Random Curiosity

Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru – 04

「男の戦いは修羅場」 (Otoko no Tatakai wa Shuraba)
“Fighting Over a Guy is a Battlefield”

I felt rage and anger when stupid pretty boy picked on Chiwa with such raw harshness. I wanted to yell at Masuzu for being such a self-proclaimed bitch and doing a good job at it. I couldn’t bear to look at the screen during Eita’s delusional chuunibyou scene. I felt gutted in the stomach when Sakagami and his goonies were utter assholes with their punches, and I yelled at Chiwa for backing off her ass whooping and begged that she beat those shits up as much as they did Eita. Finally, at the end of it all, I groaned as Eita was just as thick as he was at the beginning of the episode, with no sign of changing in sight.

As you can imagine, I’m emotionally tired after watching this episode, squirming or struggling to watch the screen for a variety of reasons. OreShura hit all the awkward buttons this episode, but was it effective in developing the episode?

Painful as it was…the result after the flames was a whole lot of character development that’s shot the story’s progression forward.

Masuzu, in her warped view of the world as a try-hard self-proclaimed queen bitch, reveals herself to have predicted Sakagami’s dickhead attitude this entire time, all in order to shatter Chiwa’s position on love and covert her to anti-love. While it is clear at this point that Masuzu feels conflicted in her actions, Masuzu has demonstrated that she’s willing to cross many lines to bring her plans into fruition
. While this side of Masuzu may be overwhelming for some readers (it sure as hell was for me), there does exist some affection from our hard-willed Masuzu near the end of the episode, confirming Masuzu’s own vulnerability to romantic human emotions, especially with the line, “I don’t want to be alone anymore…” While not many of us can figure her out completely at this point due to her seemingly contradictory actions, I expect such revelations to be the prize given at the end of this awkward adventure.

Masuzu’s flaws have shown themselves primarily because her fake boyfriend, Eita, has shown himself to be a charming person in his own delusional and awkward way. I’m unsure of whether or not Eita was aware that he’d get himself beat up that hard charging in, but the message he sent still stands strong. Despite his own anti-love message, Eita has the respect to know that he has no right to force such ideals on anyone else, especially if it involves hurting a friend in the process. With only the power of platonic friendship and his crazed delusions, Eita gets his ass kicked in order to save Chiwa from more public humiliation. Of course Chiwa saves his ass in time thanks to some convenient kendo-shaped objects, but crazy Eita still gets his point across, both to the pessimistic Masuzu and Chiwa, of which the latter has fallen for him even more than before. Eita still fails to notice either girl’s affections for him, but at the very least his sense of dignity and protection partially redeems his shortcomings. By proving the depth of how much he cares for her, Eita’s done something right by setting this rom com back on the right track with Chiwa back on-board.

There is one lingering issue that still remains with Eita among the ruins of the aftermath–who was Eita referring to when he stated that, “she’s watching!” While this sense of ambiguity is a key element of a romantic comedy, there appears to be one girl on the show that seems to understand Eita’s statement…and it’s a character that has yet to be introduced. Though seemingly quiet, this new character is looking to be quite bold, putting that love letter in what’s supposedly Eita’s locker, all before we discover her name! The next episode looks to be shaping in which the rest of the characters will get a proper introduction, with a student council type and quiet type looking to complete the cast! Although OreShura makes for a hard watch by hitting all my “shudder” areas, I’ll give it merit for not going easy in making its plot not so comfortable…if that makes sense at all.

Full-length images: 8, 13, 18.



January 26, 2013 at 5:25 pm Comments (100)


「伏魔殿(パンデモニウム)」 (Pandemoniumu)

Natsu’s greatness as a character never ceases to amaze me. I know his personality is quite generic, especially in shounen, but what’s wrong with that? Being compassionate and fair is something I think is worth encouraging; it’s also something I respect. So while there are people who think that Natsu’s personality is supposed to appeal to the younger audience, I don’t think that necessarily has to mean that you’re childish for admiring a heroic character. I’m a Natsu fangirl, and I don’t think I’m being silly for that. And why would you not like Natsu after today’s episode? He did nothing but impress me with his kind heart. Seeing how he dared to take on a guild master on his own for the sake of someone he doesn’t even know made me appreciate him more than I already do.

Aside from his wonderful personality, he also impressed me by using his strength. Few characters are as cool as Natsu when they fight (maybe Gray, I’m so punny today). Today’s episode truly did Natsu justice. I really enjoyed seeing him destroying Sabertooth’s lodgings like a boss! It’s too bad that his opponent pulled a nasty trick against him by kidnapping his friend. Everyone, the [insert negative word for emphasis] woman has appeared! Minerva (Inoue Kikuko) – a.k.a. the princess of Sabertooth, is not a character I really like. I do admit that she looks beautiful in the anime, but I absolutely can’t tolerate this woman. And I think it’s easy to see that she is going to be trouble for FAIRY TAIL. Just look at what she did right after being introduced – she used Happy against Natsu. She’s definitely cunning, and wow, she is strong! She stopped an angry Natsu – that’s hard! While I really don’t like Minerva, I definitely look forward to seeing the upcoming episodes, even though she will have a major role in those. I’m very pleased with her introduction. There is just one thing that confused me a bit; I assumed Minerva would have purple hair…

Oh well, screw Minerva. It’s all about Erza now! Pandemonium is probably my favourite moment of this tournament so far. I absolutely love the concept of having someone fight a random amount of monsters of various ranks until there is no more magic to use. Even though the episode ended with a rather frustrating cliffhanger, I’m glad that it did, because it seems like the whole event will be dragged out next week. According to the preview, we will see Erza fight (that wasn’t really in the manga), which makes me very happy. I’m really, emphasis on “really”, looking forward to next week’s episode. Hopefully it will be amazing! We can’t have Natsu stealing all the limelight, so now it’s time for Erza to shine – and she does it gloriously! Fighting 51 monsters (and manage to come out alive), is all you need to get the highest score, but some mere points aren’t enough for FAIRY TAIL! Nope, Erza is totally stealing this, and I’m glad she chose to fight them all. It’s time for people to start respecting the best guild again!

Moete kitazou!

Random thoughts:

  • I was surprised to find out that I’ve been misspelling two characters’ names for quite a long time. Cana is actually Kana, and Orga is Olga. Oh well, I’m glad that’s cleared up now, but I’m too lazy to go back to fix my old posts.
  • Even though I dislike Minerva, I find her extremely beautiful for some reason. And I really like the fact that she has braids in her hair.
  • I’m surprised Gray and Natsu are still alive after throwing that pillow at Erza’s face!
  • I wish this scene would’ve been less blurry. It’s truly a magnificent image of Erza! Good thing that I have the same one from the manga!
  • Natsu hugging Happy – so cute!
  • Mavis is my favourite loli!
  • I love how Natsu and Gray are proudly laughing because of Erza’s brave choice.
  • This is probably a very boring image but I decided to keep it because I absolutely adore Kana’s smile on this.
  • It seems like Sabertooth might have someone who isn’t heartless after all!
  • That is a very large construction…
  • I think I love Natsu too much. I ended up with 140 caps of him today… He is simply too cool! I don’t think there is anyone as awesome as Natsu, with my boyfriend being an exception because he is the best!
  • I apologise for being tardy with my post today. It seems like my worst enemy – parallax – showed up today in almost every full-length shot.
  • Full-length shots: 1, 4, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34



January 26, 2013 at 12:08 pm Comments (42)

Robotics;Notes – 14

「少しだけこのままで…」 (Sukoshi dake Kono Mama de…)
“Just Stay a Little Longer Like This…”

I present to you, a Frau/Kona centric episode… with a full collection of her many different facial expressions. Including the perverted one.

Before I dive into my thoughts on Kona and her tragic past, I feel obligated to mention all the other “stuff” that was going on in the episode. Yes, there was a lot happening elsewhere. This includes the massive gang of robots attacking the government (which was officially titled Project Mars as mentioned in previous episodes) as well as our little dialogue between Misa and her boss. While their motive is still unknown, I used to think that they were the masterminds behind the solar flares and the Committee of 300. This episode revealed that although they do have a strong grasp of the history (Kimijima Kou’s murder and Project Mars), they also don’t understand the full message behind the last episode Gunvarrel or Kona’s mother’s intentions. It makes me curious as to who the target audience was for Gunvarrel – was it the general public? To make them more aware of the Committee of 300? Obviously that would make sense why the Committee would want it hidden, but why Kona’s mother? Probably to keep it away from the wrong hands.

A new element of “brainwashing” was introduced this episode which was new to me. I already accepted the fact that Kai and Aki suffer from “elephant-mouse-syndrome“, but brainwashing is something entirely different. Maguyan (Ueda Yuji) was a prime example of this and although he was short-lived character, perhaps it’ll lead to another generation of brainwashed people.

For all those that have been waiting, the main focus of this episode is finally on our dear Frau. Her mother went missing (wanted for murder); she lives alone and is framed for programming robots in Tokyo to attack the government. That would make me suicidal, if not – severely depressed. That’s where Kai comes in and saves the day! Well partially… the other part was having a kind heart to listen to Frau. I’m not someone that can relate to all the issues she’s dealing with, but I can empathize that she’s looking for company, and she misses her mother. She’s gone through all this trouble just to stay connected to her mother and what abandoned child wouldn’t do that? Even adults these days cling onto items or ideas that remind them of someone they miss and that’s something that I can say from personal experiences. What’s worse is not knowing when or if you’ll ever see that person again and to Frau, I think this is a way of calling her mother back to her. Whether or not her mother is alive, is a different matter.

If Robotics;Notes were to have an alternative ending, I would want Frau and Kai to end up together. I don’t see her as a third wheel (to Aki), since I see her as an alternative route that can be explored. I see a solid story between her and Kai and it’s an interesting chemistry mix that doesn’t usually work for me, but in this case, I was pleasantly surprised at how it turned out. I still think that the best friend will win, but it’s nice to see other options hinted at and I totally support that. Frau’s story is not completely finished so I expect great things from her going forward (and especially her mother’s whereabouts).

Full-length images: 01, 10, 13, 22, 27, 35.

January 26, 2013 at 10:04 am Comments (57)

Chihayafuru 2 – 03

「つくばねの」 (Tsukubane no)
“Feel Love Deepen”

There are many anime of recent vintage that I love, but there’s nothing that feels quite like the experience of watching Chihayafuru.

There was an episode during the first season of Chihayfuru – in fact, it was episode 23, the penultimate Master/Queen qualifier ep – that nearly brought me to tears with a scene involving a character who’d barely appeared at that point, Hiroshi. He was so heartbroken after losing in the finals and – in his mind – letting Harada-sensei down that he was overcome with grief. It’s pretty remarkable for a series to pack such emotional punch when focused on a second tier character and one that most of the audience wouldn’t have been able to pick out of a police lineup, but that’s the magic of this show – it’s so grounded in emotional reality that everyone in it feels like a real person. Chihayafuru is often praised for having no villains, but it’s just as notable for having no Saints either – everyone in this cast is flawed and has their moments of weakness, but that’s what makes them so relatable.

I was put in mind of that this week with one of the scenes involving Tsukuba, a character who – while he’s officially part of the main cast – is still effectively a stranger to us. He was introduced last week but in very superficial fashion, an odd figure played largely for comedy. I can’t say that I ever doubted that with this writer and Miyu Irino playing the role Tsukuba would develop into an arresting character, but that the moments after he’d lost his first match were so powerful is still a surprise, and a testament to just how good Chihayfuru is at making characters real people. In showing us the undeterred adoration of his adorable younger brothers Fuyumasa, Haruomi and Natsusou (Anzai Chika, Sugiura Naoko, Satou Megumi) and Akihito’s despair at having let them down, he immediately became someone we felt we knew and someone we cared about, because those feelings were so understandable (it didn’t hurt that Miyu nailed the scene, as he generally does). Incidentally, I love the Tsukuba family naming systen – Aki (fall), Fuyu (winter), Haru (spring) and Natsu (summer) – is it tradition to do that in Hokkaido (or to teach children to “run into pretty people”)? Of course, Miyu also appeared in the last anime that featured four seasonally-named boys, but he played Haru in that one…

In a way, I suppose, the triumph of that moment adds weight to the argument that Madhouse was right in spending so much creative energy on the new cast members in the first three episodes. Truth be told I warmed up to Tsukuba in this episode more than I have to Sumire so far in three, but there’s no denying that the both of them are indelibly imprinted now. And more than anyone else among the returning cast it was Tsutomu – the unsung hero of the quintet – who was the star of this episode. It represents a lot of trust in this audience to leave the main characters on the sidelines so much for so long, but the fact that these opening episodes haven’t squandered the momentum of S1 vindicates the gamble.

The other thing that’s somewhat striking about this season so far is that it feels as if it’s moving very quickly as compared to the first season. To a certain extent that’s understandable as the structure of the plot was already established, but with the manga ongoing it’s interesting to speculate as to whether this is an adapting choice or wholly a reflection of the corresponding manga chapters. We’re already onto the first tournament of the series, the team championships that were the subject of so much buildup in S1. Competition episodes were a great strength of Chihayafuru in S1, and certainly nothing has changed in that respect – this one flies by in what feels like ten minutes. It’s the first event for the first years, of course, and the initial plan is to let the five experienced members take the lead. Things are a bit different now – Mizusawa is the defending champion, a powerhouse. Sudou-kun has graduated, but Retro-kun declares that Hokuou has a “secret weapon” waiting for Mizusawa in the finals – a match that might not in itself be as crucial, as Tokyo’s region now has enough competitors to earn two teams spots in the Nationals. A Karuta boom to match the one in real life?

What stands out here is the cool confidence on the elite members, and the audacity of Tsukuba – who actually changes the lineup to insert his own name in place of Tsutomu’s. That’s a highly dodgy move, borne out of desperation after telling his brothers that he’d a star for the team that day. It earns him a stern rebuke from Nishida and a whack on the forehead from Taichi, but it’s Tsutomu who makes the big impression. He’s clearly emerged as the master strategist of the club (it’s his lineup that Akihito tampers with), and he comes to Akihito’s aid by suggesting that Sumire be switched in for himself in the first match (against a squad weak against girls) and that Tsukuba replace Kana in the second, against the brash and obnoxious West High (who memorably lost to Mizusawa in S1). His strategy makes perfect sense, but it’s clear that Tsutomu is doing this because he feels something of what Tsukuba feels – he was the weak link last year, the one struggling to find a real place on the team. Tsutomu’s eloquent argument prompts Tsukuba to marvel “He’s so cool!”, and indeed he is. Now if only Kana-chan would get the message.

That both Sumire and Tsukuba should lose is hardly surprising: Sumire was shocked to be asked to play in the first place, and Tsukuba actually drew the one Class A player on West High, who Chihaya was desperate to play herself (he’s so nervous he even messes up the “Fight!” portion of the team chant). Nishida and Taichi are undefeated, but it’s clear that Chihaya has matured as a player just as she has a person – she dominates both her matches with 25 card perfect scores. She’s become a truly frightening player, a real threat to Shinobu. This impresses Winter, Spring and Summer, who flock to the “So cool! So pretty!” Chiahaya after the match only to be recruited into the Shiranami Society. But again, it’s Tsukuba’s dismay at having let them down – and the fact that the boys’ faith in him is utterly unshaken – that delivers the powerhouse emotional moment of the episode. Akibito Tsukuba, welcome to Chihayafuru.

Not to be forgotten is that we had our first speaking appearance by Arata, who loses in the finals of the Fukui tournament to his reluctant hero, Murao. It’s the great paradox of Arata’s character that he’s rarely seen but casts a huge shadow, and even here he’s only on-screen for a minute. His mind, as always, still goes to Chihaya – and to Taichi, for that matter. Yet his appearance also colors the first appearance of Shinobu, thin again and getting ready for the Queen matches. Her reaction when she hears that Arata is back in the game is telling, and it seems to be saying that we’re in for some very interesting dynamics when the two of them meet again – and how they will impact the situation between Arata, Taichi and Chihaya is impossible to predict. There’s also a very revealing moment with The Empress – who appears to be scamming on behalf of the Karuta Club, since she’s not exactly volunteering the information that they didn’t actually get five new members for more than a day or two. She’s become a powerful behind-the-scene ally, both of the club and of Chihaya herself.

January 26, 2013 at 12:56 am Comments (34)

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai NEXT – 03

「俺の妹たちがこんなに可愛い」 (Ore no Imoutotachi ga Konnani Kawaii)
“My Little Sisters are This Cute”

My prayers have finally been answered — a Kobato episode has finally arrived! Or in this case I guess it’d be more accurate to say that a somewhat Kobato focused episode has arrived!

After finishing this episode, I couldn’t believe that it never occurred to me that Maria and Kobato are actually friends with each other. Be it from a lack of interaction between the two or the wildly different lifestyles they lead, the connection that both of them are roughly the same age and make perfect candidates to be friends just hit me. Brushing aside Kate’s immaturity clearly shining brighter after each and every frantic phone call, the first half of the episode was a nice change of pace from the previous two. Sure some people may say that it was slow to the point of almost being boring, but it never hurts to watch characters develop their bonds in a show where the idea of “friendship” is so twisted and broken that it becomes something almost surreal.

However, being true to form Haganai comes back during its second half with one of the funniest skits I’ve seen in a while. For those who haven’t played Ousama Game or any of its variants, you’re truly missing out on one of life’s great joys. The angst of getting hit with or the mental strain of trying to think of a dare that’s just embarrassing or dirty enough is something that just can’t be recreated until you’ve experienced it yourself! And in Haganai’s case, I didn’t expect any less from our dirty minded Neighbor’s Club. While I’m still trying to figure out just where Maria’s passion for “unko” comes from, I personally was rooting for Sena to draw her original dare (licking her feet) since it’d be a nice opportunity to see the tables turn on Yozora. That said I guess I can be content with watching Yozora’s plans backfire on her, causing her to inadvertently express just how strong her emotions for Kodaka are. And for those of you who are think like me, I couldn’t help but grin after watching how the club handled Kodaka’s cop out to the final dare — not only did it improve my opinions on Rika but it’s nice to know that they all have each other’s backs.

All in all it was another good episode of Haganai. With a slight change in pacing during the first half which was completely made up for during the second, there was a nice balance of cutesy feelings and the dirty humor that makes this show worth watching. Throw in the surprise that Kodaka is apparently engaged to Sena and it looks like things are just going to keep getting crazier.

P.S. Did anyone notice how bad the fried chicken looked when Maria had it on her chopstick? Just want to make sure it just wasn’t me.



End Card

January 25, 2013 at 10:02 pm Comments (68)

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha – 04

「そんなことになったら勇者に噛みついてやる!」 (Sonna Kotoni Nattara Yuusha ni Kamitsuite Yaru!)
“If That Happens, I’ll Take a Bite Out of the Hero!”

This episode hit its high note early with the impressive negotiations between Maou and Seinen Shounin, but after that I was feeling the lack of Maou x Yuusha. May the distance make their hearts grow fonder…even if it doesn’t appear to be doing that right now. Yuusha, you doutei baka!

Negotiating with Seinen Shounin

I knew this negotiation was going to be a serious one as soon as I saw the Alliance merchants rolling up. Compared to the Church, the Alliance has been painted as a menacing force from the beginning, and they did little to dispel that this time. Negotiations that feature masked mercenaries skulking in the woods and vengeful ghosts floating unknown above them? Talk about tense.

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Lonely Without Yuusha

With Maou and Yuusha not directly interacting this episode, most of the rabu-rabu fun came from Maou being lonely without him. First of all, Meido Chou giving Maou extra flak about her useless meat was just hilarious! I love how she takes her nervousness out on her master (and sometimes just for shits and giggles). The rest of her loneliness just tore at my heart though. It seemed so…so needless.

I’m conflicted on Yuusha this episode. Part of it is because I’m a fair bit more experienced than him, so the answer to his problems is as clear to me as it was to Meido Chou: talk to her. That’s what she was saying with that “everything about you belongs to my master” speech. If I have to say it a thousand times I will, but communication is at the heart of any healthy relationship, and it’s better to just get it out there and talk to her than worry by yourself, you baka doutei!

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Looking Ahead

Speaking of crappy politicians, the human world is proving that they still have plenty of those. There’s another senseless war brewing, so it looks like we may get a little action after all. With Yuusha looking like he’ll finally appear in front of Maou again, maybe we’ll get back to the rabu-rabu too? I hope so!

tl;dr: @StiltsOutLoud – Tense negotiations net Maou a new ally & a new suitor. Meanwhile, Yuusha is still conflicted as a new war brews. All in a day’s work #Maoyuu

Random thoughts:

  • A subtle thing, but I liked how Maou openly spoke about how her clothes were to give her a better negotiating position. Does calling out such a thing lessen its power? Not really. Everyone knows the game, so by openly stating it she shows how savvy she is. That means she has to perform at that level, but so long as she backs up her bullshit it’s only an advantage…and if she can’t, she would have been screwed anyway.
  • Yuusha is popular with some very strange women. Does he have a charm spell on or something? Better watch out, Yuusha. That doesn’t always end well. (spoiler alert!)
  • Looks like her dakimakura is back. Oh Maou, FOREVER ALONE!! (Not really)
  • An armada of 200 warships holding 7000 people. Is it just me, or does that sound like a normal scrape by comparable historical standards? As sad as that is.
  • Perhaps the most interesting thing about the coming conflict were some of the character’s reactions. The Fuyu no Ouji (lit: Prince of Winter, Hirakawa Daisuke) showed himself to be a firm idealist, while his butler Rou Yumihei (lit: Old Archer, Ginga Banjou) played the pragmatist. Most impressive to me though was Meido Ane. She wants to learn to fight? There is iron in that girl’s spine, and a damn good head on her shoulders. I look forward to the role she’ll continue to play in this story, which I have a feeling will be outsized for a meido…though really, the same could be said about Meido Chou as well. Viva la meidos!

Full-length images: 01, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 24, 26, 27, 29.



January 25, 2013 at 6:29 pm Comments (80)

Mondai-Ji-tachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? – 03

「お風呂であんなコトやこんなコトだそうですよ?」 (Ofuro de Anna Koto ya Konna Koto da Sou Desu yo?)
“Sounds Like We’re Doing All Sorts of Stuff in the Bath Together?”

You is badass. Every time I say that it feels like I’m breaking all the laws of English grammar. It almost hurts to do it. But she really is, even if she wasn’t the one who won this time. Every week I find I like Mondaiji more, purely because these characters are only getting better and better as we learn more about them through their actions. While there is a fair bit of exposition at times (mostly surrounding the powers), when it comes to the characters themselves, Mondaiji abides strictly by the rule of ‘show don’t tell‘ and this earns it massive points from me. It helps a lot that the characters are both shameless and somehow noble at the same time.

I love that the trio have already slipped comfortably into considering the community as their own. You just wants to make friends (the grammar… it hurts…), Asuka seems like the kind of girl who might be used to taking charge of organisations, and Izayoi has his own desire to have fun and destroy anything strong. It’s impressive just how much Izayoi’s actions towards Jin speak about his personality. While yes, his core motive is essentially personal gain, he could still have presented his own name to the masses, his own deeds granting him the reputation needed to build his own band from the ground up. Yet instead he chooses to help Jin rebuild their nameless community while being the true force behind it, getting none of the recognition. At heart he’s a good guy. A self-centred one maybe, but still a good guy.

With no name or flag to represent them, reputation is really the only thing their community has left. Before anything (and Stilts could probably chime in on this better than I can), they needed a name to stand at the forefront, something people could remember and pass on to others. Jin’s name is probably logically the better choice, being constructed in a manner familiar to inhabitants of the world whereas Izayoi’s is foreign and there are claims that due to the way the memory works, it’s harder to memorise foreign names than it is those in your native language (perhaps someone could confirm whether this actually holds any real truth). Now that we have a memorable name, a reputation is required so that people have a reason to care and spread the word to others while simultaneously drawing in both new recruits and potential foes. Establishing a somewhat controversial reputation is amongst the quickest ways to spread the word (controversy tends to spread faster and wider than any other kind of marketing) and help the community grow in strength much faster than it otherwise would. What better way to cause controversy than to claim to have the power to easily overthrow the most powerful beings in the world order?

Of course, neither You nor Izayoi (just kill me now) were the ones to shine this episode. That honour went to Asuka (though You is really fucking badass). I always suspected there would be more to her gift, revealed this week to be ‘Authority’, and it turns out I was right. The logical assumption based on its name is that it would allow her to command almost anything, animate or not. It seems that’s not quite the case though – instead it allows her to control gifts. I’m not entirely certain as to how this works since it was phrased rather vaguely – at this point it seems to essentially allow her to use any gift, but by command rather than instinctively. Whether this is actually how it works, I’m not quite sure. Perhaps future episodes will clarify.

Amidst all that went on, there was a casual remark about a former member of the community, once Demon Lord and now reduced to a slave being sold off as a prize in one of the Gift Games. This was actually quite an effective remark – not only does it tell us what to expect in future episodes and hint at a new comrade, but it gives us a glimpse into the world itself without the need for lengthy exposition. If one can go from being a Demon Lord to a mere slave, ranks in the Little Garden must be rather transitory – it will be interesting to learn exactly what gives people their ranks and whether anyone can become a Demon Lord through sheer power alone. The other thing which has greatly piqued my curiosity is just what Leticia Drakurea’s (Tatsumi Yukio) plan could be. She obviously wants something from the trio and Jin appears to be acquainted with her. I guess we’ll find out as the series continues!

tl;dr: @MoombaDS – More badassery, Asuka’s moment in the spotlight, and Kurousagi being adorable! #Mondaiji

Random thoughts:

  • Watching Calico Cat screw around this episode was entertaining! For a cat, she (calico cats are almost always female right?) certainly seems fond of water!
  • It never fails to fascinate and amuse me just how casually Izayoi handles his ridiculous power. It’s one of the highlights of the show for me. This is what I meant when I referred to Kenshi from Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari last week. Not that their personalities are similar, but in how nonchalantly their power levels are handled.
  • I see Shiroyasha is quite into fetish wear!
  • Given how adorable she is, Kurousagi is certainly an ideal vessel for this!
  • I absolutely love this scene – that funny moment where the lights turn on and you realise the two characters have been talking in the dark for no real reason other than ‘atmosphere‘. It’s clever – a nice jab at ‘dark’ shows that love to do that kind of thing all the time.

Full-length images: 08, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20, 24, 32, 36.



End Card

January 25, 2013 at 3:59 pm Comments (45)

Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai 217 – Yui is scarred for life

Development wise, this was a rather skimpy chapter. There have been a fair few of them during this current arc. It was rather entertaining to see the younger Yui and Mio screwing about as ‘hostile aliens’ and Keima’s (somewhat creepy) use of his future knowledge to convince them that he was in fact from outer space. A clever tactic for sure! Keima seems to be ending up naked quite frequently these days too. It seems that only so many chapters can go by without someone stripping him down. I wonder if there’s a commentary there somewhere…

The only really interesting developments were Yanagi’s reaction to the joking suggestion that she should become Urara’s mother (it feels like this has some significance) and the impending discussion between the fathers (and grandfather) of the three girls. I can only hope that this discussion will bring some revelations. Perhaps all three actually have connections to the devils? We can only wait and see!

tl;dr: @MoombaDS – Not much in the way of plot, but plenty of moe moe antics this week! #TWGOK

January 25, 2013 at 12:45 pm Comments (10)

Vividred Operation – 03

「本当の強さ」 (Hontou no Tsuyosa)
“True Strength”

You know for the first few minutes, I spent the whole time thinking “I could use a bike like that for when I’m late”. Like you know, when I need to take a shortcut via the sea or something. Then I realized that this was always a possibility and I can’t swim so… heh. Guess that wouldn’t be too good of an idea. And no, before anyone says it, I can’t transform (yet). Would be a fun way to get to class though. Well whatever.

Anyway, I don’t know about you, but Vividred’s really starting to remind me of Star Driver from Fall 10′-Winter 11′. They’re just so similar. Both are ridiculously over the top, both have transformation sequences for the main characters, and best of all—they’re both seriously fun to watch. Sure, the series doesn’t necessarily break any new ground in terms of personalities—in fact, it seems to intentionally jack some respects from other series I’ve watched before—but the way everything’s put together makes it worth watching regardless. I mean, Saegusa’s personality for example. It’s definitely something many of us have seen before, but combining that and her antics with Akane (that duel, chasing her across the school, sending her a love letter challenge etc.) and that epic Vividgreen Operation still made it well worth the price of admission. And boy, was that Final Operation this week epic.

The sad part though, is that the series seems like it’s being rushed slightly. The whole sequence with Saegusa acquiring her key and docking with Akane felt like it was streamlined just to fit the end of this episode… but I guess it’s not too surprising considering they only have 12 episodes to work with. Gosh darn though, I really wouldn’t mind if the series was a few episodes longer at this point. Ugh. Alas…

Either way, the cast is starting to come together, as Saegusa joins as the third (or would it be fourth counting our arrow wielding friend here?) member of our Vivid operation group. Looks like we’ll get Shinomiya following shortly, and what can I say? There’s no words to describe how much I’m just looking forward to the ridiculous transformation, docking, and fighting scenes we’re undoubtedly going to get in the future. And well, that’s about it. Short, sweet, and to the point. I’ll let the extra screenshots and the few full lengths below do the rest of the talking.

Some side notes:

  • Some extra bits about the Alone this episode, as it’s revealed that they seem to leech energy off the Engine.
  • That whole sword grabbing sequence… along with a few other miscellaneous scenes… really reminded me of Rinne no Lagrange.
  • Full-length images: 35, 38, 42.


    ED2 Sequence

    ED2: 「STEREO COLORS」 by 綾音 佐倉 (Ayane Sakura) & 大坪 由佳 (Yuka Ootsubo)


    January 25, 2013 at 10:45 am Comments (65)

    Sasami-san@Ganbaranai – 03

    「働いたら負け」 (Hataraitara Make)
    “You lose if you work”

    It seems to be a Shaft tradition to make sense without making any sense at all. Most of what goes on in Sasami-san@Ganbaranai has explanations rooted in Shintoism mixed with some entertaining antics from the rather quirky gods that seem to populate its world. This episode in particular certainly provides plenty in the way of exposition. But at the end of the day, so much goes on which seems barely grounded in rational thought that I can never be entirely sure if everything is quite making sense. Just like this paragraph really.

    Sasami and Kamiomi’s relationship is rather an important aspect of Sasami-san@Ganbaranai. To date, it’s formed a core part of the series, particularly in the first episode where his affection for her was what led to a world made of chocolate. That’s why it’s nice to have an episode which focuses on explaining how exactly their relationship came to be the way it is in the first place. Strict families that train every generation for specific roles are not even remotely uncommon in fiction. Incestual relationships within powerful families and bloodlines is not an uncommon theme either, heck, the Egyptians did it! It kind of makes sense in this instance, where Amaterasu’s power can apparently only be passed on to one with very similar DNA.

    Being raised to be the vessel for a god’s power really helps to make it clear why Sasami acts as she does. Even for a hikikomori, she’s always been rather on the princessy side – always expecting everything to be done for her and hardly seeming capable of doing most of it herself. Heck, the previews for each episode so far have really emphasised this, with this week’s one giving a rather entertaining picture of what Sasami considers to be cooking. Her hold on her brother was also something rather extreme given how quickly he would respond to her every whim. It makes a lot more sense when you take into account that he was raised as little more than a slave to serve as her tool. This also gives another explanation for why his face is always hidden – he’s nothing more than a faceless tool in the eyes of others. He has no true identity of his own. It’s actually kind of funny that hiding his face is an actual thing within the anime’s world as much as it is a metaphor directed at us, the viewers.

    Truth be told, I wondered for part of the episode whether or not Sasami’s possession of Amaterasu’s power (or Kamiomi’s belief to that effect) had any bearing on how much he dotes upon her – whether he served her so diligently in part because she was basically the living incarnation of a god with power over creation. Given that he was willing to sacrifice himself to allow her to keep living her ‘normal’ life once he discovered that the power had supposedly been transferred to him, I guess it had no bearing whatsoever. I also can’t fully decide whether Sasami decided to run away with him because she needed someone to keep looking after her, for the sake of familiarity and some semblance of her old lifestyle, or because she actually cared for him. Her struggles in venturing outside her house certainly seem to point to the latter, but her general treatment of him as a tool seems to suggest the former. I suppose, for now, I’ll err towards the latter since her treatment of him could probably mostly be blamed upon her upbringing, and she certainly does seem to care a lot. It’s hard to blame Kamiomi for how he acts for pretty much the same reason too (and doting on the ones you love is always fun – okay that’s not really doting)!

    Though he never truly possessed it, Kamiomi’s grip on the power of Amaterasu was (and perhaps still is?) somewhat terrifying. Sasami was raised and drugged to have no desires that might prove problematic, but he was not. All it takes is a strong desire and people start getting trapped in video games or turned into chocolate. Good lord I’d hate to imagine the disaster if Tama ended up with it. You wouldn’t give a flighty child access to super weapons – why would you give her ultimate power over all of creation? I was actually a little surprised by some of the revelations this week, particularly learning that Tsurugi is Amaterasu herself. She’s… well… not what I would’ve expected from a goddess with absolute authority over everything. Still awesome though. But definitely crazy. She is, however, the kind of person I could imagine giving her power away on a whim.

    While I really like Sasami-san@Ganbaranai so far, there are certainly some questionable elements to some of the plot resolutions. I did originally wonder in my first post whether Sasami’s inability to go outside was psychological or had darker roots, but the simplicity with which it was revealed and thrust aside in this episode was somewhat disappointing. I guess her ability to go outside now is sort of a good thing, but I hope it won’t be accompanied by a complete change in mannerisms only three episodes in. Part of the charm of the series is in Sasami’s personality and how she views the world around her – it would be a little sad to lose that.

    tl;dr: @MoombaDS – A glimpse into the backgrounds of the two siblings and how they came to be who they are today. #Sasamisan

    Random thoughts:

    • I’m not really sure what to say about the Hare of Inaba. It had its parallels with the rest of the show and characters of course, but it didn’t feel like it had all that much relevance to the rest of the episode. It was just kind of there.
    • The moment I noticed the random extra arm typing on Sasami’s keyboard, I wondered what was going on. Her reaction was priceless!
    • Having a third arm for drinking tea would be so useful (I’m sure my girlfriend will attest to this)!
    • Sending tanks and choppers against godlike beings was clearly never going to work!
    • That art clash is particularly… uh… dodgy.
    • To be honest, every week so far has left me completely clueless as to where the series is going to go next. I’m not really sure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I kind of like it! Even the previews are vague!

    Full-length images: 02.


    ED1.03 Sequence

    ED: 「浸透圧シンフォニー」 (Shintouatsu Symphony) by 阿澄佳奈 (Asumi Kana)


    End Card

    January 25, 2013 at 6:41 am Comments (23)

    FAIRY TAIL 316 – The Future Accelerates Towards Despair

    The dragons are back!


    Kagura tells Erza to save Millianna. When Minerva hears that, she releases the cat girl and says that Millianna is unable to fight. Sabertooth receives points again. Erza notices several cuts on her fallen friend’s back. Minerva reveals that she had some fun with the girl because she was tired of waiting, and she enjoyed hearing her screams. This makes Erza furious.

    Moving on to Gajeel’s battle against Rogue – it seems like the former is at an advantage until the latter pisses him off by saying that Natsu was stronger.

    Leaving that, we find ourselves in the middle of a fight between Orga and Laxus. Soon Jura joins them and it becomes a fight between three strong magi.

    Juvia and Chelia seem to be on par with each other. Both of them have some romantic issues. Suddenly, both their love interests show up (Gray and Lyon). Juvia misinterprets what Gray says to her and turns the conversation into a comedic one.

    In another side of the city, team Natsu seems to be lost. The future Lucy wakes up and informs the rest of the team that they will be captured by the royal army after they escape from Hell Palace because they’ll pass the Eclipse gate while running away, and that will make them unable to use magic. Wendy asks Lucy why she came back from the future. It seems like princess Hisui is having a similar conversation with Darton. Apparently, Fiore will be attacked by 10000 dragons. Whether or not this may happen depends on the result of the tournament.

    There are so many things going on in this week’s chapter; I don’t really know where to begin. I guess I’ll just assort my thoughts in some sort of chronological order. First of all – Minerva. Perhaps I’m being repetitive by bashing this character every week, but I can’t help it. This character has the most dislikeable personality I’ve come across in a long while. Torturing someone who obviously is weaker than you to kill time? What a great king! [/sarcasm] I really can’t stand this [insert negative word for emphasis] woman, but at the same time, she is definitely a great villain. I enjoy seeing villains I dislike being defeated in glorious ways, and I believe Erza will be victorious. Of course, it won’t be easy, and she might not even win, but I can’t see anyone else taking down Minerva. And now that Erza is angry, an epic fight is about to take place.

    Gajeel’s battle seems less important than Natsu’s (against the Dragon Slayers) was. It seems like most of the fights are being fast forwarded. While I’m glad that the plot is progressing rapidly, I think that people who only read the manga might find it quite frustrating. While Natsu is my favourite character, I don’t think it’s fair that his battle was so magnificent while Gajeel’s seems rather irrelevant. I really hope that Gajeel and Rogue are treated well because I’ve been looking forward to their duel for quite a while now. The same applies to all the other battles of course. Now that Jura has joined Laxus’ fight against Orga, things will be intense. While I do expect Laxus to take down Orga, I don’t know if he’ll be able to handle Jura. I don’t know what to expect from their battle really, but I really hope that it’s going to be amazing. As for Juvia’s fight… It feels like it will be treated as a comedy skit rather than a serious battle. I don’t expect much from it but the crazy fangirl Juvia is always something positive!

    So now that all the battles are on, I really wonder how someone winning this could lead to a war between mankind and dragons. While it doesn’t come as a surprise that ten thousand dragons will be involved in the terrible future, it’s still really exciting news to me. I wonder if this has anything to do with whatever Sting is plotting? Or maybe someone used Eclipse to bring them back? Whatever happens, I’m sure it will be exhilarating! I’m really interested in seeing a war, so I hope that Lucy or Hisui elaborates a bit more on the disaster. Something else that would be interesting to see in this are the whereabouts of Igneel, Metalicana, and Grandeeney. Ahh, there is so much going on in FAIRY TAIL now. This truly is one of the most thrilling arcs of this series. Why can’t it be next Friday already?

    Moete kitazou!

    January 25, 2013 at 4:41 am Comments (25)

    Zetsuen no Tempest – 15

    「何やら企んでいるようであり」 (Naniyara Takurande Iru Youdeari)
    “You Seem to Be Plotting Something”

    If there’s one thing you need to understand from this episode, it’s that even mages need to collect supplies (gotta buy em flashy underwear)… at bargain prices only New Year’s sales can give. Mahiro finds this out the hard way this week, and it sets up for some nice comedy that only the super strange pair of Mahiro and Samon can give us.

    Suffice to say though, this was one of those times where Zetsuen once again demonstrates how it’s anything but another show. Despite the overall seriousness of the story line and the fact we have a world that’s in any shape but normal, it just manages to sneak some pretty darn hilarious moments in—all without making it seem out of place either. I mean, more than half the episode had me laughing at some point in time—especially the moments where Hanemura calls out Mahiro for his “sister complex” (how bout that reaction?), both Hakaze and Mahiro simultaneously realize they’re in love, Evangeline has to make that lightning escape after Hanemura overuses his power, and when Hakaze’s so flustered about realizing she’s in love that she just nonchalantly gives permission for Takumi’s plan. Just some funny stuff.

    Notably though, Zetsuen also continues its trend of being anything but predictable (and in a good way), as we constantly shift between moments of seriousness and comedy all throughout this episode. In the end though, nothing trumps that last twist where we’re made to think Evangeline and Takumi’s planning some epic, super serious plan… and it ends up being a public debut of the Mage of Exodus clad in some ridiculous outfit. Granted, the overall intent of the plan is quite serious in that it will help them find out more about both the Tree of Genesis and Tree of Zetsuen, as well as the extent to which they can control the world’s logic, but I couldn’t help but laugh at that last scene regardless.

    Moving back up a bit though, I found the whole discussion between Hakaze and Yoshino to be quite interesting. I’ve mentioned this before, but their whole whole dialogue about “how a billion people disappeared, but the people there are just living on with no sense of danger as if nothing happened,” just feels like a powerful commentary on human nature. On one hand, it’s sad that humans are the type of species that will inevitably forget about things, even if like the Zetsuen universe, that event involved a billion people disappearing overnight. On the flip side though, it’s also a testament to human resilience and our ability to cope with adversity. Just another one of the many paradoxes that make up our existence.

    Along these lines, another interesting topic of discussion pops up from Samon and Mahiro’s conversation:

    “Suppose the world was destroyed and a God appeared before you. Would you prefer that it say you could have done nothing to change the outcome? Or that, had you not given up, you might have affected the result?”

    It’s an intriguing question without a doubt, but the big thing here is that Samon and Mahiro—despite the obvious strangeness that comes with them associating with each other and being on “the same team”—are actually quite similar in how they just both don’t know when to give up. It really is true what they say. Sometimes birds of a feather flock together, but other times, it’s exactly because you’re too similar (and/or remind you of/have a trait you hate about yourself) that you just hate someone.

    Overall, I gotta say I don’t have a single clue where Zetsuen’s going to lead us at this point. Normally I’d be making a big stink about how this wouldn’t bode too well, but with the skill this series has accomplished its twists and plot development, this is one of those rare scenarios where I’m perfectly fine with not knowing where the series is headed despite it being mid-way through.

    Some other random things:

  • I love how Kaji Yuki just constantly ends up playing similar type roles.
  • That whole Yu-chan explanation is quite suspicious… I get the feeling she either doesn’t exist… or is no longer alive.
  • Mahiro suddenly started looking quite fabulous mid-way through the ep. Also, he really could use some work on his interrogation technique.
  • The Evangeline x Natsumura pairing’s really gaining some steam recently. At this rate I’m going to run out of spear jokes! (Shakespeare –> I shake my spear at thee!).
  • Gotta love Sawashiro and her acting with Hakaze.


    January 24, 2013 at 7:34 pm Comments (39)

    Kotoura-san – 03

    「嬉しくて、楽しくて」 (Ureshikute, Tanoshikute)
    “So Happy, So Fun”

    Three episodes have passed, allowing more than enough time for Kotoura-san to at least show off some of its stuff. How’d it do? We’ll see below.

    First thing’s first though–address the inevitable rage that’ll be directed at Moritani. Alright, it’s obvious that she’s effed up for sending her dojo admirers to beat up the guy she likes, I’ll give you that. She basically used the kindness of a group without caring about their scenario to “send a message” to Manabe…all without caring about the subsequent wounds her own dojo mates suffered. That’s messed up, unarguably so. Despite that, it’s much more beneficial to look past that disgusting grime, two positive messages have sprung from this scenario.

    First, Kotoura is an admirable character for not brandishing her powers against Moritani. Whether or not she actually hates Moritani at this point is irrelevant–what matters is that Kotoura consciously refuses to exact a revenge against the people who antagonize her. Some commenters in episode one expressed in the comments how you would act differently in Kotoura’s scenario, becoming more pessimistic and retributive. One would expect that to be the natural reaction, yet Kotoura, despite all the shit that’s happened to her, has taken the morally high ground and chases after her source of happiness rather than say…crush the source of her sorrows.

    This naturally leads to the second positive message: Moritani finally sees Kotoura as a person, except not just as a person. Moritani finally recognizes that Kotoura’s mental resilience and maturity far surpasses her own, rather than some rival that’s carelessly taking away her happiness. Her ego has finally cracked from the sword of public humiliation brandished at her throat, with her redemption and desire to reconcile resulting from said sword not striking her down. Of course Kotoura and Moritani will end up friends due to the OP/ED, but there’s more to the revelation than the obvious conclusion. This revelation is more important than in standard romantic comedy due to the other dramatic factors that still remain. Like I stated last episode, it seems clear that Mifune has not converted so quickly to become Kotoura’s true friend, but rather is putting up quite the deceptive layer to achieve her goals. With Moritani quickly sliding up to join Kotoura’s group of friends, we will be seeing an interesting shift, where Kotoura’s former enemy actually becomes her best friend while at the same time discovering the deceptive ploy of another. While I don’t doubt Mifune’s conversion in becoming a pure friend in the future, seeing her guise finally be lifted, to see her hidden atonement agenda behind the hidden layer be laid bare…that’ll be drama to look forward to in the future.

    All of this setup would’ve made a wonderful climax to the third episode, except that the storyboarding and timing was definitely rushed. While it is worth applause for the staff to have created such a great story from the 4koma, the limitations of the 4koma have seriously shown themselves this episode. I would’ve preferred they have added original material to time the episode better, since most of the drama was compressed into a 10 minute segment, all concluding with some dramatic shifts that haven’t had the time to build up or settle in our hearts very long. The speed of the scenes only serves to make the drama more cheesier than it could’ve avoided, undermining Kotoura-san’s potential to becomes a truly amazing show. People rooting for the drama will find their hopes challenged today, perhaps lamenting at the show’s focus on comedy this episode and subsequent shifts towards a romantic comedy style. I would argue though that the comedy really isn’t that bad for the drama or itself and does serve a purpose, though subtle. A majority of the comedic scenarios portrayed in the show have served to reinforce two ideas in the show: Mifune’s efforts on being the most shrouded and misread character as I stated above, but also Manabe being the purest character (his jumps surpass Junichi’s in Amagami SS).

    Although equipped with dirty thoughts that make Kotoura cringe every 5 minutes, Manabe’s consistency with his words and his mind make him one of the most reliable male leads I’ve seen in awhile. His character refuses to put up with shit, is always thinking of someone other than himself, and actually takes pride in the promises he make (as seen at the end of this episode). Judging from the reactions in the comments about Manabe, his ability to be open about everything while being free from ulterior motives makes him a role model of sorts to a good number of people, especially with his ability to react appropriately to any situation, whether comically to a love umbrella or seriously in the face of danger. His backbone is a trait sought after in many male leads, representing a certain competence that almost all of us can appreciate.

    But alas, Kotoura is now gone, most likely back to her grandfathers or in the safety of a shrine, with a fourth of the show complete. Now is the time to ask: will you continue on with Kotoura-san, or have the hooks from episode one faded too much to continue? I for one will continue to blog this show to the end and I hope you do the same with continuing to watch and comment. Despite the pacing stumbles and the overdramatic moments, I believe Kotoura-san has defined itself from the rest of the crowd enough to be a keeper for its honest message, likable characters, and above all else daring attitude to bring this 4koma drama to life.

    Full-length images: 4, 5, 9, 21, 24, 31, 34.



    January 24, 2013 at 3:49 pm Comments (85)

    Bleach 524 – What Kills You Makes You Stronger

    Not surprisingly, Zaraki is quickly overwhelmed by Unohana as she effortlessly evades his strikes and wounds him multiple times. Along with her katana, Unohana also uses some small blades for combat, possibly as a throwing weapon, and her tactics are brutally effective as she soon has Zaraki backed in a wall with a blade at his throat. Zaraki clearly respects her alot (likely the only person he ever respected and feared) due to her sheer combat prowess, to the point that he sheds tears. Of course the whole thing would be rather meaningless if he was killed right there, but at one point it does seem as if Unohana had run her sword through his throat. Zaraki notices this as well and possibly loses consciousness, but in the next moment his own sword is back in his hand, blocking Unohana’s blade. Given the consistency of the location of the blood splatters on her face, I don’t think this was just some trick of the mind. I’m guessing this is all part of the “training”, as Unohana is somehow forcing him back from death as a way to make him stronger. In her inner monologue, she cryptically mentions his oversight over her “sin”, which could be some mistake she made in the past that’s related to how he’s able to return from the dead. Without further explanation it will be hard to judge exactly what’s going on, but I am really, really praying that neither of them will actually die; it doesn’t help that Isane is grieving as if the note from Unohana was a farewell. Either way, I’m glad that their fight was not skipped over, and I hope that more of it will be shown.

    January 24, 2013 at 9:52 am Comments (53)

    Tamako Market – 03

    「クールなあの子にあっちっち」 (Kuuruna Ano Ko ni Acchicchi)
    “Hot for a Cool Girl”

    Ahhh, to be young and bashful again. Compared to our cast of lovable extroverts, the noticeably introverted Asagiri Shiori sure is a change. This was only partially a Shiori episode though, as Dera once again went about stealing the show.

    Dera’s New Love, and his True Destiny

    I’m sorry, but I just found Dera hilarious this episode. He just had that smooth, but not as smooth as he would have preferred thing going, that awkwardness dribbled over some legitimately gentlemanly actions (and slightly dubious intentions) that is so familiar to anyone who has spent time out on the dating scene. In fact, by the end I was referring to them as ‘gambits’ or ‘moves’, and laughing when he rolled into one, unexpectedly succeeded, or failed spectacularly. I especially enjoyed when his oh-I’m-so-lost gambit unexpectedly worked (you can pick up girls like that? I should try it out sometime…), as well as when he flagrantly flopped over (“No, I mean…I’m not okay!”) to get her to come over again. If Shiori were more experienced with such things, she probably wouldn’t have fallen for his crap, but he did it with awkward style, just like most men do. Also, there’s the fact that he’s a bird.

    Show More ▼

    Bashful Shiori-san

    While Dera brought the funny, Shiori brought the cute. I have a feeling she’s a character that many will either be able to relate to, or feel a nearly irrepressible desire to protect (or just befriend. She just wants some friends!). To many folks, the hardest part about talking to new people is getting started, but the first part after that isn’t much easier. That she couldn’t even do that without running away is rough…but also very cute.

    I am glad that Tamako kept after her, and that Dera – as dubious as his intentions may have been – actually did help her get closer to Tamako. True, he told her it would be better if she talked to Tamako herself because he wanted her to come over again, but he was still right! Sometimes music may speak louder than words, but you still need to spit those words out so that others can be sure of where they stand. Dera’s narration over the last scene summarized the theme nicely:

    Sometimes, words are hard to find. Sometimes, words just aren’t enough. The things we want to say never quite reach. But one day, they will.

    Amen, Dera-chan. Been there. You creepy bird you.

    Looking Ahead

    So far, Tamako Market is doing a good job of giving us gradual character development; it doesn’t feel like a lot happens in each episode, but there’s always an important shift for at least one character that carries over into the following episodes. There were hints of that in this episode with Midori, and I’m sure Shiori will get the same going forward.

    So who’s next? It looks like it’s going to be Anko (Anko: “Call Anko An!” Stilts: “Okay, okay. An-chan”). A non-tsundere Hidaka Rina imouto in the spotlight? Yesplz!

    tl;dr: @StiltsOutLoud – Sometimes, the right words are hard to say. It’s worth it when you do, though. Also: Dera has some moves! That creepy bird #tamakomarket

    Random thoughts:

    • Kanna’s locker fetish was just weird. I hope she gets her time in the spotlight soon, just so we can figure out what makes her tick.
    • Here’s a fun drinking game: take a shot every time you see a bunny in an episode of Tamako Market. It’s fun! Disclaimer: RandomC is not responsible for any mishaps or accidents that happen as a result of playing this drinking game. Seriously, those things are hidden everywhere. Don’t die.
    • The sensei who was absurdly happy about his new marriage is a nice character. Even better though would be if shit went all Shinobu/Urobuchi on him, with his life spiraling swiftly out of control as he sinks deeper and deeper into a twisted abyss of depression and despair brought about by everything he knows and loves being torn inexorably away around him…only for the rest of the show to proceed as normal. Wait–what’s wrong with me?!
    • Though this is more relevant to last episode, I only realized it after the fact, so here it is: re-watch the ED. Did you notice that scene where Midori is peeking out from inside the locker? Symbolism is fun!

    Full-length images: 14.



    January 23, 2013 at 8:31 pm Comments (94)

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