Hayate no Gotoku!! 2nd Season – 21

Tama may have looked cuter when he was a cub, but he’s still no kitten.
Hmm, an entire episode dedicated to Tama. Not exactly what I was looking forward to when this second series appears to be only 26 episodes, so here’s to hoping that the last five episodes will involve more of Hayate’s “girl problems”. While I don’t entirely dislike these sort of one-off episodes, it has been two weeks without any real Hinagiku or Ayumu screentime. As such, the only real plus side of this week’s episode was hearing Satou Rina play Jenny, the “four year-old” African tour guide, and doing her version of some gaijin Japanese.
At first, I wasn’t even sure it was her, but there were some obvious signs along the way (if you’re a seiyuu fanatic). The only other person I’m aware of that does bad Japanese accents these days is Gotou Yuuko (e.g. Kate in Sketchbook ~full color’S~). However, it seems like Rina might be moving into Yuuko’s territory after hearing her nonchalant “oh shit” here. (Random thought: I guess this episode wasn’t all that entertaining to me after all if all I can talk about are seiyuus…)
There isn’t much to “analyze” this episode, so let’s see what I can poke fun at shall we?

At times like this, I want to smack Nagi and Maria for their hypocritical remarks like Hayate does.

You know an animal is dangerous when he not only has the claws to kill you with, but verbally threatens you too.

I don’t know why Nagi was doubting Jenny. I mean the gift shop rifle lighter did hold the wild animals off for a few seconds.

“Aren’t we in a huge pinch too Jenny?” *comedic pause*

Nagi and Isumi are a good eight years older now, but they sure as hell don’t seem any smarter. They’re just a bit bigger.

I was going to go with “Magic”, but I like how there was a hidden “Shoot to death” option.

Ryne is still watching “Endless Maid Isumi”. I think I’ve seen enough endless crap this season to last me a lifetime.

Tama’s paranoia of losing Nagi to Hayate and Shiranui just goes to show that he’s a big dumb tiger after all.

Shiranui knows where the “goods” are. Question is, does Izumi have them?

As a fan of Densha Otoko, I admit I enjoyed the 2chan reference here.

Hayate to the rescue! If he can survive being run over by a truck, picking up a tiger with one hand must be nothing.

Gotta give credit to Hayate on knowing when to return the shots.
Next week looks like it’ll have Nagi and Ayumu going at it at a part-time job, so hopefully things pick up from there.