boat heads down the river. However, when the boat gets beached, Louise realizes that her parents are standing over them. Facing Louise’s father and all of the butlers, Saito draws Derfflinger, clears a path through everyone, grabs Louise, and runs off. Although he manages to dodge Louise’s father’s magic, Saito’s next challenge is how to leave because there is a large creature pulling up the only drawbridge leading out of the castle. Fortunately, Cattleya helps out by snapping the drawbridge’s chain with her magic, causing it to fall back down and allowing Saito and Louise to escape to the waiting carriage being driven by Siesta.

On the way back to the school, Louise asks Saito where he went last night, and when he reveals that he went to Éléonore’s room, Louise gets mad at him all over again.


And here they were leading me to believe that this could have been Siesta’s comeback, but instead it solidified Louise and Saito’s relationship (though of course they have to end the episode with her mad at him again). On one hand, I would have preferred that Siesta make a bigger play for Saito than just lying to Louise about what she was doing in his room, but on the other hand, I’d just like them to get going with the war and the more serious parts of the story that I keep hearing about from folks who’ve read the novels. Still, all the running around to each other’s rooms – which led to Siesta and Louise kissing – was quite amusing to watch, so I’m not complaining too much. Hopefully next week will advance the war plot further though.

July 29, 2007 at 2:54 pm Comments (51)

Hayate no Gotoku! – 18


Hayate and the gang are off to Hakuou’s seaside school, but Hinagiku won’t be joining them because of her fear of airplanes. This being Hayate’s first airplane trip, he finds himself airsick during the flight and throws up as he tries to thank Nagi for paying for the expenses. When they arrive on the island, they are greeted by a butler and manager named Schmidt who promises to help them create fun summer memories. However, it’s not until they start swimming practice at the pool that Schmidt’s methods come to light. He appears in a mecha that he calls a synchronized swimming manipulation machine and proceeds to capture all the students to force them to do a synchronized swimming routine. Of course, this didn’t create any fun memories for them, and Yukiji almost punches Schmidt, but she gets interrupted by the sound of the lunch bell. Schmidt says that they’re having a barbecue, however before they eat, he makes them change out of their school swimsuits into more suitable ones. Then, while they’re eating, Schmidt brings along the thing he has planned to make lunch a fun memory for them: a live alligator.

This alligator eventually returns to the wild after going on a rampage, and the students are given some free time. Though the others enjoy parasailing, diving, and jet skiing, Nagi stays on the beach for a walk with Hayate. It is because of this that the two don’t get eaten along with everyone else by a sea creature for what Schmidt calls a deep-sea outing. Later, during dinner, Izumi, Risa, and Miki declare that they don’t like this kind of seaside school and say that they want to go home, and when the others agree, Yukiji decides that it’s time to go. However, Schmidt doesn’t let them leave because he’s prepared a test of courage for them with tons of costumed helpers from around the world. When these costumed people attack, the butlers spring into action to defeat them all, though it’s Yukiji who ends up knocking Schmidt himself out. On the way home, Hayate get airsick again, and the girls realize that they’re not flying back to Hakuou because they’re passing over mountains. When Yukiji visits the cockpit to see what’s going on, she finds Schmidt in the pilot’s seat, and he says that if they hate the seaside school, then he’ll create a camping school for them.


This episode doesn’t offer much in terms of substance, but plenty in terms of anime references and fanservice. In particular, they make up for Hinagiku’s absence by randomly showings swimsuit shots of her whenever they get a chance, and Nagi even points out that there are some images unrelated to the story that they used. As for parody stuff, I noticed that the airplane at the beginning of the episode looked like it was a reference to one of the numerous Pokémon airplanes, there was the Lancelot/CODE GEASS/Orange reference in both Schmidt’s mecha and his eye-catch, Inukami! all over Hinagiku’s gaming scene, and way too many anime to mention in the fight scene at the end. Overall though, this was a fairly forgettable episode that didn’t have any big laughs.

July 29, 2007 at 2:13 pm Comments (39)

Gurren Lagann – 18


As Nia finishes making her speech about the Humanity Eradication System, Rossiu is trying to have his men locate the source of her transmission, but it soon ends. Kittan and the others are then tasked by Rossiu with fielding the flood of phone calls coming in from citizens uneasy about the declaration of war. As for Rossiu himself, he has gone to the biocomputer and watches as it is activated. After getting his men to leave the room, Rossiu tells Lord Genome to wake up so that he can explain the mysteries of this world. Simon meanwhile heads for Nia’s home, but she’s not there, and he can’t reach her by phone either. Gimmy and Darry then find Simon and pass along the order that the Gurren Lagann is to return to base, but Simon refuses because he’s still looking for Nia. He then tries to order them to get out of the way, but Gimmy informs him that Rossiu has authority over Gunmen sorties. Since Simon doesn’t show any signs of giving in, Darry tells him that because the Gurren Lagann is a symbol of their having recaptured the planet’s surface and a symbol of power, he can’t fly around in it without people being worried about there being another big battle. Seeing the truth in her words, Simon decides to let them have the Gurren, but he’ll be taking the Lagann to look for Nia.

The first place Simon checks is Reite and Makken’s repair shop, but Nia’s not there. Noticing how uneasy the two’s kids look after having seen Nia’s broadcast, Simon optimistically urges them not to worry and not to be afraid about the Humanity Eradication System. However, after Simon takes off again in the Lagann, Reite comments on how the one they’re worried about is actually him. With still no clue about where Nia is, Simon then sets down by a waterway and wonders if that was really her earlier. To his surprise, Nia suddenly appears beside him and tells him that she now understands that they’re incompatible. She then explains that the Spiral Nemesis brings about destruction to the universe, and that they, the Anti-Spirals, exist to prevent it. The Core Drill Simon carries is a symbol of the Spiral Nemesis, and they believe that the spiral power will destroy the universe. Back at the biocomputer, Rossiu is telling the reanimated head of Lord Genome that his memory and knowledge had remained as data. Lord Genome had died without telling them anything, and Rossiu now wants to know about the spiral power and the Anti-Spirals.

In response, the biocomputer reveals that the spiral power is the power to evolve. Life with spiral genes and the galaxy with a spiral structure all increase infinitely with the spiral energy – this is the law of the universe. However, then the Anti-Spirals who feared this power appeared. The original Lord Genome had protected this galaxy as a spiral warrior, and the Lazengann, Teppelin, and the Gunmen were all originally weapons used for fighting against the Anti-Spirals. The Lagann was one of their strongest weapons, a core machine that could control others by combining, and they had sealed it underground. What Rossiu doesn’t understand is why Lord Genome oppressed other humans and forced them underground if he was a spiral warrior, so Lord Genome goes on to explain that they were defeated and returned to each of their home planets, which this earth was one of. With control of the galaxy, the Anti-Spirals deployed Spiral Life-form Extermination Systems on planets with spiral life that would activate when the number of spiral life-forms on the planet exceeded a fixed number. Thus, Lord Genome had allowed a limited number of humans to live underground, but he did it by force because he knew that life driven by spiral instinct would blindly aim for the heavens. Words and reasoning could not suppress this urge, so the only thing that worked was fear.

Continuing a similar explanation to Simon, Nia asks if he had thought that the speed human civilization had advanced in the past seven years was strange. She claims that this is the potential of spiral beings and that population and civilization are evolving at an explosive rate. Because the spiral beings could become a power that threatens them, the Anti-Spirals want to destroy them before that happens. Despite all this, Simon remains convinced that they can win and urges Nia to wake up, but she replies that it’s impossible because she’s the Anti-Spiral messenger. As for the extermination of humanity, both Nia and the biocomputer say that in three weeks, the moon will leave its orbit and crash into the earth, which will be the end. Rossiu realizes that if the citizens found out, it would cause a huge panic, so he instructs Lord Genome not to tell anyone else about this. However, he then gets interrupted by Kittan and Dayakka who alert him to the fact that their moon probe was destroyed and to how Nia has been broadcasting everything she had told Simon. As she explains that she had the Anti-Spiral genes that activated and that once she becomes an Anti-Spiral, she won’t be able to turn back into a human, Nia’s body becomes covered in a dark coating.

Two more Anti-Spiral ships suddenly appear from a portal in the sky that Nia then disappears into. In response, the Grapal forces are scrambled to meet this threat which has been assigned the Mugan codename. Simon also recombines the Lagann with the Gurren and rushes toward battle, despite Gimmy and Darry’s warnings. Back at the command center, Leeron explains to the others that these Mugan have an energy field that nullifies attacks. To make matters worse, its entire body is like an explosive, so when the shields get taken out and the Mugan stops functioning, its body instantly becomes energy. It is under these circumstances that Simon now battles the two Mugan, though when he destroys one, he orders Gimmy and Darry to shoot the explosive pieces. Simon then takes out the other Mugan, and he joins the two pilots in blowing up the falling pieces. They ultimately succeed, but both Leeron and Rossiu recognize that this strategy won’t work with a larger number of enemies. Rossiu also realizes that this will have an adverse effect, and Simon sees this first-hand in the form of the thousands of angry protesters now gathered in front of the government building.

Rossiu heads out with a group of armed soldiers to get the crowd to calm down, but when the people see the rifles that the soldiers are carrying, they panic, and one of them throws a rock at Rossiu’s head. The soldiers immediately raise their rifles, but Rossiu stops them from firing and heads back into the building. Knowing that an uproar like this will spread in no time, Rossiu decides that someone has to take responsibility for what happened. Simon is meanwhile staring at the moon thinking about Nia and the Anti-Spirals when Rossiu and his troops arrive to arrest him.


Well, that answered a lot of questions and would appear to set the stage nicely for the rest of the show. However, something tells me that it’s not as simple as Simon and company joining the Spiral side to defeat the Anti-Spirals. There’s got to be something more to it since it doesn’t feel like it would be very satisfying to watch them just win a war that they didn’t start and aren’t very intimately connected to. Still, it’s now a lot clearer how the show could possibly progress to what was shown at the beginning of episode one.
As for Rossiu placing blame on and arresting Simon, I think it’s a rather stupid idea since Simon is the one who is most likely to prevent the moon from crashing onto the planet. Yes, Rossiu does need a way to deal with the current uproar, but that’ll all be meaningless if the planet gets destroyed. Perhaps it’ll work out that Simon will escape and/or somehow save the planet, thereby redeeming himself in the eyes of the people and Rossiu. He’ll also need to save Nia too, and I think he’ll definitely find a way to return her to being human, if for no other reason than just because she said this episode that it won’t happen. In any case, next week looks like Simon will be getting a trial and will have to give up his drill, so we’re still at least a few episodes away from him saving the planet or saving Nia.

July 28, 2007 at 10:00 pm Comments (67)

CODE GEASS – 24, 25 (END)

OP Sequence

OP: 「瞳ノ翼」 (Hitomi no Tsubasa) by access
Watch the OP!: Mirror 1, Mirror 2
It’s been a while since I heard the access song from the radio rip, and I still rather like it, though the sequence itself wasn’t horribly interesting. Then again, with this being just the final episodes, it probably didn’t make sense for them to reanimate it.

Episode 24


Looking at a screen with images of C.C. labeled as CODE-R, Jeremiah realizes that they tried to make a reproduction with this experimental body. Bartley tries to calm him down, but they then hear Zero’s message to the Britannia forces, and it gives Jeremiah great mental anguish. At that moment, Cornelia and her men are getting ready to face off against Zero’s Black Knights, but Zero first makes an announcement that triggers a GEASS effect in the operators of the control rooms under the Britannia settlement. Right at midnight, these operators cause the ground to crumble, and the Black Knights soon begin their ground assault. Toudou finds Cornelia first and tries to attack her, but one of her men takes the hit. Guilford then jumps in to face him and tells Cornelia to return towards their base because she needs to live for Euphemia’s sake. Cornelia agrees to turn back and let him fight, but only after she orders him to return alive. On the Black Knights side, Lelouch sends the Zero squad and Ougi to the seize Ashford Academy so that they can use it as a command center.

Meanwhile on the Avalon, Suzaku enters the Lancelot’s hanger so that he can join the fight, but Lloyd holds the keys and says that leaving would be disobeying orders since they haven’t gotten a sortie command from Cornelia. Suzaku responds by punching Lloyd in the face, taking the key, and then declaring that he’ll defeat Zero with his own hands. Back in Britannia, reports are coming in to a conference room full of royalty that a Chinese Federation armada has gathered in the East China Sea. At the head of the table, Odysseus is worried about the Emperor not being around, and one of the other men suggests preparing a dispatch of troops. Odysseus, however, lacks confidence, particularly in light of the Euphemia blunder, so Schneizel volunteers to go. Back in Tokyo, Diethard leads the troops to take over the television station, and Tamaki helps capture Ashford Academy. When Rivalz attempts to protect Milly, Shirley, and Nunnally, Tamaki raises the butt of his rifle to hit him, but Zero and Kallen show up to stop any violence from happening. Zero is making the school into a command center, but he first guarantees the safety of the student council members, thinking privately to himself that he wants Nunnally to stay here for the duration of the battle so that the Black Knights can protect her.

Rivalz still continues to protest, so Kallen takes off her visor and requests that he do as he’s told. Though she’s surprised to see Kallen on the other side, Milly asks her to promise not to touch any of the students, so Kallen replies that she thinks the students will be fine as long as they don’t go out. Shirley then starts asking about what they did to her, which confuses Kallen, but the conversation is interrupted when Ougi rushes in to report that the Lancelot has shown up. At this time, Suzaku is feverishly searching for Zero while slicing through all of the Black Knight Knightmares that he comes across. V.V. had earlier told him that Zero had a paranormal power called GEASS and had implied that this was why Euphemia suddenly changed. Villetta, who managed to kill the thugs who appeared at Ougi’s apartment and has returned to her normal self, has also realized that Lelouch has the power to control people and make them forget memories. In any case, Suzaku’s rampage soon leads him to Kallen, and the two start fighting after Kallen tells him to die here and after Suzaku asserts that she and the Japanese people are being deceived by Zero. At one point, the Guren Nishiki manages to catch the Lancelot’s left arm and starts frying it, but Suzaku thinks quickly and ejects the arm.

The Lancelot counters by shooting off the Guren Nishiki’s left arm, and when Kallen refuses to tell him where Zero is, Suzaku gets ready to finish her off. Fortunately for her, Zero and the Gawain show up at that moment, and Lelouch claims that he wants to settle this in a one-on-one fight with Suzaku. Back at Ashford, the Black Knight soldiers bring in a suspicious person that Ougi recognizes as Chigusa, so he decides to take supervision over her. The student council members are meanwhile worried about what’s going to happen to them, but Shirley is positive that Zero won’t harm them. However, they are then alerted to the fact that the Lancelot and the Gawain are outside their building, with the Gawain pointing its hand at their window. Suzaku calls Zero a coward for taking hostages, but this is all part of Zero’s plan that involves Sayoko hiding in the woods. When the Lancelot charges, the Gawain shoots in a direction that forces the Lancelot to touch down on the ground and fall right into the Gefjun Disturber trap, activated by Sayoko. Suzaku is furious with Zero, but with this fight over, Lelouch leaves the Lancelot in the hands of Laksharta.

The Gawain then flies back towards the Britannia forces headquarters where the heated battle continues and where Britannian reinforcements are arriving. In response, the Gawain fires its main cannons in a circular motion, destroying everything around it. Afterwards, Lelouch and C.C. land in the garden on top of the enemy building, and he recognizes the landscape. To his surprise, C.C. says that it’s like Aries imperial villa, but she won’t tell him why she knows of that place yet. The two then get interrupted by Cornelia who had been expecting Zero to come. Meanwhile, Ougi is questioning why Chigusa came here and apologizes for hiding his Black Knight identity to her. He tries to say that this is all for peace and for the sake of them being able to be together, but Villetta takes his gun and scoffs at the notion that she’d be with him. After revealing that she’s a Britannian Knight named Villetta Nu, she shoots Ougi in the stomach, and as he collapses on to the ground, Ougi finally realizes that her memories have returned. Elsewhere in the school, Nunnally asks Milly and the others to go out and help Suzaku.

By now, the fight between Cornelia and Zero in their respective Knightmares has started, and Cornelia’s Gloucester is able to run circles around the Gawain. When the Gawain attempts to take off into the air, the Gloucester grapples onto it and is about to shoot it at point blank range when another Gloucester lance suddenly pierces through Cornelia’s cockpit. This lance belongs to Darlton’s Gloucester, and he’s attacked her under the influence of GEASS. As soon as Darlton regains control of himself though, Zero thanks him and blasts him with the Gawain, killing him. Back at the student council room, V.V. arrives in Nunnally’s room and says that he came to get her.

Episode 25


Having gotten out of the wreckage of her fallen Gloucester, Cornelia finds out Zero’s real identity when he approaches her without his mask on, and she figures out that he was doing all this for Nunnally’s sake. Lelouch admits that he wants to destroy the current world and create a new age, but that gets Cornelia angry because she feels he killed Clovis and Euphemia for the sake of such nonsense. Lelouch then activates his GEASS power and asks Cornelia if she was the one who killed his mother, but Cornelia says that it wasn’t herself and that she doesn’t know who the real culprit is. Since Cornelia was in charge of the guard back then, Lelouch then questions why the guard was withdrawn, and to his surprise, the answer comes out that Marianne asked them to. Lelouch realizes that this means that his mother knew that there would be an attack that day, but he finds that impossible because he thinks that she would have let him and Nunnally escape. No matter how desperately he asks for what happened that day and who killed his mother though, Cornelia doesn’t have an answer for him, so Lelouch instead asks her who does know the truth, but the only other thing Cornelia knows is that the Emperor ordered Schneizel to take away Marianne’s body.

C.C. suddenly senses something and alerts Lelouch to the fact that Nunnally has been kidnapped and is being taken to Kaminejima – the same island Lelouch, Suzaku, Kallen, and Euphemia had been taken to previously. As Lelouch is re-boarding the Gawain though, a new mecha springs forth from the ground: Jeremiah’s. Lelouch tries to get C.C. to retrieve Cornelia’s body, but Jeremiah mecha tackles the Gawain and pushes it off the rooftop. With C.C. piloting, Lelouch places call to Ougi and finds out that he was shot, but more importantly, Lelouch wants to know what happened to the wheelchair girl. Upon learning that the students have disappeared, Lelouch calls up Rivalz and finds out that they left Nunnally back in the clubhouse. He wants to head for Nunnally, but to get rid of Jeremiah first, the Gawain fires on a building to cause it to fall on Jeremiah’s mecha. Back at Ashford, the Black Knights are trying to crack into the Lancelot’s cockpit and have recaptured Shirley, Milly, and Rivalz. Shirley in particular wants Tamaki to call Zero because she believes that Zero will protect them. To prevent Tamaki from hurting his classmates, Suzaku decides to emerge from the Lancelot’s cockpit, but since the Black Knights only want the Lancelot, Tamaki prepares to shoot its pilot.

However, before Tamaki can do so, Arthur jumps on his gun and delays him long enough for the Avalon to arrive. Cecile launches in a Sutherland made of test parts, and she and Lloyd help destroy the Gefjun Disturber to reactivate the Lancelot. After recharging it and giving it a Sutherland arm to replace the one it lost, Cecile sends Suzaku on his way to take on Zero. As Suzaku is taking off though, he gets a transmission from Cornelia, so he heads towards her. When he gets there, Cornelia tells him that Zero is headed for Kaminejima and grants him a formal knighthood. Meanwhile, Lelouch contacts Toudou and leaves all operations from here on to him. When news of this reaches Diethard, he questions why Zero would leave in such an important time, and a wave of uncertainty hits the rest of the Black Knights too. Kallen in particular is wondering what to do when she gets a call from Ougi telling her to go after Zero. She then sees the Lancelot flying off somewhere, so she decides to follow it. At Ashford, the students have started boarding the Avalon while it and Cecile trade fire with the Black Knight forces. In the middle of this, Nina suddenly appears in the Ganymede armed with a large Sakuradite bomb capable of wiping out the city, so Lloyd declares a temporary truce so that they don’t hit it. Holding the trigger in her hands, Nina demands to know where Zero is.

At that time, the Gawain is approaching Kaminejima, and Lelouch is questioning what this war for independence was for if Nunnally isn’t around. They soon arrive at the island and land at the entrance to the cave there, but C.C. says that she doesn’t know the place or if Nunnally’s kidnapper is a person with GEASS powers. When a surge of energy suddenly hits the Gawain and causes Lelouch to have visions, C.C. informs him that this is a trap against intruders, but Lelouch is then shown scenes of her past, including her getting shot on a battlefield and getting burned at the stake. In a black and white world, C.C. tells him that all that’s left is her memories of being a witch, and she doesn’t even know if she was human to start with. All the people who hated her and the people who were kind to her have disappeared in the never-ending flow of time, and she thus feels alone. Lelouch, however, tells her that she’s not alone: they are accomplices, so if she is a witch, then he feels that he will become the devil. The two of them are then returning to their normal senses, and just in time for Jeremiah to attack again. Jeremiah manages to hit them, so C.C. fires the Gawain’s cannons into the ocean to create a wall of water to hide themselves in for a moment.

Telling Lelouch to leave Jeremiah to her, C.C. wants him to go after Nunnally instead. Lelouch points out that the Gawain doesn’t have enough energy, but C.C. feels that it’ll be okay, though she then admits to feeling a bit uneasy. Telling him to win, C.C. kisses Lelouch before setting him down by the cave. When Lelouch tells her not to die, she questions who he thinks he’s talking to. C.C. then flies the Gawain to Jeremiah’s mecha and attaches to it before accelerating it into the water. Back in Tokyo, the tide of battle has turned against the Black Knights and the forces under Guilford have started a counterattack. Even Kaguya is now wondering if Zero abandoned them. At that moment, Lelouch has entered the cave and approaches the markings on the wall, but he gets shot at before he can get much further. The person with the gun is Suzaku, and as Lelouch turns to face him, he attempts to blame Euphemia for killing innocent Japanese and tries to associate Suzaku with it. Suzaku, however, won’t fall for the mind games and mentions how useful a power GEASS is in allowing Zero to hide himself while putting responsibility on others. Suzaku has also noticed that Kallen is here, and he asks if she wants to know Zero’s true identity.

Since he feels Kallen has a right to see this, Suzaku shoots Zero’s helmet, splitting it in half and revealing Lelouch’s face underneath. Although Suzaku reacts by saying that he didn’t want to believe it, Kallen is much more shocked and asks if he had been using the Japanese people. Lelouch responds by saying that Japan was liberated as a result, so there should be no complaints. As for Suzaku, he feels that he should have arrested Lelouch earlier, but he was uncertain and in denial. When he accuses Lelouch of lying to him, Euphemia, and Nunnally, Lelouch tries to turn the subject to how Nunnally was kidnapped. He asks for a temporary truce so that they can save Nunnally, but Suzaku now believes that Lelouch would betray the world until the very end. Urging Suzaku to shoot if he can, Lelouch then attaches a liquid Sakuradite bomb to himself that will go off if his heart stops beating. He also asks who told Suzaku about GEASS and suspects that this person is with Nunnally, but Suzaku declares that what happens from now on will have nothing to do with Lelouch and that his existence was a mistake. With Suzaku saying that he’ll be the one to save Nunnally, Lelouch gets so pissed off that he draws his own gun, and one of them seems to fire.

As she sinks into the sea with the Gawain and Jeremiah’s mecha, C.C. thinks about how people desire happiness and how Lelouch had wished for nothing more than a small joy. She believes that at least the root of his actions was a natural wish for anyone and questions who can deny such a dream or vow, but blocking Lelouch’s way was a past of his own creation. Still, she feels that one should be grateful for humans desiring happiness because it is from despair that a ray of hope is born.


Well, this was quite an exciting pair of episodes. I find it ironic that Lelouch is doing much of all this for Nunnally’s sake, yet it’s because of Nunnally that he leaves his Black Knights to fall to disarray. It also brought me to question the true reason Lelouch is fighting, especially now that we know Marianne knew she was going to be attacked back then. In essence, it means to me that he didn’t need to kill any of his siblings if he had just somehow gotten this information from Cornelia to begin with. As for where we go from here in terms of solving that mystery, the next step appears to be either Marianne’s coffin or going after Schneizel to find out what happened. Maybe Lelouch will learn from this experience and try to get the information without resorting to violence first.

There were some other good plot twists, like Darlton attacking Cornelia and Villetta shooting Ougi, but at the end, I was left feeling a bit unsatisfied. In the short term, I think knowing that there is a sequel and having them prepare the story progression with such a sequel in mind was a bad thing for these final two episodes. They definitely kept my interest the entire way through, but I find it hard to call these a conclusion to the first series because virtually nothing got concluded and there are questions left about pretty much everything. We’re left with a huge cliffhanger of a gunshot between Lelouch and Suzaku, thought I suspect that it isn’t that big of big deal because it seems unlikely that it’ll lead to either of their deaths, especially with the “live” GEASS command on Suzaku. But past that, we still have C.C. sinking into the ocean, Nunnally still with V.V., the Black Knights in disarray, and Nina with a bomb. Plus, aside from Darlton and some relatively minor characters, pretty much everyone made it through alive, including several characters I thought wouldn’t (Nina, Guilford, Cecile). I’m not even sure if Cornelia is dead or alive since her body wasn’t shown again after Suzaku left her side. This all sets us up great for a sequel, but, as I mentioned, it leaves me feeling a little unsatisfied for the moment.

Final Thoughts: With the way the show cliffhangered, it almost doesn’t feel right for me to be writing final thoughts since I know that it will continue again sometime in the future. Still, I do have to mention how much I loved CODE GEASS for both its storytelling and its character development. When it was airing regularly, it seemed that every episode had exciting new developments, and it was without a doubt the show I looked forward to the most from week to week. There’s obviously a ton of story still yet to be told (I’m still waiting to hear C.C.’s real name), and hopefully the sequel will be as much fun as this was.

July 28, 2007 at 4:10 pm Comments (313)

Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekisou DVD

The legendary Suzumiya Haruhi Live Concert was released on DVD yesterday – sure it had its ups and downs, but everyone had an absolute blast – that’s all that matters!

The actual Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekisou (The Extravaganza of Haruhi Suzumiya) live concert took place on March 18 this year at the 2,500 capacity Great Hall of Omiya Sonic City in Saitama (a quick train ride for Konata). The whole thing lasted about four hours, including a 30 minute intermission, with the first half consisting of a panel discussion with the character designer, director, and all the main cast members, followed by a skit detailing a particular day at the SOS-dan; the second half was a full on concert with 16 songs and an encore performance.

So let’s get to it!

With the curtain still down and people still getting in their seats, we hear the familiar tune of “wa wa wa wasuremono…” Oh yes, its MC Shiraishi (Taniguchi) and MC Matsumoto (Kunikida), warming up the audience. They even announce that the show will be starting in a few minutes, so whoever needs to go to the bathroom should run now! …only to start after the people have gotten up and are halfway to the door, haha.

The crowd is pretty much ecstatic at this point, as the two MCs start introducing the characters. Who’s in the lineup today?

Hirano Aya: Haruhi
– her t-shirt reads “Did you cum twice too? Feel so dirty!!! I need a tongue bath!”
Sugita Tomokazu: Kyon – walks out cosplaying as Char Aznable.
Gotou Yuuko: Mikuru – looks like a nun, a nice side-to-side wardrobe contrast with Aya.
Chihara Minori: Yuki – the crowd goes wild; after all, Nagato was the most popular girl…
Ono Daisuke: Itsuki – he looks every bit as suave and greasy as his voice.
Matsuoka Yuki: Tsuruya – “is everyone megas genki!! Let’s have a great time nyoro~!!”
Kuwatani Natsuko: Ryouko – wearing all black, every bit as prim and proper as her character.
Aoki Sayaka: Kyon’s sister – the girl with the loliest voice is also… the tallest?
Shiratori Yuri: Emiri – forgettable, but at least she’s there!

After the introductions, Ishihara Tatsuya (director) and Ikeda Shouko (character designer) are brought out and give a little comment on their roles in the production. Then, they move on to commenting about each of the characters and some of their defining scenes:

Haruhi kiss scene, Haruhi’s backfired grass-attack
Haruhi: Self introduction, God knows – the crowd goes crazy!
Mikuru: Combat waitress battle, getting bunted by the baseball
Yuki: Fight with Ryouko, learning how to type
Itsuki: Fumoffu fireball, going super saiyan in the closed space
Tsuruya: Laughing at Mikurun-run, maid fuku nyoro
Ryouko: She’s ranked AA+!, going she-Rambo on Kyon
Emiri: Asking Haruhi for help in the clubroom
Kyon’s sister: bagloli, playing old maid, with Shamisen in episode 0 – where’s the scissors scene!! Tehehe~!!!
Taniguchi: Getting wet with Mikurun-run, wa-wa-wa-wasuremono
Kunikida: Talking about Haruhi’s reputation during lunch, ditching Taniguchi before God knows

Up next, the actors put on a skit, with Kunikida narrating. Goes something like this – Nagato is reading Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo in the clubroom when Kyon walks in, the two join up Dragon Quest style, and stand around being awkward. Next, Itsuki walks in and sticks his face too close to Kyon’s, then grabs an Othello board and winks at Kyon a few times. Haruhi, dragging Mikuru with her, runs in and declares that it’s time to rehearse – through some inexplicable chain of events, we get a fumoffu from Itsuki and a mikuru beam from Mikuru. They grab their instruments… and the Othello board falls on the ground as Kyon makes a Hikaru no Go reference. Still not content, Taniguchi strolls in and does another wa-wa-wa-wasuremono, as the SOS-band drones on.


The concert kicks off right after the lights dim, and in walks Mikuru… in maid fuku! The list of songs performed:

1. Koi no Mikuru Densetsu (Gotou Yuuko)
Unfair advantage – she doesn’t really have to try to sing bad!

2. Bouken Desho Desho? (Hirano Aya)
What should I be staring at – the shirt, the shorts, or the boots?

3. Kazeyomi Ribbon (Hirano Aya)
Complete with backup dancers!

4. Yuki, Muon, Madobe nite (Chihara Minori)
Dramatic hand movements – she’s probably a parapara pro; not a bad singing job either

5. SELECT? (Chihara Minori)
Definitely mixed up the mood with a slow, slow song

6. Parallel Days (Hirano Aya)
She changed her porno shirt to a tank top that continues to slip down…

7. Mitsukete Happy Life (Gotou Yuuko)
Terrible song made acceptable with some maid on stage doing cute moves

8. Seishun Iijanaika (Matsuoka Yuki)
She’s wearing a real cute dark grey kimono with pink sakura petals and a fuchsia obi

9. COOL EDITION (Kuwatani Natsuko)
Looks like the killer queen of the night with her black dress and major bling

10. God knows… (Hirano Aya)
Aya is playing guitar! The colors are really well done – everything looks black and white except for the red guitars. The special lighting and additional camera angles make this one extra special – not to mention Aya looks like she’s having the time of her life on stage! I wonder if Kurikinton Fox is one of the guitarists?

11. Lost my music (Hirano Aya)
ENOZ desu! Aya introduces the band just like she did in the anime, and comments how she broke her guitar pick -_-;

12. Magare↓ Spectacle (Ono Daisuke)
Original gangster Itsuki rolls out in a white suit with a chick on each arm – too cool!

13. Kentai Life Returns! (Sugita Tomokazu, Hirano Aya)
Kyon is totally messing around with his sarcastic voice and school uniform, and then Aya hops out with a frilly pink dress and does some adorable poses. Great fun!

There’s a little pause in the concert here for some comedy relief from Kyon, Itsuki, and Suzumiya Taniguchi. Scary!

14. Saikyou Pare Parade (Hirano Aya, Chihara Minori, Gotou Yuuko)
The girls enter the stage from below – the dance looks great, especially considering there’s a lot of hip shaking, perfectly suited for Aya’s intentionally short and floppy skirt, which flips up at the slightest movement. 2chan reports she started with white and moved on to light blue.

15. Welcome Unknown (Hirano Aya, Chihara Minori, Gotou Yuuko)
The iconic song gets the live treatment, and it looks and sounds great! Let’s just make it clear that these panty flashes are NO ACCIDENT

16. Hare Hare Yukai (Hirano Aya, Chihara Minori, Gotou Yuuko)
You knew this was coming – thousands of youtube videos later, the original three perform the mythical dance! For the most part, they are spot on with the steps, and it’s clear that Aya is on a different level in terms of skill than the other girls, but it was still SO SO GREAT to see the three go at it. I should note that they were lip-synching this song (and probably the two before it), but it probably works out better this way, lol

17. Encore – Hare Hare Yukai
Now with Kyon and Itsuki in the lineup, the five do the dance with the actual full-length anime dance on the screen behind them. Almost everybody in the crowd is following their dance -_-

Final words – all the cast members give their parting words, with Aya getting choked up in her tears the whole time. The concert closes with some memorabilia distribution to the crowd – ijou!

The DVD finishes with the cast members giving their final final words – Aya is still in tears and gets some hugs all around :)


With the exception of some much smaller events, I believe this was the first live event for anything Haruhi related, and to many, quite possibly the best anime live ever! All the bases were covered, all the jokes said, and even those minor characters like Kyon’s sister and Emiri got plenty of face time (even though they didn’t sing). Ultimately, it all came together in one satisfying package, highlighted by the stoic sarcasm of Sugita Tomokazu and the charismatic professionalism of Hirano Aya.

I had originally thought the entire live would just consist of the concert, but the character introduction and discussion of the first half turned out to be quite worthwhile. I’m still not sure if such a low key format was appropriate for the venue, and it would have worked better if there was much more candid interaction amongst the cast members, but it was nice to hear the thoughts that the cast and staff had about a production that that was very deliberate in its success.

The skit made absolutely no sense and was painfully awkward at times, but that really doesn’t matter as the point was to just provide some laughs and an atmosphere, which it did fantastically. Their frequent referencing of outside materials was on full display here, and for the first time we can definitively say that the producers knew exactly the audience they were marketing to. I gotta say, this was one of the best audiences I’ve ever seen in any live performance – they were just reveling in every second, their excitement translating directly into energy which the performers fed off of. It was quite a sight to behold, and as icky as I felt watching all those otaku all glossy-eyed just like Konata, I wish wish wish I could have been there and been a part of that energy.

The concert itself was great to watch, and it covered pretty much every song in the Haruhi lineup, with each one choreographed and rehearsed to death. The unique talents of each performer were brought out well, with Aya’s energy, Minori’s stoicism, Yuuko’s cuteness, and even the suaveness of Itsuki and the sarcasm of Kyon. Not sure if that’s how the seiyuu are in real life, but they totally personified their characters well.

Aya’s God knows and Lost my music duo was clearly the climax of the concert – I think she had to go through some intensive lessons just for this performance! She’s still pretty shaky as she had to look down at her left hand every time she switched a chord (which put her mouth out of alignment with the microphone), but her effort and bravery was truly admirable. She is great at working the crowd, and while she was probably nervous, it surely didn’t show as it just looked like she was having such a great time.

The last three songs with the female trio seemed to be lip-synched, but it was fun to watch them do their dance. Let me reiterate for the 50th time that Aya’s dress was (intentionally) the only one designed to not stay down, as the two other girls didn’t have any problems with keeping their pantsu hidden – it’s a bit surprising that all this was left in the DVD release, but then again, Aya is a full 19 years old now, and entering that Koda Kumi wannabe phase (previous tragic attempt by Goto Maki). I don’t have a problem with it (no, I absolutely love it), but it’s definitely a departure from her innocent, cute image she had when she was just getting popular with Haruhi.

After the concert with all the cast members giving their final words, Aya was the only one who couldn’t control her emotions, and gave her impassioned speech through sobs and salty tears. It was real touching to see her have such an attachment to the Haruhi franchise – it is, after all, her defining role, the one that really catapulted her to megastar status at the top of the seiyuu world. And it was people like those 2500 fans in the hall that led the charge for her stardom – really spoke to her character that she truly appreciated all the support she’s been given. We see it in everything Aya does – she never lets up and always gives a tremendous effort – Aya never lets her fans down!

All in all, a well-produced DVD that does justice to an epic concert – this is anime history!


July 28, 2007 at 12:03 pm Comments (61)

Yamada Tarou Monogatari – 04


Takako is so distraught upon learning that Tarou is actually poor that she runs straight home, without even noticing the man that she passes along the way. This man is none other than Tarou’s father Kazuo, and his wife quickly senses his return and rushes to hug him. After Tarou introduces him to Takako’s mother and to Takuya, Kazuo joins the family in enjoying the barbecue. Several days later, Takuya arrives at school to find Tarou looking exhausted because of how much partying at home his father has been doing since he came back and how much money he’s been spending on food. It’s not that Tarou didn’t want his father to return, but at this rate he needs to get another part-time job. When Tarou goes home that afternoon, he finds that there’s a foreign kid running around with everyone, and Kazuo explains that his friend Michael has entrusted this child Aaron to them for a home stay. Aaron isn’t used to Japan though, and he has no friends, so Tarou’s parents leave Aaron in Tarou’s hands. It is because of Aaron that Tarou goes to school exhausted again, and he tells Takuya about how Aaron wasted water, toilet paper, and ate a pudding cup all by himself. During dinner, Aaron had wanted the sole plate of tempura for himself, but when they gave it to him, he took one bite and then threw his fork down.

When Kazuo visits Tarou’s school sometime later, the principal mentions how it’s a shame that Tarou doesn’t want to go to college. Kazuo responds by saying that whether or not it’s a waste, it is something for Tarou himself to decide. He also points out that the painting of his that’s currently hanging on the principal’s wall is upside down. Takako meanwhile has concluded that the path she should take is the one of marrying into a rich family rather than the path of love, so she decides to forget Tarou. She thus asks her friend Masami to take her place for after-school gardening duty, and Masami immediately assumes that something happened with Tarou. Both she and Sugiura realize that Takako found out something bad about Tarou that makes her dislike him, but Takako ends up denying it. She is very conflicted inside because she knows how poor Tarou is, but she can’t tell anyone else because of the scandal that she imagines it would create. What’s more, when she hears the principal telling Tarou that his father was just there, she envisions a poor life with Tarou caring for his old, sickly father. She can’t stand the thought of this and runs away from him, only to notice a good looking guy on the street who appears to be getting out of a limousine. She immediately develops feelings for him, but the guy seems to disappear before she can do anything. Little does she know that this guy is actually Kazuo.

Since Tarou had earlier said, in reference to Aaron, that children should genuinely laugh like children, Takaya decides to bring a present to the Yamada home for the boy. It turns out to be a jack-in-the-box that startles Aaron, but instead of causing him to laugh, it makes him close himself off further. Undeterred, Takuya returns home and tells his butler Isogai to bring out his old toys. Tarou comes over the next day to find a room full of them, so Isogai explains that Takuya wasn’t able to play well with the kids around him when he was young, and no matter what they did, they couldn’t get him to laugh. That’s why Isogai is happy to see Takuya laugh and smile now. Takuya then brings them a bear costume and wants Isogai to teach Tarou his specialty. Around this time, Takako is out for a jog when she comes across a painting of a rainbow over a river. The artist soon returns, and Takako can’t believe that it is the same guy she had been admiring yesterday, so she starts thinking that this is a fated reunion. Although Kazuo claims that his job is a loafer, he also says that he travels the world and paints, which leads Takako to conclude that he’s rich and revives her dream of marrying into a rich family.

That night, Tarou witnesses Aaron finally laugh after he tries to defend his mother’s cooking to the rest of the family only to realize how bad it tasted. Because of this, Tarou decides that tomorrow will be the day, and he challenges Aaron to come to the park with everyone. When the time comes, Tarou dresses up in the bear costume and heads to the park’s assembly hall where he meets up with Isogai. In their final rehearsal however, Isogai feels that Tarou still isn’t good enough to pull this off. Nearby, Takako is searching for Kazuo, and when she can’t find him, she’s ready to start crying. She is thus quite emotional and hugs Kazuo when she does finally see him, though he then tells her that he has something to show her and takes her to the assembly hall where Tarou and Isogai have already started their performance. All the kids except for Aaron seem to love it, but during one part, the bear character trips and its head flies off to reveal Isogai underneath the costume. Isogai and Tarou had actually switched parts, and Tarou now takes the head and starts running around with it. Trying to get it back, Isogai chases him, and the sight of this causes everyone – including Aaron – to start laughing. Takako is meanwhile surprised to see Tarou performing, and she’s even more shocked when Kazuo identifies Tarou as his son, shattering her dream once again.

With the entire Yamada family celebrating now, Takuya thanks Isogai for what he did, but Isogai attributes it all to Tarou’s idea. Dinner that night is a happy affair with everyone including Aaron laughing and smiling. However, when Tarou arrives back from school the next day, he finds that Aaron has gone home after thanking them. Kazuo has also left to travel again, and Tarou’s mother thinks that he’ll someday come back again unexpectedly. He left them a painting to sell if money is a problem, but when Tarou sees that it depicts the family gathered around a bear under a rainbow, he quickly realizes that there’s no way they can sell such a good painting.


For me, this was the weakest episode so far because it focused on my least favorite character (Takako) and one of the types of stories that peeves me the most (a spoiled and/or bratty kid that needs to be won over). My main problem with Takako is that she’s currently too much of one-sided character with her constant gold digger ways, which invariably means that she’ll eventually realize that love is more important than money. There just doesn’t seem to be much depth to her character, and she’s not exactly eye candy to compensate for it. On that note, I’m not sure what the manga did with Tarou’s father in terms of story, but it felt kind of wasted for him to show up mainly for Takako to fall in love with and then have him leave again. At the very least, I had been hoping for more laughs out of his involvement in this, though at least the ending with painting finished the episode on a good note. Maybe next week’s episode, which looks fairly interesting from the preview, can get me smiling about this show again.

July 27, 2007 at 9:03 pm Comments (11)

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai – 04

The festival is here – it’s time for some killin’!!!! Somebody’s gonna die by the end of this episode – that much is pretty obvious. Who’s it gonna be? How’s it gonna play out? Well, as if the screenshots didn’t spoil that already…

We start with the events of the Watanagashi festival – the group, sans Rika, assembles sometime in the early afternoon at the temple grounds, where the various food and game stalls are up and running. K-chan shows up late – bad move to have your girls all together in the same place, plotting how they will punish you. For starters, he gets his face stuffed with an entire mounds of cotton candy – twice – while I sit here wondering what it would feel like to be punished by Mion’s own two mounds. Moving right along, the first club contest is a takoyaki (octopus balls) eating contest. Naturally, K1 tries to show up the girls but ends up overdoing it – he gets last place if he’s incapable of continuing, right? Same deal with the shaved ice contest – same deal with the cotton candy contest (granted that he already had two to begin with…)

Elsewhere, Rika is in the dressing room suiting up in her miko outfit. Faced with the image of herself in a miko costume – the symbol of her role in the impending Watanagashi – Rika is overwhelmed with despair and hopelessness, almost to the point where she just wants to cry out and give up. But she continues on, all the way through the festival, dutifully performing her ritual dance.

Right after the dance, Rika rushes off into the woods, looking for him. Who? Who? Where is he? As Tomitake emerges from the bushes, Rika grabs him by the arm. Did you go in? Did you already go in?? He denies everything and walks away… just as Rika whispers “you better be careful… tonight, you and Takano will be murdered.”

Satoko hears the whole thing, spying from behind a tree.

Later that night, Tomitake begins clawing away at his throat through his gurgled cries of agony…

The next morning, the creepy cop shows up to question Rika. He tries to coerce some information out of her, specifically about her little chat with Tomitake in the woods, but Rika plays it off with her girlish charms. Ooishi, being the old lech that he is, falls for it instantly and leaves.

Once again, Satoko has heard the entire conversation. Why is Rika lying? What’s going on? Could it have something to do with Rika’s prior claims of her own murder?

That night, while Satoko confronts Rika about the lies, someone snoops around outside of their house. Satoko gets real suspicious while Rika plays it off, saying it was probably a cat. The next morning on their way to school, a similar feeling of being watched overcomes Satoko again, with Rika oblivious again. And one more time at school, with some creep watching through the window. Satoko tells Rika of her suspicions after school, and Rika completely dodges it by making a silly face. Ignorance is bliss…

Satoko is feeling pretty genki after that, until the dude pops up again on their way home from the market. By now Satoko is going pretty apeshit inside – she’s totally freaked out and she’s got nobody she can call out to for help, now that her nii-nii is gone.

That night, while Satoko is in the bath, Rika does another one of her doppelganger chats, this time voicing that she’s completely given up. If there’s nothing I can do… then I’ll do nothing.

The next morning (wow this episode covers a lot of days), Satoko spills the beans to K1, Rena, Mion and Shion. They all say they’ll look out for this stalker, but later on it’s clear that they don’t believe her either. So now, Satoko is feeling pretty damn lonely with nobody to depend on.

Nobody but herself. The next morning, she wakes up early to set up some trip wire hooked up to wooden clappers, so if anybody steps into the vicinity of the house, she’ll hear em. She heads off to school with Rika, but on the way, she tells Rika she forgot something back at the house and will catch up with her later. Rika knows something’s up, but lets her go anyways…

Satoko runs to the clinic to see Irie-sensei, who she was supposed to meet to talk with. There’s a bunch of cops when she gets there… turns out that Irie-sensei… had committed suicide. The investigator on duty sees Satoko standing there stunned, and after talking with her, decides that he’ll send a cop to go protect her. Satoko feels a bit better and heads off to school.

The investigator heads back to the station… on the way, he seems some suspicious looking dudes with a white van breaking into the radio tower. “Hey, what are you doing?” were his last words, before taking one in the face from a silenced handgun.

So much for that police protection. Satoko stays up until midnight that night, waiting for her protection. Instead, she hears the clappers go off…


So the deaths have started, and there seems to be no stopping in sight with the guys from the evil organization now just on the outskirts of the village. Even the only one who seems to have any sort of knowledge of what’s going on has completely given up, realizing that even with her futile effort to stop Tomitake, there was no going around her fate… or her job as a miko.

So, it seems like it’s all up to little Satoko now, who’s significantly more likeable these days without Satoshi around to baby her. She did seem a bit creepy sneaking around and spying on all of Rika’s conversations, but that only seemed to make her stronger and more aware of the situation, rather than just denying it like everybody else has. She even went as far to set up her alarm system… but now that it’s been triggered, what will happen? Kitchen knife? 2×4? Or just her deadly good looks?


July 26, 2007 at 10:55 pm Comments (24)

Snapshots: Baccano!

The final summer season show has begun, bearing the name Baccano! (バッカーノ!) and airing on WOWOW, Thursdays at 24:30 JST, apparently comprising 13 episodes.

Just like Mushi-Uta, another WOWOW Thursday series, this anime is based on a set of novels, this time written by Narita Ryougo and currently up to 11 volumes that have sold in excess of 500,000 copies. The director is Oomori Takahiro, whose somewhat infamous work Koi Kaze may ring a bell. If not, at least you should be familiar with Jigoku Shoujo. Still, most of the Koi Kaze staff is back, including script writer Takagi Noboru, composer Yoshimori Makoto, and character designer Kishida Takahiro. Not that there’s necessarily any incest in Baccano!

After seeing the first episode, the plot is a big, complicated mess. We’re introduced to about 20 characters, all with crazy Engrish names, and their stories are spread out across a number of years, reaching as far back as the 1700′s. However, it seems most of it takes place in America during the Prohibition, around 1931. And what happens? Lots of violence and blood, pretty much, only not with very much consequence, because two hundred years earlier some alchemists came upon “the Booze of Immortality”, and it’s a fairly popular drink. The person seemingly chosen to be main character is a young man called Firo Prochainezo, who’s on the verge of being promoted to the very top of the Martillo family, a Mafia group allied with the Gandor family, who themselves are at war with the Lunulata family. This has quite a negative effect on Firo’s personal safety, and one of the enemy raids gets him shot in a bookstore, which more or less begins this adventure. In addition, there’s also a thieving couple, a newspaper duo, and a terrorist girl with a spear.

It’s useless to think about production values, because everything WOWOW broadcasts looks like garbage (unless it’s HD), but the poor studio animating it is Brain’s Base, and their earlier work Kamichu! was quite stunning. Music’s jazzy and seems a good fit for the show. The anime really shines when we get to the voice acting, and the cast is so long it’d take half a day to type up the “big names” involved, so let’s just say everyone you can think of has some part in Baccano!, and they’re a delight to hear.

I know the plot summary sounds weird, but the show still caught my interest. There’s obviously a wealth of character interaction to bring out, and I’m curious to see what comes of it all. The problem is if they really manage to tie all these people together into something coherent, and in only 13 episodes. Keeping track of everybody is just too much at the moment, but it should clear up once they get going. In any case, they’ve gone all out with the violence, so even if the plot seems tricky, you can always enjoy flying fingers and teeth.

Reminds me of: Full Metal Alchemist

July 26, 2007 at 9:04 pm Comments (21)

CODE GEASS – 9.33 – Picture Drama 07 (DVD Special)


The Ashford Academy student council is having a male and female reversal festival where all the girls have dressed up as guys and all the guys have dressed up as girls. Nunnally is having a lot of fun like this, but Kallen isn’t so sure that the guys are managing so well, and Milly goes to check on them. Although Suzaku, Rivalz, and Lelouch have all finished getting dressed, Lelouch doesn’t want the girls to see him yet because he needs to prepare his heart. Suzaku meanwhile isn’t embarrassed and after telling Lelouch that he’s really beautiful, Suzaku starts lifting his skirt up and down to give himself some air. Lelouch tells him to stop doing that because it’s vulgar, but Suzaku feels that it’s okay because he’s a guy. Milly and the other girls then barge into the room and are astonished by how good Lelouch looks in his dress. When Nunnally gets disappointed that she’s the only one unable to see a beautiful Lelouch, an awkward mood sets over everyone and Milly has to snap them out of it.

Milly then remembers that for a true reversal festival, they have to change not only their appearances, but also how they are on the inside as well. Thus, she starts speaking in a deep voice as if she was a guy, and the others follow suit. Kallen comments on how Suzaku is used to doing this, so he explains that he had to do it as an entertainment act in the military. When Sayako then starts calling Lelouch “Luluko,” she has to explain to him that there are a lot of girl names in Japan that end with “ko.” Using this name, Milly claims that she’s liked Luluko for a long time, and Shirley says that she has too. After Shirley interprets Kallen’s snide remark about Luluko being popular as a sign that Kallen wants him too, Milly tells him that he’ll have to set things straight today about which of the three of them he likes. With all of this reverse gender craziness around him and with even Suzaku saying that three-timing isn’t good, Lelouch finally loses it and yells for them to stop.

Usually the picture dramas offer small tidbits of background information along with humorous stuff, but I think this was just pure fun. I couldn’t stop laughing at how natural Suzaku seemed to be as a girl, and the whole Luluko concept was simply hilarious. The only thing that this really made me wonder is if Milly actually has feelings for Lelouch since we know that despite the gender reversal, Shirley and Kallen actually do like Lelouch/Zero, and Rivalz definitely has a crush on Milly. Or maybe she was just teasing him, in which case she succeeded quite well in getting him riled up.

Two more days until the final two episodes…

July 26, 2007 at 6:14 pm Comments (47)

Darker than BLACK – 17


In the time that’s passed since the bombings, Misaki’s boss Hourai has received a claim of responsibility for them from a group named evening primrose. This claim also demands the public acknowledgment of Contractors’ existence and the respect of their fundamental rights. Remembering seeing Hei with them, Misaki asks if BK-201 has any connection, so Hourai discloses some highly classified information: the mastermind of this terrorist group is a former MI-6 agent who went by the name of February with a Messier Code of UB-001, and she was at the battle of Heaven’s Gate five years ago. At this same moment, an Organization agent is telling Huang about how Amber betrayed them and led to the annihilation of Hei’s team in South America. Back at the police, Hourai continues his own explanation, saying that it was in that place that they observed the first twinkling of a star – hers. A lot of stars began twinkling in response, including that of BK-201, and immediately after, everything in a 1500 kilometer radius around the gate disappeared.

Meanwhile, at Hei’s apartment building, his neighbors are having a drinking party that gets the landlady angry. Hei doesn’t join them and instead heads to work as a waiter at a hostess bar, but on this day, a particular customer doesn’t want to pay up because he supposedly forgot his wallet. When this customer pushes aside the manager, a younger man known as Sakurai Kenji of the Nakazawagumi enters the room to stop him. Kenji tries to warn the unruly customer about not paying, but the man responds by punching him into a table. In turning back around, the man accidentally bumps into Hei who is trying to present a bill, and it gets him so angry that he tries to punch Hei too. Fortunately, Hei defends himself with the metal tray and he manages to dodge all of the subsequent punches as well. In the end, it is a guy who Kenji refers to as his older brother who shows up and subdues the man in a painful hold. While Kenji’s brother and his goons are beating that customer up out in the alleyway later, Hei gives Kenji a towel for his bruise and introduces himself. Recognizing Hei’s name Li as being Chinese, Kenji thinks that Hei was using Chinese martial arts earlier.

Once he’s finished with kicking the unruly customer’s face in, Kenji’s brother calls Kenji over, hits him, and gives him some money to take Hei out to eat. As morning breaks, Hei and Kenji eat at a gyuudon shop where Hei proceeds to wolf down many more bowls than Kenji is able to handle. Afterwards, Kenji takes Hei home via moped, but the bike starts spewing smoke along the way. They make it back to Hei’s apartment building, and because the bike seems broken and it starts raining, Kenji goes inside. In trying to get to know more about Hei, Kenji notices how sparse the apartment is and learns that Hei is studying abroad. Their conversation, however, is soon interrupted by the loud noises coming from the band practicing downstairs, so Kenji decides to go have a word with them. He then rushes downstairs, kicks down the door to the apartment of the noisy group, and tries to threaten them in his best Yakuza manner. Unfortunately for him, the landlady also shows up and smacks him up a broom for breaking the door. All of them work together to fix it, and afterwards, the landlady offers them lunch.

Kenji finds out while eating that the girl in the noisy group is from the Philippines and sends money back to her family. Still, she jokes that the Japanese are rich and perverted, which garners a good laugh between her and Kenji. Also in the group is a guy who calls himself the preacher of rock music, a guy from Israel who came to study Japanese animation, and a quiet black man. Kenji has a lot of fun in this international atmosphere, but his attention is eventually drawn to how Hei is eating tons of food again despite their earlier beef bowls. Once lunch is over, the residents decide to have another drinking party, however Hei turns them down because he promised to meet someone. Kenji does opt to join them, and in talking about Hei after he leaves, Kenji comments on how lonely Hei’s back seems. Hei meanwhile heads to meet with Mao and Huang where they discuss the man Kenji referred to as his older brother whose name is Hitotsubashi. Huang thinks that some goods will arrive within a few days and advises Hei not to get in the way of the deal, though Mao is more concerned about what Hei is going to do about Kenji.

When Hei returns to the apartment, he finds Kenji outside working on his moped since everyone else had fallen asleep, and Kenji soon rides off. Hei attempts to head to work again that evening, but upon getting there, he learns from the manager that the club will be closed for construction work on the restrooms. Hei of course knows that something is going on, and inside, Hitotsubashi is telling Kenji that the group is splitting, and he brings Kenji to see a crate that contains a girl inside. The girl gets up on Hitotsubashi’s command, and he explains to Kenji that this is a doll that will do anything she’s ordered to. There are rich people who want this toy, and Kenji’s job will be to care of what Hitotsubashi calls an important piece of merchandise for a few days. Hitotsubashi tells his other men in the car later that he involved Kenji because anyone not at the level of stupidity would damage the goods and because he believes Kenji doesn’t have the courage to betray him. Still at the hostess club, Kenji laments how he thought he was going to be able to be a hitman, and his interest soon causes him to ask the female doll for her name and where she’s from. When she doesn’t answer, he assumes that she doesn’t understand Japanese, and although he gets uncomfortable with the way she just stares at him, he also wonders what’s going to happen to her.

Around this time, Misaki is on the phone with Kanami again, this time about BK-201 and evening primrose. She doesn’t like having to pursue them without knowing much about them, such as if they’re enemies and what their goals are. Misaki then asks Kanami for any new information regarding the Stargazer’s words, but Kanami is too tired to talk about it now, so she asks Misaki out tomorrow on Misaki’s day off. Back at the hostess bar, Hei sneaks in with Mao to find the manager knocked out and no one else around. Huang thinks that it’s because they got noticed, but Mao doubts that they screwed up like that. With Yin also unable to find their target, Hei suggests that they back off, but Huang notes that it’s not their decision whether to continue the mission or not. Since they’re on standby for now, Hei returns to his apartment, only to find Kenji and the doll there waiting for him, and Kenji begs for refuge for a while.


This episode makes some decent strides to keep the evening primrose and Amber story going – mainly through Misaki – but overall I was rather disappointed that this fell back to a one-shot arc deal that had a distinct lack of Contractors (in other words, not part of the main Hei/Amber/Bai storyline). In fact, if this arc is going to reveal to us more information about Dolls like I suspect it will, then it might have been better placed earlier in the series when concepts were still being introduced every arc. As it is, I felt that a lot of the momentum they had built up from last week was lost, though admittedly I had half expected that to happen because it seemed unlikely that Darker than BLACK would stick with the main plot for the entire remainder of the show.
Perhaps the one redeeming part of this arc (aside from the Amber stuff in the beginning) is the fact that the doll Kenji is taking care of is rather intriguing because of how completely emotionless it is – even more so than Yin or July. I’m curious what we find out about her next week, and if anything happens when she meets with Yin, as shown by this creepy shot in the preview.

July 26, 2007 at 5:54 pm Comments (40)

Romeo X Juliet – 17


Upon learning that the men at the Gradisca mines won’t be able to go back to Neo Verona, Romeo decides that they will create their own place to live in. Meanwhile, William, Emilia, and a fully recovered Conrad arrive at Ariel’s house, and Emilia has to get used to the fact that Odin is really Juliet. Conrad then hands Juliet back her sword, and she vows not to run away any more. Antonio is at that moment with Balthazar and Regan picking up some groceries in town when he spots a familiar face in the crowd: Camillo. Since they suspect that it was him who betrayed them before, Francisco, Curio, and Juliet follow Camillo around town until he returns to a mansion. They confront him there, but to their surprise, Tybalt is also present, and he holds a knife to Camillo’s neck. In desperation, Camillo asks if Tybalt’s going to kill his own father, and Tybalt answers that he will if Camillo does any more unnecessary things. After Camillo runs out of the mansion, Juliet questions who Tybalt is and follows him upstairs to a room with a Capulet family portrait. As she puts the pieces together, Juliet thinks that she and he met when they were young and that he saved her because he’s a Capulet too.

In response, Tybalt points out that his mother is in the portrait, but he reveals that his father is none other than Laertes Montague. He then goes on to explain that Montague got close to his mother before abandoning her to marry Romeo’s mother. His mother had already been pregnant with him at the time, and she died soon after giving birth, so Tybalt had been entrusted to Camillo and grew up in this mansion. Although he doesn’t know why Montague got close to the Capulet family, Tybalt hates Montague because he is positive that his mother was used and that led to Juliet’s parents getting killed and Montague becoming Duke. Back in Neo Verona, Montague is showing off a golden goddess statue to a party of nobles when he runs into Ariel. After chatting with her, Montague gets really pissed off when Mercutio’s father Titus suggests that Mercutio worships Montague and is walking the same path as him. It then starts raining, and Montague doesn’t move from his spot and instead remembers his childhood. Later, Titus brings Mercutio to Montague so that Mercutio can become Montague’s son. Montague seems to accept, but instead of drinking in celebration, he wants to sword fight with Titus.

At the exact same time, Tybalt is revealing to Juliet that Montague’s mother had been a prostitute. As he now attacks Titus, Montague recalls how poorly he and his mother were treated in the past, and he accuses Titus of insulting him. Montague then remembers his mother on her deathbed telling him that his father is a noble of the Capulet family. She had hoped that they could live an easy life if this were true, but she dies soon after. When candle had gone out as Montague was grieving the loss, he had noticed the Capulet coat of arms emblazoned on the candle holder, and it caused him to go into a rage that made him hate the Capulet family. Continuing the story, Tybalt recounts how Montague got adopted into the Montague family and took power. What Tybalt doesn’t know is that Montague got close to his mother and learned something that led him to the room where Escalus is, and he had seen Lord Capulet with Ophelia. Regardless, Tybalt wants to make Montague regret what he’s done. Hearing the hate in Tybalt’s voice, Juliet comments on how he resembles Montague, causing an angry Tybalt to question if she hates Montague. To his shock, Juliet says that she doesn’t hate Montague anymore because she loves his son Romeo.

Montague has meanwhile killed Titus, and afterwards he questions if Mercutio still worships him. With a look of fear in his eyes, Mercutio claims that he does, so Montague orders him to kneel down and tells him to remember that fear and hatred stir up the world. A bloodstained Montague then heads down to Escalus’ room to see Ophelia.


I had been slowly losing faith in this show, but the revelations about Montague and Tybalt’s pasts got me very interested again. Let’s see, Montague’s father had been a Capulet and his mother was a prostitute, while Tybalt’s father was Laertes Montague and his mother was a Capulet. That makes Tybalt into Romeo’s half brother, and while Romeo doesn’t resemble his father in attitude and behavior, Tybalt does. They made quite clear in the way they combined parts of those two scenes between him and Juliet and between Montague and Titus, the latter of which was a rather intense action sequence. In any case, the Montague and Capulet family trees are a lot more intertwined than I originally thought, and it would seem that Lord Capulet met with Ophelia about Escalus too. With more and more things being revealed about the past, I hope that they can carry this momentum into next week’s episode and through the rest of the series, but nothing in the preview got me particularly excited, so I still have my doubts.

July 26, 2007 at 1:30 am Comments (35)

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