For all the denial he has for loving Ayase, these episode titles seem to suggest otherwise.
(Maji Tenshisugiru Ayase-tan ga Hitorigurashi no Orenchi ni Kourin Suru Wake ga Nai)
“Total Angel Ayase-tan Can’t Descend On My Place Where I Live Alone”
There’s a time and place for everything, including Ayase’s quite fast- Paced arc. Despite her increased presence in the series for the second season, I can’t help but feel that many cuts were made to her story in such a way that…everything feels rushed, convoluted, and poorly timed about this confession. Don’t get me wrong–I enjoy Ayase very much, but such an episode would’ve been better appreciated earlier in the series, or at least more fleshed out in terms of Ayase’s transition from dangerous yandere to affectionate potential. Before that, let’s address something that was very out of place this episode. Very VERY much so.
OP12: 「Reunion」 by ClariS
For all the foreshadowing that played into Kirino and Manami clashing, this wasn’t the climax I was looking for.
What…was up…with that party. Normally, such a harem-esque setting wouldn’t bother me as much, but the sheer fact that it involved major leaps in development that were in no way transitioned into–that was what threw me off-guard. Going into the episode, I was very much expecting Kirino and Manami to duke it out, using the party as a means to finally get some direct, yet meaningful confrontation. It would’ve been a great moment to shed some light on why Kirino has this attitude towards the apparently innocent Manami. However, such ideas are dusted under the table quickly as the two declare a truce for the sake of Kyousuke. A fair and mature decision in reality, but in terms of storytelling, we all knew it was just to make way for what was about to come next.
Fashionable and fairly mature as always…
…until the rich ojou-sama comes in, completely comfortable with her beautiful image!
Mother of mercy, was this party really necessary for anything? If it was an attempt at humor, I suppose if done properly it could’ve been really funny, but for all the sudden developments it introduced, the humor was lost on me. Take for example the random introduction of Kanako into the fray. There was almost no signal whatsoever of Kanako having any interest in Kyousuke until last episode, and now she’s practically fighting to be with him against every other major girl in the series. There’s a limit to how much you can attend to every character in the series, and crossing that line means transitioning from balanced character development to fan pandering, where the production team tries to fit as many characters in a short timeframe so that they can appease as many fans’ tastes as possible.
No seriously, where did this girl ever become a legitimate competitor? Why does she suddenly have this urge to make lunch for Kyousuke?
The same logic applies to Saori, who apparently is completely comfortable now being her beautiful self, which is alright, though maybe a bit sudden. The real problem here is again, the way that she suddenly seems to fall for Kyousuke, joining the battle against everyone else to be the “one” to take care of him. Is it really that great a reward to have to go to his house every day and babysit him? I mean, I get that it’s different when you take care of someone you truly care about, especially a person that you have feelings for, but such mature reasons are lost in all the arguing and rushed development.
Shots have been fired from Manami! It’s an all-out brawl!
If the production team had gone about this scene much more carefully, it would’ve been able to touch on a point that’s really important for closing the show–expressing the feeling of repaying debts. Kyousuke, despite being the softie that he is, has done much for many of the characters in the series, and indeed when you give it some thought, it does make sense that the characters at this party feel indebted towards him. However, instead of the episode highlighting the amount of support Kyousuke has, it instead degenerates into a battle of jealousy and envy, where each character tries to “win” a match rather than express their gratitude. Though Ayase lightly touches upon the genuine idea towards the end of the episode, such a focus should’ve been apparent not during Ayase’s confession lead-up. A-1 Pictures really messed up the pacing of this episode, where they tried packing the material of two separate episode topics into one. Kyousuke’s party seemed more of a gag than anything significant, and Ayase’s confession felt rushed out the door to make room for the focus of next week’s episode.
Wait what!? Why does she suddenly enter the ring? Where were the indicators that she had a thing for Kyousuke!?
All I can think of are two words right now. Flat. Kuma.
In regards to the second half of the episode, it wasn’t so bad if we look at it from an isolated standpoint. All the important points of interest are hit and the general messages of betrayal and inevitable disappointment are expressed. Kyousuke takes responsibility for his careless words with calmness and blunt resignation, which of course doesn’t absolve him of his irresponsibility, but it sure is the best way to go at that point. The humor was more controlled and flowed better, whilst above all else not really breaking any major leaps in development we weren’t expecting before.
Oh no, hair clips! Either Ayase is turning into Kirino, or there’s some inherent symbolism going on around here.
So much for keeping that knife sheathed…
As for the bad…some things just didn’t add up well. The stalker that was portrayed for five seconds in a deep yell of, “Hey! I’m foreshadowing!” was never touched upon again. Readers of the original material are understandably pissed that this important point was brushed over, as it served a better transition for Ayase’s affections than how the picture is currently painted. Again, I love me some Ayase-directed episodes, but the sheer fact that it happened one episode before the TV conclusion bothers me so much. It’s like the show is trying to cut out anything not critical in order to fit all these plots into the episode, rather than maintaining consistency by well…cutting out parts altogether. Though it’d be a shame, it probably would’ve been a better path to develop than the quick-and-dirty resolutions we have now.
Once she donned that cute apron, it was obvious where things were going.
…because we need to send an elementary school ambassador to check up on whether a high schooler is fooling around with a middle schooler.
Considering how they’ve been living together for a month, they’re practically a couple already.
Stalker appears! Stalker disappears, never to be heard from in the episode again! VN readers are being trolled right now!
Kirino is pensive as always, but Ayase seems to have contracted it from Kirino!
Confession montage go~
When she said, “Let’s part like we always do,” it was kind of obvious that this was going to follow.
All the feels man, she’s holding them back!
So…where does this leave us? Given that the preview was voiced by Kirino and the title is highly revealing, it looks like we’re finally going to get the last information on Kirino’s connection with her brother, or at least the TV end of it all. Despite all the ruckus this episode created, it did make way for a clean entrance for Kirino’s resolution, which hopefully will make up for the sacrifices all the other characters had to go through development-wise.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to cover the TV finale of Oreimo, due to an important family matter I have to attend to. Therefore, the finale will be covered by Stilts (thanks in advance buddy ^^), though I will be supplying my final impressions of the show to him.
Therefore, in advance, I’d like to thank you, dear reader, for following the journey of Oreimo with me thus far, and thank you those of you who go the extra mile to comment and give witty/thoughtful commentary! Despite its highs and lows, it’s been a pleasure blogging this show, and I hope you guys enjoyed following along as much as I have writing!
ED11: 「思うコト」 (Omou Koto) by 早見 沙織 (Hayami Saori)
Welp. It’s coming.